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【douchez 球员详细页面】球哥被交易都怪他爹!口无遮拦害了儿子!连巴克利都忍无可忍

Charles Barkley on the Ballfather: "Wherever Ball is, there's a village missing an idiot. We should just keep him off television. That would be the best way to be. It's really unfair to his son. His son is a good player and a nice kid."


[–]RaptorsFutureAnybody 764 赞

"Wherever Ball is, there's a village missing an idiot." lmao this is hilarious


[–]NBAnomad80 3595 赞

he’s an idiot in all 50 states

Chuck you glorious glorious man



[–]Jon_ofAllTrades 271 赞

Lonzo to Toronto confirmed.


[–][LAL] Kareem Abdul-JabbarNotYourAverageWaffle 559 赞

He would fit perfectly in Florida!


[–]SpursSnappySnoot 340 赞

Breaking: Lonzo traded to the Magic for Markelle Fultz and an unlimited supply of Popeyes chicken


[–][NYK] Amar'e Stoudemirezionistwilliamson 240 赞

whoever is getting the chicken is getting a steal. an endless supple of popeyes chicken, unlimited by physics, will solve world hunger and malnutrition, while also making you one of the richest and most powerful people on the planet.


[–]SpursSnappySnoot 159 赞

Brandon Ingram might finally be able to weigh more than ten pounds.


[–]76ersefranklin13 2716 赞

“The ballfather”

I can’t decide whether this nickname is dope or sucks



[–][TOR] OG AnunobyRossTheBossPalmer 1627 赞

It’s dope and he sucks.


[–]LakersSweetNSourChickenAss 363 赞

Ballfather, give me strength


[译注1]模仿雷神在妇联三里说的“Allfathers, give me strength”(众神之父们啊,赐予我力量吧)

[–]Mavericks_tx 265 赞

I feel like it works better if another Ball makes it in the league.


[–]76ersefranklin13 229 赞

Lamelo probably will


[–]KingsMarginalSalmon 116 赞

For real.. That most recent video of him showcases his passing and that he has a much better shot than Lonzo


[–][deleted] 154 赞

Lamelo still had a very weird shooting motion. Too much movement with his guide hand and a low set point.

Fun fact, Lamelo is actually left handed but Lavar forced him to be right handed.

Source: Both Melo and Gelo were born left-handed. “I changed that,” he says.




[–]RocketsWatson4Harden13 1751 赞

I agree with Chuck. There are people that hate Lonzo just because of Lavar's dumb comments.


[–]coolstorryhansel 721 赞

When Lonzo came into the league I definitely hated him because of his father. I grouped them all under his umbrella in my head, but it's definitely changed since seeing him play and interact in the media. I can't wait to see how he performs out of the LA limelight and LeBron pressure.


[–][MIA] Anfernee HardawayChaseH9499 575 赞

I’m gonna keep it real, Lonzo seems like the only decent male in the family. Lavar is a loud shithead, Li nearly caused an international incident, and LaMelo seems like a huge douche. Good on Lonzo for making it out of that environment with a decent head on his shoulders


[–][MIN] Ricky RubioPM_ME_SKYLINES 366 赞

LaMelo was like 15 when he came into the spotlight. it’s very rare to find a 15 year old with background like that who isn’t a tad bit over-the-top


[–][DAL] Deron Williamsnman95 248 赞

Dude might be one of the stupidest kids around.

I remember when LaMelo was clowning some dude heavy because he said Philadelphia was a great city and Melo was like " LMAO you dumbass Philly is a state fool, how can you be so dumb".

It's honestly kind of sad how dumb he and Gelo are lol




[–][LAL] Kyle KuzmaHarjivS 107 赞

Went to Chino Hills High with them, I can confirm Melo was dumb as shit, idk about now. Gelo was in my friends French class that I would crash all the time, and he was in the back usually napping lol

湖人球迷:我跟二球和三球都是在Chino Hills高中念的书,我可以作证,三球当时确实蠢得难以企及,我不知道他现在有没有进步。我一个朋友跟二球上的一门法语课,我那会儿经常去蹭课,然后基本二球每次都在后排打瞌睡。

[–]Oilupto 142 赞

I’m sure people will take your word because it fits the circle jerk of the thread but people should take anonymous internet comments with the tinniest grain of salt possible.


关于作者: luda

