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一、Informal Words for Songs




There are two ways to define tune, the traditional way is as follows: A melody, especially one which characterizes a certain piece of music.


If you use tune in this way you are referring to a part of the song. However, people sometimes will just say “tune” rather than song in everyday speech. The meaning is exactly the same. So when someone says, “I like the new Blur tune” they simply mean, “I like the new Blur song,” referring to the whole song not just a part of it.


Examples 例子:

The DJ played some great tunes yesterday.




Track can also simply be used instead of song. In the days of compact discs, the songs were numbered so you could easily find the song you wanted to listen to. People would say,“Tracks 2, 3 and 5 are good but skip tracks 4 and 7, they’re no good”.


Examples 例子

The latest track by Blur is amazing!


What was that track you just played? I liked it.




Banger is a word used mostly to describe electronic dance and hip hop music. You can use banger to refer to the latest club tunes. “Hey did you hear the new banger by Daft Punk? It will blow your mind”.

Banger这个词专门用来形容电子音乐和嘻哈音乐。你可以用banger来形容你在夜店听到的歌曲。“你有没有听过Daft Punk新的音乐?你肯定会很惊讶。”


The new Jay Z track is a right banger!

Jay Z的新专简直是再赞不过的音乐了



A song that becomes super popular can be called a classic. However, in everyday speech anyone can call a song a classic. There are no rules. So, if you hear a song and you really like it you can say “That song is a classic!” But be warned, this does not mean that other people will agree with you!



Dylan has got so many classics.


Bob Marley made some classic records.

Bob Marley做过很多经典专辑。

Note, classic can also be used when talking about films, books or even experiences as well as music.




This refers to a very popular song. In music festivals, when this type of song is played, most of the crowd will know all the words and sing along. If it is a dance track everyone will get up and dance to it. It is very similar in meaning to a classic but there is more of an emphasis on the song being loud and that you would sing along to it or dance to it, kind of like the national anthem, just way cooler.


Examples 例子

Oasis has got some anthems.


The new track by Calvin Harris is going to be a summer anthem.

Calvin Harris的新歌是夏天口水歌

二、Informal Phrases


①Oh my God! That’s a wicked tune!


I remember when I was at school in the ‘90’s, my friends and I started saying wicked as an alternative to cool or great. The old meaning of wicked was bad and was often used like this by the older teachers, “That boy did a wicked (bad) thing”. As young people do, the meaning was changed so when someone says “That was a wicked tune” they mean “That was a cool/great tune”.


Examples 例子

The Gorillaz is a wicked band.


Lastly, wicked can be used in a non-musical context. So if your friend suggests you meet up and hang out, you can reply, “Wicked, let’s do it!”


②What a sick tune!


Have you ever heard someone say “What a sick tune!” and wondered what they meant? Well, they didn’t mean the drummer had thrown up all over the drums and somehow that got recorded onto the final cut of the record. Actually, sick also just means great, cool or amazing. So, next time you hear a song you like on the radio, on YouTube or in the club you can tell your friends, “Wow I just heard a sick tune”. You might also hear people say, “That was the sickest (greatest) thing I have ever heard”.

如果你有听到“what a sick tune”会想是什么意思吗?这不代表鼓手吐了一鼓子都是,然后不小心最后把整个过程全都录下来了。Sick代表的是好的、赞的、优秀的意思。所以下一次你在电台听到你喜欢的歌,或者Youtube上面或者是夜店里面听到歌,你可以告诉你的朋友:“啊,我刚听到的那首歌好赞。”你也可以听到别人说:“这是我听到的最最赞的音乐。”

Examples 例子

Goldie has made some sick tunes.


Just for your notes, skaters or other adrenaline sports junkies might say “Hey, did you see that trick, it was sick!” The meaning is the same: “It was amazing!”


③Last night, the band we saw had some killer tunes


For every DJ or band when they go to play a gig they must have some killer tunes to play to their audience. But, what are killer tunes? A simple definition is that these are the DJ’s or bands best songs. But this doesn’t mean that any killing is going to take place! No, it is a metaphor meaning these songs are so good that they cannot be compared to any other songs. They would metaphorically kill off any competition.

对于每一位DJ或者乐队来说,他们进行演出,对观众来说就需要有一些很好听的音乐。但是什么是killer tunes呢?简单定义来说就是DJ或者乐队最好的音乐。但是这不代表真的会发生killing(杀人)。这只是一种形象的手法表示这首歌很赞已经无法跟其他音乐比较了。他们已经在竞争中“杀”出重围了。

Examples 例子

It was amazing, the DJ played killer tunes all night long.


They are a good band. But they haven’t got any killer tunes.


④Turn it off, it’s too cheesy!


If the music is very simple and without subtlety, and/or the lyrics are corny and obvious (“I will always love you”, “You are my one and only,” etc.) you can say “This music is cheesy”, and accompany this phrase with a pretend sick noise “Urgh” for added effect. Just joking, you don’t need to do this last bit!!


So, when I look back at the music of my youth a lot of times I think, “That music is so cheesy, I can’t believe I liked it!”


It is not all negative though, liking cheesy music can also be a reminder of good times. In this case, you could say, “That music is so cheesy, but I don’t care I love it!”


Examples 例子

This music is very cheesy.


⑤It’s not really my thing


If someone asks you, “Do you want to listen to the new One Direction album?” you may instinctively want to reply, “No, I would rather eat a bowl full of broken glass.” But, you don’t want to annoy the person asking, so instead you can use the phrase, “It’s not really my thing”. It has a soft and indirect meaning, but still means no. By saying “not really my thing”, you are being vague as to the reason why you don’t want to listen to the song, therefore avoiding any clash with the other person.

如果有人问你:“你喜欢听One Direction的新专吗?”你可能本能得回答,“不,我宁愿去吃一碗碎玻璃。”但是你不想彻底恼怒对方,所以你可以用这么个词组“这不是我的菜。”这个词组的表达更委婉,但是还是表示不喜欢

Example 例子

Friend 1: Do you want to go to a heavy metal gig tomorrow?


Friend 2: Sorry, it’s not really my thing


Again like wicked and classic, this phrase can be used in other conversations such as when talking about films or books.


三、Words and Phrases Related to Dancing


①That groove is amazing!


Examples 例子

Great groove on that track.


We were grooving all night long (verb form meaning: dancing or enjoying the music).


②That is a funky tune


What is a funky tune? The definition in the Oxford Dictionary (2015) is: music that has, or uses a strong dance rhythm, in particular that of funk.

Funky tune是神马意思?2015年牛津词典定义:一种有很强节奏感的音乐,尤其是放克音乐。

Examples 例子

I love to listen to funky tunes.


Heard anything funky lately?


③Next Saturday, there’s a wicked rave happening!


Well, a rave in today’s language is a large electronic dance music party. When you go to a rave you might hear house, techno, dubstep, drum and bass music, or one of the other many genres of electronic music.


A person that goes to a rave is called a raver, and rave can be used as a verb as well, you can say, “I love raving!” So, next time you go to an all-night party with electronic dance music and DJ’s and you end up dancing all night, yes, you are now a raver!


Examples 例子

I’m going raving this weekend.


④Who feels like throwing some shapes?


Examples 例子

We were throwing shapes all night.


She can really throw some shapes.


四、How to Describe Music: Add a -Y

如何来描述音乐:加一个字母 -Y

The last of the fifteen words is not actually a word but a letter: the letter -Y. If you think that describing music is hard, you can just add a -y to the name of the genre and you have made it into an adjective. Then, you are able to describe music in a very simple but effective way.


Here are some examples of how to do this:


Blues布鲁斯- Bluesy布鲁斯的




Pop流行- Poppy流行的

Examples in sentences 例句

My friend writes bluesy songs.


I know you like folk music so I got you this CD. It’s very folky.


Mark plays funky music.


Also, I should explain that it is also perfectly fine to say “It was a blues tune, or “It was a funk tune”. By adding the -y, you are saying “The song is a little in the style of blues/pop/folk/jazz” or, “It has something of the blues/pop/folk/jazz about it.”


Lastly, with rock and rap music please be careful as we do not say, “That song is rocky” or, “That is a rappy tune.” Sorry, that’s the English language for you, full of irregularities that you just have to learn.


责任编辑: 鲁达

