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683rd article第683期双语推文

NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

People are usually awed by the roaring sea, but often overlook the sparkle of each droplet; People usually marvel at endless grasslands, but seldom notice each blade of green grass; People are usually entranced by the colours of spring, but rarely pay attention to each flower's aroma.

Walking on the streets, perhaps no one notices the ordinary people, but they are the ones who bring love and hope in the midst of the deluge.

Let's salute these ordinary heroes, and thank these kind and brave people!









He is a ride-hailing driver


He rescued dozens of people in the Jingguang Road Tunnel.


On July 22nd, a video of a man rescuing five people in Zhengzhou's Jingguang Road Tunnel earned tens of thousands of likes. Netizens volunteered to learn this righteous and courageous hero's identity and finally discovered he is Yang Junkui, a veteran.


Yang is now a ride-hailing driver. His act exemplifies the maxim that "omnipotent heroes do not fall from the sky; it is only ordinary mortals who bravely stand up."


Around 17:00 on July 20th, Yang drove into the Jingguang North Road Tunnel and saw rainwater pouring in from south to north. When half of his car's wheels were submerged by water, Yang decided to abandon his car, with belongings tied on his body. As he walked out of the tunnel, he patted the doors of the cars he passed one by one, urging everyone to get out of their cars immediately.


"At that time, dozens of people got out of their cars and escaped from the tunnel, but some stayed in their cars to wait and see." Yang recalled that when he returned to the tunnel to save the trapped people, his feet could barely touch the ground in the floodwater despite his height of 1.79 m.


After Yang rescued five people in a row, he was exhausted, and with the water rising, he couldn't touch the ground anymore. In just ten minutes, the tunnel was entirely flooded with water.


Recalling the moment when he saved others with his life at risk, Yang said: "I was also scared at that time, but I knew how precious three minutes could be for people in need. I just wanted to save as many people as I could!"


He is a villager in Huiji District


He lifted a mother and two children out of a flooded pit.


After a mother and her two children accidently fell into a flooded pit, a man in a white T-shirt rushed to rescue them. This man is Wang Xichao, and in the space of one minute, he nimbly lifted the three victims out of danger. Countless people were touched by the efforts of this villager from the 17 thvillager group in Dongzhao Village, Xincheng Sub-district Office, Huiji District.

一家三口掉入泥潭深坑,一位身着白色T恤的大哥飞速扑救……大约1分钟,身手利落的“白衣大哥”救起母子三人 ,那画面不知感动了多少人。奋勇救人的大哥叫王西超,是惠济区新城街道办事处东赵村第17村民组村民。

When the incident occurred, Wang was passing by with his two daughters and heard someone calling for help. Without hesitation, he told his daughters to stay put and approached the trapped people to offer assistance.


When Wang came near, he found a mother and two children struggling in the muddy water. The first priority was to save the children. He lifted the girl closest to him out of the pit, and then grabbed hold of the boy's clothes, pulling him closer and then out of the pit. Without skipping a beat, he immediately reached for the mother.


Speaking of this successful rescue, Wang said: "It's nothing. Anyone who happened to see it would save them."


He is a doctor on probation


He rescued people for 6 hours kneeling in the subway station.


On the evening of July 20th, hundreds of passengers taking Metro Line 5 were trapped on the train that had departed from Shakou Road Station to Haitansi Station. In this pivotal moment, a young man donned his white coat and engaged in rescue efforts. From 18:00 to midnight, he knelt on the ground for 6 hours giving CPR and finally rescued more than ten people despite his bleeding knees and feet. He is Yu Yifei, a probationary doctor at the Zhengzhou People's Hospital.



Flooded by water, the subway ground to a halt, and the lights in the carriage went out soon after. A subway worker manually opened the door near the front of the train to evacuate the crowd. Yu was lucky to be among the first group to escape from the train. When he got to the first floor of the station, the cold water was already knee deep. It was then that someone shouted: "Is there a doctor? Is there a doctor?"


Hearing the shout, Yu quickly returned to the second floor underground and saw many people trapped in the floodwater. Without hesitation, he took out the new white coat that he had received from the hospital and put it on. The people around shouted excitedly: "There is a doctor! There is a doctor!"


From dressing wounds to artificial respiration to CPR, Yu worked to save people while instructing the young nearby how to keep safe themselves.


Yu graduated from University College London with a master's degree in orthopedics (spine) in March of this year. He passed the interview and written test of the Zhengzhou People's Hospital and entered the probationary stage.


On July 22nd, Zhengzhou People's Hospital decided to directly hire Yu without probation. Later, the hospital sent him an offer letter and two brand-new white coats.


They are takeaway deliverymen


They rushed to save people in the rapids.


A young woman held on to the door handle of a white car among the rushing floodwater, but as her grip weakened within minutes, she was washed away. It was then that a man wearing a black T-shirt threw away his umbrella and jumped into the water to rescue the woman. With the help of another man, he successfully saved the woman. The man in black is Ma Zhuangzhuang, and his companion is his colleague Li Xiang. Both are deliverymen born in the 90s.


On the afternoon of July 20th, Ma's and Li's electric bicycles were flooded with water while delivering takeaway. They took shelter from the rain at the southeast corner of Longhai Road and Qinlao Street, where the rainwater was soon more than one meter deep. A woman together with her electric bicycle were swept along for more than ten meters by the easterly current and finally came to a stop near a car parked on the side of the road. The woman grabbed the car's door handle desperately, but it didn't take long before she was swept away by the flood again.


It was then that Ma threw away the umbrella in his hand and jumped into the torrent to grasp the woman trapped in the water. Li Xiang quickly joined him to help pull the woman out of the flood and carry her to safety.


Speaking of this incident, they answered plainly: "There's a living person. We could not stand by. Everyone has a family. Saving others is human nature. We stayed there for four or five hours due to the heavy rain. There were many people taking shelter from the rain like we were. Everyone tried their best to rescue passers-by that afternoon."


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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

Managing Editor丨Xiong Vivi

Text丨Wang Yipin

Art Editor丨Wang Xiaoyu

Trainee Editor丨Xu Hanyu



责任编辑: 鲁达

