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automatic 是什么牌手表多少钱


The watch has been an essential accessory for a long time, and it is not only a practical tool but also a fashion statement. There is a wide range of watches in the market that varies in price, style, and function. One of the most popular types of watches is the automatic watch. In this article, we will discuss what an automatic watch is and how much it costs.

What is an Automatic Watch?

An automatic watch, also known as a self-winding watch, is a mechanical watch that winds itself using the natural motion of the wearer's arm. The watch has a rotor that moves freely, and as the wearer moves, the rotor spins, powering the watch through a series of gears. Automatic watches do not require a battery, and they are not powered by electricity. They rely solely on mechanical movements.

How does an Automatic Watch Work?

Automatic watches work on the principle of a mainspring that stores energy. As the watch is worn, the motion of the wearer's arm winds the mainspring. The mainspring then powers the watch, turning the gears that move the hands. The rotor inside the watch moves freely on its pivot, winding the mainspring with every movement. This motion helps to keep the watch running even when it is not being worn.

What are the Advantages of an Automatic Watch?

An automatic watch has several advantages over other types of watches. Firstly, it does not require a battery, so there is no need to replace the battery regularly. Secondly, automatic watches are powered by the motion of the wearer, so there is no need to wind the watch manually. Thirdly, automatic watches are more accurate than manual watches because they always have a constant power source.

How much does an Automatic Watch Cost?

The cost of an automatic watch varies according to the brand, model, and features. An entry-level automatic watch can cost around $100, while a high-end luxury watch can cost several thousand dollars or more. Some of the factors that affect the cost of an automatic watch include the quality of the movement, the materials used in the watch's construction, and the brand's reputation.


In conclusion, an automatic watch is a self-winding mechanical watch that does not require a battery. It is powered by the movement of the wearer's arm and does not require winding manually. The cost of an automatic watch varies depending on several factors, but it can range from $100 to several thousand dollars or more. When buying an automatic watch, it is essential to consider the brand, model, and features to ensure that you get the best value for your money.

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