用英文介绍安赫尔瀑布Angel Falls, Venezuela : Tallest water fall on the Earth Angel Falls or Salto ngel is the world's highest free-falling waterfall at 979 metres (3,230 feet) with an uninterrupted drop of 807 metres (2,647 feet). It is located on an unnamed tributary of the Rio Caroni, in the Canaima National Park, Venezuela. Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world, as well as the tallest single drop in the world. The falls consist of a 2648 foot plunge, where the water comes out of the face of Auyan Tepui, then it cascades down steep talus before dropping over another 100 foot cascade. No one seems to know what the stream the falls occur on is called. For the longest time, there have been references to Angel Falls being known in Pemón (the local language) as Churún Merú, and the falls subsequently being on Rio Churún. However, the real Pemón name of the falls is Kerepakupai Merú, which means "fall from the deepest place". To further clear this issue, Churún Merú is a totally different waterfall of about half the height of Angel Falls, located further up the large canyon bysecting Auyan Tepui. The top of the Tepui from which the falls drop is heavily fractured and jointed sandstone. The waters above the falls drop into a series of cracks, crevices, and gorges and burst out of the cliff face about 50 feet below the brink. The waterfall segments in periods of highest water. We've seen photos that show the falls split into 3 major portions,creating a veil of water on the order of 600' in width. Pilot Jimmy Angel is widely credited for discovering the falls in 1937, but the true discoverer was one Ernesto de Santa Cruz, who found the falls in 1910. The falls were subsequently named for Jimmy Angel, since he was the first westerner to view the falls. http://gearthchina/eartshow.asp?826.html Location: Auyantepui, Canaima National Park, Venezuela Type: Plunge Total Height: 979 m / 3,212 ft Height of Longest Drop: 807 m / 2,648 ft Number of Drops: 2 World Height Ranking: 1 Angel Falls or Salto ngel is the world's highest free-leaping waterfall at 979 m (3,212 ft) with an uninterrupted drop of 807 m (2,648 ft). It is located on the Auyan Tepui river. The river that culminates in the drop is the Kerepakupay, in the Canaima National Park, Venezuela at [[[Template:Coor URL]]5_58_03_N_62_32_08_W_ 5°58′03〃N, 62°32′08〃W]. http://en.wikilib/wiki/Angel_Falls
世界第一高瀑布安赫尔瀑布(Angel Falls,通常依字义译为天使瀑布,但不合语源),又名丘伦梅鲁瀑布。当地的印第安人满怀崇敬地叫它“出龙”。这也确实像一条出海的银龙,灵活夭娇,盘桓在高山峭壁之间,凌空垂下,激起满山谷珠玉四溅,水雾氤霭,下坠之势如追风逐电,势不可挡,隆隆轰鸣之声,如飞龙清啸,在整个山谷间回响。光的照射下,时常可见一道绚烂的彩虹在水雾之上,柔媚如月笼轻纱,似是谁抛出的彩练,与这条飞奔的银龙嬉戏玩耍。瀑布两旁古树参天,山石嶙峋,藤葛缠绕纠结,在壮丽中又添肃穆之美。 安赫尔瀑布位于南美洲委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔州的圭亚那高原,卡罗尼河支流丘伦河上。藏身于委内瑞拉与圭亚那的高原密林深处。安赫尔瀑布是世界上落差最大的瀑布,丘伦河水从平顶高原奥扬特普伊山(Auyan-tepui)的陡壁直泻而下,几乎未触及陡崖,落差达979.6米,大约是尼亚加拉瀑布高度的18倍。瀑布分为两级,先泻下807米,落在一个岩架上,然后再跌落172米,落在山脚下一个宽152米的大水池内。这个地区的热带雨林非常茂密,不可能步行抵达瀑布的底部。雨季时,河流因多雨而变深,人们可以乘船进入。在一年的其他时间里,只能从空中观赏瀑布。安赫尔瀑布是世界上落差最大的瀑布,丘伦河水从平顶高原奥扬特普伊山(Auyan-tepui)直流而下,宽150米, 总落差979米(3122英尺),以离丘伦河谷地172米的分结晶岩平台为界,瀑布分为两级,而最长一级瀑布高807米(2648英尺)。 安赫尔瀑布是一个多级瀑布。第一级由山顶直泻至一结晶岩平台,落差807米;接着又下跌172米,直至丘伦河谷地。近看瀑布势如奋奔闪电的飞虹远眺其柔美又如月笼轻纱。每当晨昏之际,云雾弥漫崖顶,只见瀑布从悬崖上飞泻直下,宛如一条英姿勃勃的银龙从天而降,发出隆隆的雷鸣声。 飞流落下,溅得满山谷珠飞玉散,如果在阳光的照射下,便有一条美丽的彩虹悬挂在柔媚的水雾上,像是有谁撒出彩练,在引逗这奇腾咆哮的蛟龙似的,再加上瀑布两旁藤缠葛绕的参天古木和嶙峋山石,使其更显得磅礴壮观……安赫尔瀑布为委内瑞拉顶级旅游景点之一,每年的六月到十二月,为瀑布丰水期,适宜沿着河流旅行。而每年的十二月至次年3月为枯水期。
Angel Falls, Venezuela : Tallest water fall on the Earth Angel Falls or Salto ngel is the world's highest free-falling waterfall at 979 metres (3,230 feet) with an uninterrupted drop of 807 metres (2,647 feet). It is located on an unnamed tributary of the Rio Caroni, in the Canaima National Park, Venezuela. Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world, as well as the tallest single drop in the world. The falls consist of a 2648 foot plunge, where the water comes out of the face of Auyan Tepui, then it cascades down steep talus before dropping over another 100 foot cascade. No one seems to know what the stream the falls occur on is called. For the longest time, there have been references to Angel Falls being known in Pemón (the local language) as Churún Merú, and the falls subsequently being on Rio Churún. However, the real Pemón name of the falls is Kerepakupai Merú, which means "fall from the deepest place". To further clear this issue, Churún Merú is a totally different waterfall of about half the height of Angel Falls, located further up the large canyon bysecting Auyan Tepui. The top of the Tepui from which the falls drop is heavily fractured and jointed sandstone. The waters above the falls drop into a series of cracks, crevices, and gorges and burst out of the cliff face about 50 feet below the brink. The waterfall segments in periods of highest water. We've seen photos that show the falls split into 3 major portions,creating a veil of water on the order of 600' in width. Pilot Jimmy Angel is widely credited for discovering the falls in 1937, but the true discoverer was one Ernesto de Santa Cruz, who found the falls in 1910. The falls were subsequently named for Jimmy Angel, since he was the first westerner to view the falls. http://gearthchina/eartshow.asp?826.html Location: Auyantepui, Canaima National Park, Venezuela Type: Plunge Total Height: 979 m / 3,212 ft Height of Longest Drop: 807 m / 2,648 ft Number of Drops: 2 World Height Ranking: 1 Angel Falls or Salto ngel is the world's highest free-leaping waterfall at 979 m (3,212 ft) with an uninterrupted drop of 807 m (2,648 ft). It is located on the Auyan Tepui river. The river that culminates in the drop is the Kerepakupay, in the Canaima National Park, Venezuela at [[[Template:Coor URL]]5_58_03_N_62_32_08_W_ 5°58′03〃N, 62°32′08〃W]. http://en.wikilib/wiki/Angel_Falls