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英语短文改错 急!!!!

1. [an] exchange2. i would [prefer] to -> like3. single room [in] next term -> 删除in4. often [held] parties -> hold5. [made] much noise -> making6. [that] disturbs me -> which7. draw your [attentions] -> attention8. i am sure [he] will agree -> you9. solution for me is [get] -> to get10. be [gratefully] if you -> grateful

Dear Mr.Brown,I'd like to introduce myselfto you,I want to apply for a position in your firm.I graduated from college three years ago and since then I have been working as a engineer.I am good at English and know some Japanese and German.I am hardworking and careful in the thing I do.I am honest,kind and easy to get on with.Born in1985,I am still unmarried.I am sure Iam capable but if I am accepted,I will try (out去掉 )my best to make contribution to our firm.I am suitable for the position.My telephone number is11111111.I am looking forward to being answered early.

eat--to eatanything--nothingbegin--beginningClear--Clearlyweek--weekshad put--putthe weight--weightworking--workagrees--agreedBeside--Besides亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!

1. [an] exchange2. i would [prefer] to -> like3. single room [in] next term -> 删除in4. often [held] parties -> hold5. [made] much noise -> making6. [that] disturbs me -> which7. draw your [attentions] -> attention8. i am sure [he] will agree -> you9. solution for me is [get] -> to get10. be [gratefully] if you -> grateful

Dear Mr.Brown,I'd like to introduce myselfto you,I want to apply for a position in your firm.I graduated from college three years ago and since then I have been working as a engineer.I am good at English and know some Japanese and German.I am hardworking and careful in the thing I do.I am honest,kind and easy to get on with.Born in1985,I am still unmarried.I am sure Iam capable but if I am accepted,I will try (out去掉 )my best to make contribution to our firm.I am suitable for the position.My telephone number is11111111.I am looking forward to being answered early.


责任编辑: 鲁达

