1. Volleyball:排球,这是最基础的一个词汇,也是运动的官方英文名。
2. Serve:发球,指全场第一个交换球的阶段,一方选手发球,力求将球发到对方场地,开局不仅直接牵扯到得分情况,而且往往也代表着比赛节奏。
3. Pass:传球,在排球中,传球的重要性不言而喻,传球的准确性将直接决定球队发起进攻的质量。
4. Set:二传,是完成一个进攻的必要前提。发球员传给扣球手的球称为一传。而二传则是扣球手将球传给扣球手,将控球权转移至进攻端的行为,起到串联中场和前场的作用。
5. Spike:扣球,这是排球比赛中最重要的得分手段之一。扣球手要根据传球和快速反应,以专门的扣球动作将球顶入地面或直接击落至对方场地,从而得分。
6. Block:盖帽,在排球比赛中,每个队员都能进行排球防守,而防守中的关键环节就是绝招盖帽,目的是尽可能地阻止对方的进攻并确保自己进攻的成功。
7. Dig:扑救,指抵挡已经遭到扣球手攻击的球员的球拍。与盖帽不同,扑救包括拦网组合防守,后排接球等一系列防守动作。
8. Rotation:轮换,在排球比赛中需要轮换的主要原因是各个队员轮流发球,而轮换的方式和规则则由国际排球联合会统一规定。
Volleyball is a popular sport that is enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels around the world. This game requires players to use teamwork, coordination, and strategy to succeed. In order to fully understand and appreciate volleyball, it's important to have a solid grasp of the vocabulary that is commonly used in the game.
The word "volleyball" itself is a compound word made up of "volley" and "ball". The word "volley" in this context refers to the act of hitting the ball back and forth between teams without the ball hitting the ground. This is the basic principle of the game, and it's where the name "volleyball" comes from.
Some other important vocabulary words to know when talking about volleyball include "serve", "spike", "dig", "block", and "set". The serve is the first hit of the ball by a team, and it starts each point of the game. A spike is a powerful hit that is aimed towards the other team's side of the court with the goal of scoring a point. A dig is a defensive move used to keep the ball in play, while a block is a defensive move used to stop an opponent's spike. Finally, a set is a high pass that is used to set up a teammate for a spike or other offensive play.
When talking about volleyball in English, there are a few other terms that might come up as well. For example, "side out" is a term used when the serving team loses their serve, and it means that the other team gets the chance to serve. "Rotation" refers to the order in which players rotate through the different positions on the court as the game goes on.
In conclusion, understanding the vocabulary of volleyball is essential for anyone who wants to enjoy and participate in this exciting sport. Knowing the meaning of terms like "volleyball", "serve", "spike", and "set" will make it easier to communicate with other players and coaches, as well as to watch and fully appreciate the game.