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1.So am I, but I can't miss two weeks of school.我也是,但我不能错过两周的课程。(1)so+情态动词/系动词/助动词+主语,表示某人/某物也是......;so+主语+情态动词/系动词/助动词,表示某人/某物确实是......It is cold it is.(2)miss 错过;没赶上,动词。miss doing sh.错过做某事He got up so late that he missed catching the first train.

2.Be especially careful with the door.尤其小心门。be careful with...表示做某事很小心、仔细 Be careful with your things from now on,Tony.

3.Shut it when you are in and lock it when you go out.当你在家的时候关上门,当你出门的时候锁上门。go out出去;go out to do sth.出去做某事

4.I can look after myself, although it won't be easy for me.我可以照顾我自己,尽管它对我来说不容易。(1)look after=take care of...照顾(2)although=though尽管......但是......,引导让步状语从句,不能与but连用。Although she is ill, she still goes to work.

5.Make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.确保你吃足够多的新鲜水果和蔬菜。(1)make sure+ 句子,确保;保证......(2)plenty of=lots of大量;许多+名词(可数/不可数)There will be plenty of rain this spring.

6.There won't be anybody to wake you up in the morning.早上将没有任何人去叫醒你。 wake up 叫醒;wake sb. up把......唤醒,人称代词要放中间Who will wake you up tomorrow morning?

7.My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up.我的闹钟声音很大,肯定能把我唤醒。主语+be/动词+so+形容词/副词+that+句子,表示某人/某物如此......以致于......,so...that...太......以致于......,引导结果状语从句He was so excited that he didn't fall asleep.

8.We advise all passengers for Train T27 to Lhasa to go immediately to Platform 2.我们建议所有乘T27 去往拉萨的乘客立刻去往二站台。(1)advise sb. to do/not to do sth. 建议某人去做/不去做某事 Our teachers advise us not to watch TV every day.

9.Your train is about to leave.你的火车即将离开 be about to do sth. 即将去做某事

10.Send me a text me a good trip!给我发短信吧。旅途愉快!(1)send sb.给某人发送某物(2)have a good trip 旅途愉快

11.See you in a couple of weeks.两周后见。(1)see you 再见(2) in+一段时间,用于一般将来时态(3)a couple of两个;几个A couple of my friends plan to visit the Great Wall next week./There is a couple of boys swimming in the river./A couple of weeks have passed since we left Shanghai.

责任编辑: 鲁达

