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英 语 试 题




第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共72分)




A. hot

B. note

C. nod

D. job

2. I often do volunteer work in the library ______ Sundays.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. for

3. Mike moved to China with _______ family two years ago.

A. he

B. him

C. his

D. himself

4. Now people can send messages with their voices. It is _______ than using a keyboard.

A. fast

B. faster

C. fastest

D. the fastest

5. Don't worry. We will meet next Monday _______ the project again,

A. discuss

B. discussed

C. discussing

D. to discuss

6. —May I park my car here?

—No, you ____. Can't you see the sign ?

A. mustn't

B. wouldn't

C. needn't

D. couldn't

7. Lingling met her favourite presenter while she _______ the radio station.

A. visits

B. will visit

C. is visiting

D. was visiting

8. _______ at people when you talk. This is a polite way of communication in China.

A. Look

B. Looking

C. To look

D. Looked

9. Tom and Jerry really love each other _______ they fight a lot.

A. if

B. though

C. until

D. because

10. The 2022 Asian Games ______ in Hangzhou.

A. hold

B. held

C. will be held

D. have held

11.—Daming, do you know_______?

—The strange shapes of its tall rocks.

A. how large Zhangjiajie is

B. what is Zhangjiajie famous for

C. how large is Zhangjiajie

D. what Zhangjiajie is famous for

12. —Guess what! I broke the record of the 100-metre race.

— _______!

A. Well done

B. Bad luck

C. Come on

D. Hurry up



A woodcutter was walking through the forest when a small tree called to him. It said, “Hello friend. Can you cut down those bigger trees? They are blocking(遮挡) the sun. It is so 13 here that I have no room to spread my roots(根). Besides, I can't 14 the wind.”

The little tree held out its tiny leaves. It looked so sad. “If those trees were gone, I would be able to 15 . A year from now,I'd be the biggest tree here,” It continued. “But for now, I'm just a small tree.”

The man thought for a while and agreed. He walked over to the bigger trees and started cutting them down. Soon, he cleared lots of 16 around the small tree. Now it would be able to grow bigger and become the biggest tree in that area.

But something else happened instead. The sun's 17 came first, burning the small tree, which wasn't used to(适应) so much sunlight. Heavy wind and rain came— without the bigger trees there, the small tree was hit by the storm. Soon, the tree was nearly _18 .

A snake saw what had happened and said,“You’ve been quite 19 . You brought this on yourself. If you had left the bigger trees alone, the sun and storm wouldn't have hurt you so badly. They 20 you. If you had just waited longer, you would have grown to be just as big as them. You would be strong. But now, you're nearly gone.”

13. A. cold B. wide C. noisy D. crowded

14. A. follow B. control C. feel D. stop

15.A. grow B. live C. win D. rest

16. A. grass B. wastes C. space D. leaves

17.A. care B. heat C. fire D. wish

18. A. lonely B. dead C. strong D. tired

19. A. rude B. special C. lucky D. stupid

20. A. served B. needed

C. protected D. changed



Passage 1

To:To: Li Hua

From:Rose Garcia

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Subject: International Graduation (毕业) Video

Hi Li Hua,

Congratulations on your coming graduation! My name is Rose Garcia. I work at the International Student Office at SMU and I am working on the International Graduation Video to show all of your memories and achievements at SMU.

Submissions(提交材料) will include :

★Your favorite pictures and videos of your time at SMU.

★A sentence or two including where you are from and what you are graduating with.

★A thank-you message to someone who may have helped you go through this difficult time.

Please send submissions or questions to Rose Garcia at Roseg@.

The deadline(截止时间)for this is Friday, July 9, 2021.

The video will be shared around graduation time.

Congratulations and don't miss this chance to celebrate your achievements!



21. Who is the email written to?

A. A head teacher.

B. A student's parent.

C. A class monitor.

D. An international student.

22. What submissions should Li Hua prepare?

① a thank-you message

② questions about graduation

③ a simple self-introduction

④ her favourite pictures and videos

A. ①②③

B. ①③④

C. ②③④

D. ①②③④

23.All the submissions should be sent by_________·

A. June 10

B. June 27

C. July 9

D. July 14

24. What is the email mainly about?

A. The international students’ life.

B. The International Graduation Video.

C. SMU's suggestions for the school-leavers.

D. Rose's congratulations on Li's achievements.

Passage 2

How do you go to school every day? By bike or on foot? Maybe you can try a new way-taking a S’Cool Bus.

The S’Cool Bus is also called the bike bus. It was invented in the bike kingdom—the Netherlands. It is all about green lifestyle,sport and sharing. It's interesting for kids to ride the bus together to go to school.

Also, it is very safe. The bike bus has a driver and eleven seats for kids. Each one has a helmet(头盔) and safety belt(安全带).There is also a roof on the bus. It can be used on hot days or rainy days to make kids feel comfortable.

Riding the bike bus is one of the greatest ways for children to get to school. Peter, a10-year-old pupil,becomes a big fan of the bike bus. “Now the S’Cool Bus is my favorite way of transport. I can ride it together with other kids to keep healthy. It's full of fun.”For most parents, it can help them save a lot of time because they only have to pick up their children after school.

The S’Cool Bus is becoming more and more popular in some countries like Germany and France. Its creator Thomas Tolkamp says, “I hope I can sell the bike bus to more countries in the future. As green lifestyle becomes popular, ideas like this get popular, too. I think it will work well in other countries.” The use of S’Cool Bus shows us that we can save the Earth in many ways as long as we want to have a try.

25. According to the passage, the S’Cool Bus________.

A. can carry twelve kids

B. offers kids helmets and umbrellas

C. has no windows or roof

D.is ridden by the driver and kids together

26. Why does Peter enjoy riding the S’Cool Bus to school?

A. It saves time and money.

B. It makes him safe and relaxed.

C. It is green and comfortable.

D. It is interesting and good for health.

27. Thomas thinks the S’Cool Bus will work well in other countries because_________.

A. more people like to live green lives

B. many people hope to try out new ideas

C. it can help kids form the habit of exercising

D.it makes people realize the importance of being green

28. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. A biking trip to school

B. A cool way to school

C. A school bus or a bike?

D. The best way to transport

Passage 3

Mel found a wallet on her way back home. She picked it up and looked inside. Five hundred dollars! Mel thought about the bike she wanted. She had asked her mum for one, which would cost 460 dollars,but her mum said they had no money. Mel looked around. No one had seen her with the wallet. She put it into her school bag and ran home fast.

When she got home, she put the wallet in her treasure box. However, there was one problem. How could she tell her parents about it? Then Mel remembered the prize of the science competition was five hundred dollars. She would tell her parents she had won it.

The next day, Mel rushed home from school. She was just about to tell her mother the good news when her mother said,” “I have enough money left over this week for a treat. I’ve bought some strawberries. You can have one.” Mel's news darted(猛冲) back inside her, like a moth(蛾子) into a dark corner. What would happen if her mother lost her wallet and someone kept it? They might not have any food for weeks! Mel ran to her room. She opened the treasure box and took the wallet to her mother.

“I found this,” she said. “It has five hundred dollars in it.”

“Wow!” said her mother. “Five hundred dollars!”

She looked inside the wallet. “It could be Mrs. Maka’s,” she said. “We’ll have to take it to her right now.”

Mrs. Maka was very pleased to get her wallet back. “This money is to get my eyes fixed, or I will go blind,” she said. She gave twenty dollars to Mel,but Mel refused.

After that, Mel and Mrs. Maka became good friends. Mel helped Mrs. Maka make a garden and Mrs. Maka showed Mel how to make clay pots(陶罐).One day,Mrs. Maka said, “Mel, my clay pot won a prize—1000 dollars and a red bike! I can't ride a bike. Would you like it?”

29. How did Mel get the 500 dollars?

A. She found it on her way home.

B. She won the prize of a competition.

C. She borrowed it from her friend.

D. She saved it from her pocket money.

30. From the underlined sentence,we can infer that Mel felt_______.

A. bored

B. sorry

C. sick

D. disappointed

31. What did Mel do with the money in the end?

A. She gave it to her mum.

B. She kept it in her treasure box.

C. She bought herself a bike.

D. She returned it to Mrs. Maka.

32. From the last paragraph we can know that __________.

A. Mel’s dream finally came true

B. Mel became good at making clay pots

C. Mrs. Maka didn't like the bike at all

D. Mrs. Maka needed more money for her eyes

33. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Trust is the best choice.

B. Honesty makes close friendship.

C. Do well and have well.

D. Don't wait to correct your mistakes.


Passage 4

In high school and college, you may be encouraged to travel or study abroad. Perhaps you are too busy with your schoolwork to seriously consider these chances. I encourage traveling at a young age. 34

As young people, most of us live with mom and dad. Our community knows us well,too. The idea of getting out of this comfort zone(舒适区) can be scary (可怕的).

35 In our daily life, we know well how to act and respond(答复)to people. But how about being in a new place, with strangers who hold different values? It can be uncomfortable at first. But once you work out that you can connect with people in spite of(尽管)differences, you become smarter and more confident. You should learn to face this discomfort. It will help you to grow.

By traveling widely, you will also develop cultural sensitivity(敏感性). Being culturally sensitive is important. And it is not enough to just know, “People from that country are like this.”

When I was in Spain, for example, I found people there took a two-hour break in the middle of their workday. Many foreigners consider the Spanish people lazy. 36 To the Spanish people, eating together as a family is more important than anything else. Cultural sensitivity will help you with your communication on both business and personal levels.

Finally, I'd like to mention that traveling abroad will be a wonderful way to learn a new language. Being in a new language-learning environment, you will have to use the language. 37

A. It helps you to learn a new language as well.

B. In fact, the Spanish people are always like this.

C. However, one learns the most in strange situations.

D. The earlier you travel widely, the more you can learn.

E. In this way, you will improve your language skills better.

F. Few of them know people there place great value on family time.



A. It doesn’t matter.

B. This is Jack speaking.

C. Thank you very much.

D. Can I take a message?

E. Just hold the line, please.

F. When will the party begin?

G. May I speak to Tony, please?

A: Hello!

B: Hello! 38

A: I’m sorry he’s not in at the moment. Who's calling, please?

B: 39 Is that Mrs. Smart?

A: Yes, Jack, Tony has gone to visit the museum with his father. 40

B: Sure. You know, we won a basketball match, so we are going to have a party to celebrate it in my home.

A: Great! 41

B: At 6:30 tomorrow evening.

A: OK. I'll tell him about it.

B: 42 .

A: You’re welcome. Goodbye, Jack.

B: Bye, Mrs. Smart.

第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共68分)



43. Now more and more people like the _________ in the countryside. (silent)

44. Dinner is ready. Please take your seats as _________as possible. (quick)

45. Sometimes I feel afraid of sailing by _________, but I still enjoy doing it. (my)

46. Don't be _________ if he can pass the exam. He works harder than before. (surprise)

47. Put the books back on the shelf after reading, or Dad will be _________. (happy)

48. My grandpa often does sports, so I bought him a T-shirt for his _________ birthday.(sixty)


hour long careful girl reply be

My friend, Robert, has a twin sister named Amanda. Though they get along well, there 49 some things about Amanda and her friends that puzzle (困扰)Robert. He can't understand how girls can talk for so 50 . For example, sometimes when he leaves home to play football, Amanda and her friend, Sharon, are sitting on the sofa, talking. When he comes back two and a half 51 later, they’re still staying in the same place, continuing the same conversation on the same topic. One day Robert was so curious(好奇的) that he asked Amanda what they talked about, but she 52 , “We’re best friends. We talk about almost everything— film stars, pop songs, recipes, everything!”

Boys and girls have different attitudes(态度) towards friendship. Friendships between girls are usually based on shared feelings and support (支持), but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests. A boy might be 53 about sharing his feelings with his close friends. A 54 closest friend, however, might be eager(急切的) to tell her about something that has happened in her life.

immediately pleasure ask think about

Many studies worldwide show that girls have more friendships than boys. In fact, many teenage boys can’t name a single best friend. When they 55 , they often think for a while before answering, “My best friend? I can’t 56 that. I am busy with my homework, and I have so many different friends that it is hard to choose just one best friend.”

Girls, however, can usually answer the question 57 , “A best friend? Of course. We have a lot to share with each other. We get much more 58 from talking, daydreaming.”

We have to realize: boys share activities, while girls share feelings. The qualities (品质) that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same, regardless of (无论) the basis of these friendships. The important thing to remember is that both of them are friendships. We all need friends in our lives.

Ⅵ. 阅读理解(二)(本题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)


Passage 5

Teen’s ‘wuxia’ world

While many teenagers are struggling (奋斗) to write articles for their exams, Jin Minzhe has already written a whole book.

The 15-year-old boy from Suzhou, Jiangsu, recently published (出版) his wuxia novel Ji Chi Jing Hong He Shan Yi(《几尺惊鸿河山意》). The story is set during the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-581). A young man lays down his pen and takes up a sword to fight for his homeland.

“I love Jin Yong’s wuxia stories,” Jin told Gusu Evening News. “I also love history. In the seventh grade, I traveled to Wuzhen, where Prince Xiao Tong from the Liang Dynasty once lived, and I was inspired(受启发) to write a wuxia story based on(以……为根据) him.”

In a video interview with Xinhua, Jin looks a little bit shy. But when it comes to writing, he becomes someone bold. He shared a lot of his writing experiences actively. “I wrote around the clock as my ideas kept coming. After about 20 days, I finished more than 300 pages,” Jin said.

Jin’s writing skills might come from his love of reading. In primary school, he read four books every week. In junior high school, where schoolwork is heavy, he still reads three to four books a month.

? “My father loves history, so we often talk about our reading experiences and share our different opinions,” Jin said. “My mom takes me to bookstores and writers’ lectures. She also took care of me when I wrote the book, reminding me not to stay up too late.”

Jin said literature(文学) gave him a sense of calm and freedom. “Nothing can stop me from reading and writing,” he said.

59. How old was Jin Minzhe when his wuxia novel came out?


60. What is Jin's novel about?


61. What did Jin get from his trip to Wuzhen?


62. What does the underlined word “bold” mean in Chinese?


63. What sentence can be put in the blank?


64. Why could Jin write the novel successfully?





___________________________Let's have a try.



67. 我正在列张购物清单。妈妈,你想买点什么?

____________________What would you like to buy,Mum?


We are living on the same planet. ___________________________




70. 美好生活,健康同行。如何丰富校园生活,促进同学们的身心健康?目前,你校英语网站“VOICE OF TEENS”正在征集同学们的建议。请你结合自己的经历和感受,用英语写一篇短文投稿,分享你的建议。









1-5BCCBD 6-10ADABC 11-12DA


13-15 DAC 16-20 CBBDC


21-24 DBCC 25—28 DDAB 29-33 ABDC 34-37 D C F E


38-42 GBDFC


43. silence 44. quickly 45. myself 46. surprised 47. unhappy 48. sixtieth

49. are 50. long 51. hours 52. replied 53. careful 54. girl’s

55. are asked 56. think about 57. immediately 58. pleasure

Ⅵ. 阅读理解(二)

59. 15/ Fifteen.

60. It’s a story about a young man fight for his homeland.

61. The inspiration to write a wuxia story.

62. 大方

63. How did I fall in love with books and read so many books?

64. Because he has a great knowledge and loves sharing his ideas.


65. This idea sounds good. Let’s try it.

66. Have you ever been to Laoshe Teahouse?

67. I am making the shopping list.

68. We should protect it together.

69. If you can keep on training, you will possibly become a member of the school team.

70. One possible version:

Health is the base of everything. Then how can we keep healthy? The following tips may help you to reach this.

First, eat healthily and regularly. Eat healthily means having a balanced diet, which includes meat, fish, chicken, duck, vegetables and fruit. You should have various kinds of food rather than focus on some particular one. Eat regularly means you should eat on fixed time and miss none of the meals. Second, exercise every day. Exercise can help grow strong and keep illness away. Third, have enough sleep. One may easily get sick without enough sleep.

Following these tips, you will surely be in good health.

责任编辑: 鲁达

