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此手把件:仙鹤羽色素朴纯洁,体态飘逸雅致。它的美,除了整体形态和谐一致外,还有那玉羽霜毛之上的朱顶,既典雅又风流。昂头、仰脖、嘴尖直朝天空,右爪抬起,给人一种"旁瞻万里壑,遂高上冲天"之感。Songhe is a symbol of noble and elegant, and also has the meaning of longevity. Known as the "Yipin Bird", it is second only to Phoenix. The combination of cranes and pine trees means "rest with heaven and earth and live with the sun and moon".

This handle piece: pine crane feather pigment is simple and pure, and its posture is elegant and elegant. Its beauty, in addition to the harmonious overall shape, also has the Zhu Ding above the jade feather frost hair, which is both elegant and romantic. Head up, neck up, mouth pointed straight toward the sky, and right paw raised, giving people a feeling of "looking at thousands of miles, then going up into the sky".

责任编辑: 鲁达

