本身计划在2021德国纽伦堡玩具展首发的Tamiya田宫模型新品陆续亮相,今天带来1/14 R/C Mercedes-Benz Arocs 4151 8x4 Tipper Truck,奔驰自卸卡车。这台重型仿真遥控卡车由德国Daimler AG授权制造,拥有仿真的外观和车架结构,车顶附带可安装LED灯组,可使用4通道遥控控制的3速传动系统,还有最大亮点就是可运作的金属结构翻斗,使用额外的Actuator Set驱动装置(产品编号56545),实现翻斗升降运作。
新车产品编号56366,1/14 R/C Mercedes-Benz Arocs 4151 8x4 Tipper Truck。
Here comes a heavyweight truck model! This assembly kit depicts the Arocs 4151 8x4 dump truck from the world’s leading truck manufacturer, Daimler AG (Germany). There is plenty to catch the imagination with a superbly realistic chassis that will provide an engrossing build and drive.