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预期预定用英语怎么说 预期预定用英语怎么说due 预期用英语怎么说due





预定需要提供基本信息如日期、时间和所需服务,如酒店预定需要提供预计入住和离店的日期、所需房型和房价等信息。在预定前需要先核实供应商的可用性和价格,可以使用“Is there any availability for the date/time I am looking for?”(我所需要的日期/时间是否有可用性?)来询问供应商。当然,在预定之前,你需要先问自己“what do I want to book?”(我要预定什么?)。

在进行预定时,除基本信息外,支付方式也是不可少的。在问到支付方式时,可以问“what is the payment process?”(支付方式是什么?)或者“Is it possible to pay in advance?”(是否可以提前付款?)。

在得到确认后,需要要求确认的方式。可以使用“I would like to receive a confirmation email/message.”(希望能够接收一封确认邮件/短信。)或者“Can you send me a confirmation by email/message?”(你能否通过邮件/短信给我一份确认?)。这样有利于确保预定信息的准确性和完整性。

在结束通话之前,需要礼貌的道别。可以使用“Thank you for your assistance.”(非常感谢你的协助。)或者“Thank you for your time.”(谢谢你花费时间。)来表达感谢。




Expectation and reservation are two common phrases often used when making plans or bookings. These words can apply to a variety of scenarios, such as travel arrangements, tickets to events, or reserving a table at a restaurant.

Expectation refers to what we hope or anticipate will happen. For example, if we are planning a trip, we might have certain expectations about the destination, the accommodations, and the activities we will partake in. It is important to have realistic expectations when making plans so that we are not disappointed if things do not go exactly as planned. This is true for both personal and professional situations.

On the other hand, reservation refers to the act of making a booking or holding a spot in advance. This can be done for various purposes, such as reserving a table for dinner, booking a hotel room, or securing tickets to an event. By making a reservation, we ensure that we have a spot or seat reserved for us, and we can proceed with our plans with confidence.

It is important to note that the two terms are interconnected. Our expectations often determine whether or not we make a reservation. For example, if we are planning a romantic dinner for our anniversary, we may have high expectations of finding the perfect restaurant. To ensure that we have a table, we would need to make a reservation in advance.

Furthermore, when making a reservation, we also have certain expectations. We expect that our reservation will be honored when we arrive, that the table or room will be clean and ready for us, and that the service will be good. In cases where our expectations are not met, it can lead to disappointment and frustration.

In conclusion, expectation and reservation are two crucial elements when planning and booking various activities. It is important to have realistic expectations and make reservations in advance to ensure that things go smoothly. By understanding the connection between these two terms, we can make the most out of our plans and avoid any unpleasant surprises.


责任编辑: 鲁达

