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这是我的新文具盒用英语怎么说 这是我的新文具盒用英语怎么说



文具盒是一个储存文具的容器,通常被用于学校和办公场所。在英语中,文具盒被称为“pencil case”或“pen case”。

“Pencil case”是最常用的术语之一。它指代一个存放铅笔、橡皮擦、钢笔和其他写字工具的盒子。这个术语可以追溯到19世纪,当时学生们开始在学校用笔代替羽毛笔。在国外,更多使用“pencil case”这个词汇,而在美国,有时也将其称为“pencil pouch”。

另一个术语是“pen case”,它通常用来描述一个专门存放钢笔和其他写字工具的盒子。这个词汇使用比较较少,通常在学生文具和办公文具中使用。在考试或写日志时,许多人会使用这种文具盒来存放特定的信笔。

如果你想从事手工艺爱好或者画画,你可能会选择一种叫做“art case”的文具盒。这种文具盒通常比普通的文具盒更大,可以容纳许多艺术用品,例如颜料、彩铅和笔刷等等。


“pencil case”和“pen case”是两个最常用的英语术语,能够描述大部分文具盒。如果你不确定哪种术语更适合你的文具盒,你也可以参考其他文具盒的类型和设计来选择适合自己的文具盒。



If you need to ask where the pencil sharpener is in a classroom, you can just ask “Where is the pencil sharpener?” and you are sure to receive a helpful answer. However, when you want to explain that you have a brand new pencil case or stationery box, things can get a bit tricky.

In general, when talking about a container for storing pens, pencils, erasers, and other small items, we tend to use the word “pencil case” in British English and “pencil box” in American English. This is likely the simplest and most straightforward way to describe the item in English.

However, if you want to add a bit of excitement to your description, you can use more colorful and descriptive terms. For example, you could refer to your pencil case or box as your “new stationery stash” or your “colorful writing toolkit”. These kinds of descriptions are a bit more creative and fun, and they convey the idea that you are excited about your new school supplies.

Of course, it’s worth noting that you can describe your pencil case or box in a way that reflects your personal style and interests. Someone who loves fashion might describe their new pencil case as a “stylish pouch” or a “fashionable accessory”, while someone who enjoys drawing might call it their “art supplies organizer”.

Ultimately, the way you describe your new stationery item is up to you – as long as people understand what you mean, feel free to get creative and have fun with it!

责任编辑: 鲁达

