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翻译一方面另一方面用英语怎么说 翻译一方面另一方面 翻译一下的英语



On the other hand, how to say it in English?

Learning a new language can be challenging, especially when trying to express a thought or idea in a different way. In such cases, it can be helpful to have a good command of the language you are trying to learn. One common phrase that often comes up when trying to express an opposing point of view in English is "on the other hand."

"On the other hand" is an idiomatic expression that is used to introduce an alternative perspective to an argument or position. It is commonly used to juxtapose two ideas or thoughts that are in contrast with each other. For example, "I love Italian food, but on the other hand, I am trying to lose weight, so I should opt for a healthier dish."

Another way to use "on the other hand" is when trying to balance two opposing viewpoints in a discussion or debate. It can be used to acknowledge the validity of both sides of the argument without necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with each perspective. For instance, "Some people argue that the government should invest in infrastructure to boost the economy, while others believe it is better to focus on reducing the national debt. On the one hand, investing in infrastructure can create jobs and stimulate economic growth, but on the other hand, reducing the national debt can help stabilize the economy in the long term."

"On the other hand" is a useful phrase that can enhance communication skills, particularly when trying to express a different point of view effectively. Whether in a business meeting, classroom, or informal conversation, this phrase can be an essential tool in expressing thoughts, opinions, and ideas in English. As such, a good understanding and usage of the phrase can be crucial in developing effective communication skills when speaking or writing in English.



Translation is a fascinating field of study and practice that involves the transfer of meaning from one language to another. In this process, several factors come into play, including culture, syntax, grammar, and context. One of the challenges of translation is the need to maintain the original meaning while making it understandable and relevant to the target audience. In this regard, it is common to use phrases such as "On the one hand" and "On the other hand" to convey multiple perspectives in a concise and clear manner.

"On the one hand" is an expression that signifies a positive or affirmative aspect of an argument. It implies that there are valid points to support a particular viewpoint. For instance, when discussing the impact of technology on education, one could argue that "on the one hand, technology has revolutionized the way that students learn by providing access to a wealth of online resources and interactive tools."

On the flip side, "On the other hand" is often used to express a counter-argument or the negative aspect of a particular viewpoint. It indicates that there are valid arguments that support a different perspective. For example, following the previous statement, a counterargument could be that "on the other hand, technology can be a significant distraction for students, leading to reduced face-to-face interactions and lower attention spans."

Using these phrases in translation is valuable as it creates a clear and structured way of presenting arguments and counterarguments. It also helps to maintain the coherence and flow of the translation, ensuring that the document's logical structure is maintained. Additionally, using these phrases expands the readers' vocabulary, providing them with an understanding of different expressions that convey multiple perspectives.

In conclusion, translation requires careful consideration of various factors, including cultural nuances, grammar, syntax, and context. The use of expressions like "On the one hand" and "On the other hand" enables translators to convey multiple perspectives concisely and efficiently, maintaining coherence and structure while also expanding the reader's vocabulary. Therefore, it is essential to use these phrases appropriately to ensure maximum impact and clarity in any translation.

责任编辑: 鲁达

