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糟糕的用英语怎么说 英语正确的怎么说 那是糟糕的用英语怎么说


When it comes to expressing our displeasure with a situation or outcome, we often turn to the phrase "糟糕" in Chinese. But what is the equivalent in English? In this article, we will explore various phrases and expressions commonly used to convey a sense of disappointment and frustration.


One common phrase used in English is "that sucks." This can be used in a variety of situations, ranging from receiving bad news to experiencing a negative outcome. For example, if you were to fail a test, you could say "that sucks" to express your disappointment.

Another phrase commonly used to convey disappointment is "that's too bad." This phrase can be used to express sympathy as well as a sense of frustration. For example, if someone were to tell you that they lost their job, you could respond with "that's too bad" to show empathy for their situation.

When dealing with a situation that is beyond repair or irreparable, it's common to use the phrase "it's a lost cause." This phrase conveys a sense of hopelessness and resignation. For example, if a project you've been working on for months suddenly falls apart, you could say "it's a lost cause" to express your frustrations.

On the other hand, if you're dealing with a situation that can be fixed, it's common to use the phrase "we can salvage this." This phrase conveys a sense of hope and optimism. For example, if you're working on a group project that's been failing, but you've just been given a new opportunity to present your work, you could say "we can salvage this" to show that you still believe in the project's potential.

Another phrase commonly used to express disappointment is "we're back to square one." This phrase conveys a sense of frustration that progress has been lost or undone. For example, if you discover that a problem you thought had been resolved has reappeared, you could say "we're back to square one" to express your frustration with the situation.

When dealing with a particularly bad situation or outcome, it's common to use more colorful language to express your frustration. For example, you might use the phrase "this is a disaster" or "we're screwed" to convey a sense of hopelessness and helplessness. However, it's important to remember to use these more colorful phrases sparingly and only in appropriate situations, as they can come across as unprofessional.

It's worth noting that when expressing disappointment and frustration, body language and tone of voice are just as important as the words you use. For example, saying "that sucks" with a smile and a relaxed tone could convey that you're not too upset about the situation, while saying the same thing with a scowl and a tense tone could convey that you're very upset.

In conclusion, while there's no exact equivalent to "糟糕" in English, there are many different phrases and expressions that can be used to convey a sense of disappointment and frustration. The key is to choose the right phrase for the situation and to use it in a way that conveys your emotions accurately and appropriately.

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