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每周四下午四点半到五点半用英语怎么说 每周四下午四点半到五点半用英语



In English, the expression for "五点半" is "5:30". This is not specifically an English expression, but rather a universal way of indicating half-past five on the clock.

If you are referring to a specific context, such as asking someone what time a meeting or appointment will be at 五点半, you can say "What time is the meeting/appointment at 5:30?".

However, if you are simply asking someone what time it is at 五点半, you can say "What time is it?" or more specifically "What time is it now?".

In addition, if you want to clarify whether it is 五点半 in the morning or evening, you can use the expressions "5:30 AM" or "5:30 PM", respectively.

It is also important to note that different countries and regions may use different time formats, such as the 24-hour clock or a different way of indicating AM and PM. Therefore, it is always a good idea to confirm the time format being used in a particular location before relying on English expressions for time.

Overall, while there are various ways to talk about time in English, indicating 五点半 or half-past five is a straightforward and universal expression.



Every Thursday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 in English is how we say it.

As English continues to be a dominant language in the world, it's important to have a grasp of the language. Knowing how to express the time is just one part of it. When it comes to meeting schedules or setting appointments, it's essential to communicate clearly and effectively. That's why knowing how to say "every Thursday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 in English" is useful not just for language learners, but also for anyone who needs to communicate in English on a regular basis.

To break it down, "every Thursday afternoon" means that the event happens once a week specifically on Thursdays in the afternoon. "From" indicates the start time. In this case, the event starts at 4:30 pm. "To" indicates the end time. The event ends at 5:30 pm. Finally, "in English" specifies the language that the event will be conducted in.

It's worth noting that in some regions, 4:30 pm might be referred to as "half past four" while 5:30 pm might be referred to as "half past five". Additionally, the use of "every" suggests a recurring event, but it's always best to clarify with the person or organization you're communicating with to ensure that you have the correct date and time.

Overall, being able to express time in English is a fundamental skill for anyone who interacts with English speakers. Whether it's for work, school, or travel, knowing how to communicate effectively in English can make a big difference in daily life. So, whether you're practicing vocabulary or mastering grammar, remember that every little effort counts towards better communication.

责任编辑: 鲁达

