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grow的过去式 Getting Out of Comfort Zones


Grew: Looking Back at a Time of Growth

As we reflect on the past, we can often see the times of growth that brought us to where we are today. Growth can come in different forms, but it is always a process that allows us to learn and develop. In this article, we will explore some personal stories of growth and the lessons learned along the way.

Getting Out of Comfort Zones

For many, growth comes from pushing oneself out of comfort zones. Whether it was the first time traveling solo or taking on a new and challenging project at work, getting out of familiar routines can lead to some of the most significant growth experiences.

Emily, who is now a successful businesswoman, remembers a time when she was still finding her place in the industry. She was offered an opportunity to lead a team on a new project that was outside of her expertise, and it scared her. However, she knew that this was a chance to grow, both professionally and personally.

Emily spent months learning everything she could about the project and the work of her colleagues. She embraced the challenge, and despite setbacks along the way, the end result was a resounding success. Today, Emily attributes much of her leadership skills and success in business to that period of growth that took her out of her comfort zone.

Breaking Through Fear and Doubt

Another form of growth comes from breaking through fear and self-doubt. These are powerful emotions that can hold us back from reaching our potential, and overcoming them can lead to profound personal growth.

When Jess was younger, she was terrified of public speaking. It was an irrational fear, but the thought of standing up in front of a group of people made her feel sick with anxiety. However, Jess knew that public speaking was a skill she needed to develop to progress in her career.

She took a public speaking course and started forcing herself to take every opportunity to speak in public. It was challenging, but over time, Jess learned to manage her fear and became confident in her ability to speak to a crowd. Today, she is a seasoned public speaker and credits her growth in this area to pushing through her fear and doubt.

Embracing Change and Adversity

Growth can also come from embracing change and adversity. It is easy to stay comfortable in familiar routines, but it is often the most challenging moments that lead to the most significant growth experiences.

When Ryan lost his job unexpectedly, he was devastated. He had been working in the same position for years and didn't know how to start over. However, after taking some time to reflect, he saw the situation as an opportunity for growth.

Ryan decided to use this time to explore his interests and passions and ended up starting a small business doing something he loved. It was challenging, but the hard work paid off, and today, Ryan is happier than ever before. He credits his growth to embracing the change and adversity that came with losing his job.


Growth is a process that can take many different forms. Whether it is getting out of comfort zones, breaking through fear and doubt, or embracing change and adversity, the lessons learned along the way are invaluable. As we look back at our own experiences of growth, we can appreciate the challenges that have led us to where we are today, and we can look forward to the growth that is yet to come.

责任编辑: 鲁达

