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Core summary

Digital environment: the wave of digitization promotes changes in production factors

Under the influence of digital upgrades, all production factors of the entire industry can participate in the construction and connection with digital means. Therefore, the interaction of all-link contacts and the transformation of key contacts have become important demands of advertisers.

Economic environment: characteristics of slower growth appear

Since 2015, China's economic growth has slowed down and entered a long-term downward cycle. The year-on-year GDP growth rate has continued to decline since the “breaking seven” in 2015, and the year-on-year growth rate in 2019 was 6.1%, showing the characteristics of a slowing economy.

Overall development: the trend of integration of marketing, operations, and sales is coming. Under the influence of the economic downturn, cost reduction and efficiency enhancement have become the demands of advertisers. External advertisers hope that all marketing actions can be transferred to visible sales targets, so e-commerce marketing and live broadcasting E-commerce marketing ushered in development opportunities. Domestic companies have begun to attach importance to "consumer data operations" and "refined marketing operations", which shows that in order to achieve digital sales growth and sustainable development of enterprises, the combination of "marketing", "operations" and "sales" strategies will be The focus of the enterprise for a long time.

Core role: practicing internal skills, intensive cultivation and steady "growth"

Advertisers: According to the survey of iResearch advertisers, advertisers’ cognition and marketing strategies are clearer and more effective. They value the current hot short video and live broadcast marketing methods, and they are increasingly relying on content marketing. The cognition of marketing technology has been greatly improved. At present, the effect of marketing tools is the most anticipated.

Media: Media share continues to change. Based on the advantages of e-commerce platforms with both media and consumer attributes and the dividends of live e-commerce, e-commerce advertising continues to lead the online advertising market. At the same time, the short video market share is also growing rapidly.

Marketing service providers: The content of marketing services has begun to change, moving from traffic "acquisition" to traffic "operation". At the same time, in the changing marketing environment, two new roles, "live broadcast service provider" and "MCN" have been added.

Keywords for core industry development trends: player concentration, production intelligence, strategic e-commerce

1. E-commerce marketing market: Top players drive the continuous growth of the market size, and the market prospects are considerable.

2. Online video market: boutique skits are among the mainstream models of online dramas, and 5G technology promotes the iterative upgrade of the online video industry.

3. Short video market: Major short video platforms continue to make efforts to deploy content e-commerce to bring goods, and actively explore commercial space.

4. Social network market: social media has gradually developed into an important component and supplement of social governance

5. News and information industry: Information giants use information as their origin and gradually become a comprehensive platform that gathers multiple forms of content.

6. Search engine industry: The stickiness of mobile search APP has been further enhanced, continuously gaining user attention and fragmented time.



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