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The Warriors are a disaster. They only have eight healthy players, none of whom (aside from Willie Cauley-Stein) have any business being a starter on an NBA team. But what Luka Doncic did last night, even against a depleted Golden State team, is insanely impressive.

勇士队近况不佳:大名单只有8名健康球员,除了威利·考利-斯坦(Willie Cauley-Stein)外,没人担任过首发。但是尽管面对这样损兵折将的金州勇士队,卢卡·东契奇(Luka Doncic)的表现也是可圈可点,近乎完美。

insanely [ɪnˈseɪnli] adv.不可思议地


Doncic put up 35 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists in just 25 minutes and 30 seconds of play during a 142–94 Mavericks win over the Warriors.


It was a performance full of fun facts.



He had the highest single game plus/minus (+45) in Mavericks history.

He’s the fifth player in NBA history to average a 30-point triple-double over any 10-game stretch.

He’s the fourth player since 1983 with back-to-back 35-point triple-doubles and the youngest to do it since Oscar Robertson in 1960.



自1983年以来背靠背拿下场均35分外加三双的球员中排名第四,超越1960年奥斯卡·罗伯逊(Oscar Robertson),成为最年轻的纪录保持者。

plus/minus [plʌs] / [ˈmaɪnəs] 正负值

He needed the least amount of playing time to record a 30-point triple-double in NBA history.

He’s only the second player in the last 15 seasons (Karl-Anthony Towns being the other) to have 20 points, five assists and five rebounds in a single quarter.

He’s the first player since Allen Iverson in 2003 to have more points, assists and rebounds in a quarter than the entire opposing team.



他是自2003年艾弗森(Allen Iverson)以来,第一个单节得分、助攻和篮板都超过对手整个球队的球员。

Through 14 games, he is putting up 29.9 points, grabbing 10.6 boards and dishing out 9.4 assists per game. On Monday, he served the Spurs a 42-point triple-double and then followed it up with a 35-point triple-double against the Warriors on Wednesday.



Creative success, the players before Doncic taught us, begs for imitation. And Doncic’s creativity has already led to so much success that we know it will be instructive. With every new move made, every new angle discovered, Doncic is building the game’s future.


instructive [ɪnˈstrʌktɪv] adj. 有益的;教育性的

The repeated term “first player since LeBron James to …” will soon become rote, but for now, every new record is an affirmation of his potential, and the better he is, the more the game itself will evolve.


rote [roʊt] n. 死记硬背

affirmation [ˌæfərˈmeɪʃn] n. 肯定

But gaudy stats have become routine in the modern NBA. What makes this moment special is the glaring awareness that in the passing of every successive game, Doncic is building the future. Watching him find himself is like watching a baby taking his or her first steps on Mars.


routine [ruːˈtiːn] adj.常规的

Doncic is on a tear right now, and you have to start wondering if he’s going to average a triple-double for the whole season.


“Look, he’s a very special player on a special roll,” Mavericks coach Rick Carlisle said after the game. “There’s not much else to say. This isn’t a big news flash now. This is getting to be pretty normal.”


这样的东契奇怎么看怎么强,也许在未来十年,卢卡与字母哥能一同创造21世纪的黑白大战,也许卢卡能带来达拉斯的Show Time时代。对于东契奇,你有什么期待?

关于作者: luda

