牛津英语语料库(Oxford English Corpus)的语料库中,约有25亿个是从最新真实英语资料中选择的英语单词)的研究表明,下表中的100个单词拼写最错误。
正确的拼写 | 常见的错误拼写 | 正确拼写建议 | 中文意思 |
accommodate, accommodation | accomodate, accomodation | two cs, two ms | 提供住宿 |
achieve | acheive | i before e | 获得 |
across | accross | one c | 穿过 |
aggressive, aggression | agressive, agression | two gs | 好斗的 |
apparently | apparantly | -ent not -ant | 明显地 |
appearance | appearence | ends with -ance | 外表 |
argument | arguement | no e after the u | 争论 |
assassination | assasination | two double s’s | 暗杀 |
basically | basicly | ends with -ally | 基本上 |
beginning | begining | double n before the -ing | 开始 |
believe | beleive, belive | i before e | 相信 |
bizarre | bizzare | one z, double -r | 奇怪的 |
business | buisness | begins with busi- | 商业 |
calendar | calender | -ar not -er | 日历 |
Caribbean | Carribean | one r, two bs | 加勒比的 |
cemetery | cemetary | ends with -ery | 墓地 |
chauffeur | chauffer | ends with -eur | 司机 |
colleague | collegue | -ea- in the middle | 同事 |
coming | comming | one m | 快来了 |
committee | commitee | double m, double t, double e | 委员会 |
completely | completly | ends with -ely | 完全地 |
conscious | concious | -sc- in the middle | 意识到的 |
curiosity | curiousity | -os- in the middle | 好奇心 |
definitely | definately | -ite- not –ate- | 肯定地 |
dilemma | dilemna | -mm- not -mn- | 两难困境 |
disappear | dissapear | one s, two ps | 消失 |
disappoint | dissapoint | one s, two ps | 使失望 |
ecstasy | ecstacy | ends with –sy | 狂喜 |
embarrass | embarass | two rs, two s’s | 使尴尬 |
environment | enviroment | n before the m | 环境 |
existence | existance | ends with -ence | 存在 |
Fahrenheit | Farenheit | begins with Fahr- | 华氏摄氏度 |
familiar | familar | ends with -iar | 熟悉的 |
finally | finaly | two ls | 最后 |
fluorescent | florescent | begins with fluor- | 荧光灯 |
foreign | foriegn | e before i | 外国的 |
foreseeable | forseeable | begins with fore- | 可预见的 |
forty | fourty | begins with for- | 四十 |
forward | foward | begins with for- | 向前 |
friend | freind | i before e | 朋友 |
further | futher | begins with fur- | 进一步 |
gist | jist | begins with g- | 要点 |
glamorous | glamourous | -mor- in the middle | 富有魅力的 |
government | goverment | n before the m | 政府 |
guard | gaurd | begins with gua- | 保卫 |
happened | happend | ends with -ened | 发生 |
harass, harassment | harrass, harrassment | one r, two s’s | 骚扰 |
honorary | honourary | -nor- in the middle | 荣誉的 |
humorous | humourous | -mor- in the middle | 幽默的 |
idiosyncrasy | idiosyncracy | ends with -asy | 特质 |
immediately | immediatly | ends with -ely | 马上 |
incidentally | incidently | ends with -ally | 偶然地 |
independent | independant | ends with -ent | 独立的 |
interrupt | interupt | two rs | 打断 |
irresistible | irresistable | ends with -ible | 无法抗拒的 |
knowledge | knowlege | remember the d | 知识 |
liaise, liaison | liase, liason | remember the second i: liais- | 联络 |
lollipop | lollypop | i in the middle | 棒棒糖 |
millennium, millennia | millenium, millenia | double l, double n | 千年 |
Neanderthal | Neandertal | ends with -thal | 穴居人的 |
necessary | neccessary | one c, two s’s | 必需的 |
noticeable | noticable | remember the middle e | 显著的 |
occasion | ocassion, occassion | two cs, one s | 场合 |
occurred, occurring | occured, occuring | two cs, two rs | 出现 |
occurrence | occurance, occurence | two cs, two rs, -ence not -ance | 出现 |
pavilion | pavillion | one l | 亭子 |
persistent | persistant | ends with -ent | 坚持不懈的 |
pharaoh | pharoah | ends with -aoh | 法老 |
piece | peice | i before e | 片,张 |
politician | politican | ends with -cian | 政治家 |
Portuguese | Portugese | ends with –guese | 葡萄牙人 |
possession | posession | two s’s in the middle and two at the end | 拥有 |
preferred, preferring | prefered, prefering | two rs | 更喜欢 |
propaganda | propoganda | begins with propa- | 宣传 |
publicly | publically | ends with –cly | 公开地 |
really | realy | two ls | 真正地 |
receive | recieve | e before i | 收到 |
referred, referring | refered, refering | two rs | 参考 |
religious | religous | ends with -gious | 宗教的 |
remember | rember, remeber | -mem- in the middle | 记住 |
resistance | resistence | ends with -ance | 抵抗 |
sense | sence | ends with -se | 感觉 |
separate | seperate | -par- in the middle | 分开 |
siege | seige | i before e | 包围 |
successful | succesful | two cs, two s’s | 成功的 |
supersede | supercede | ends with -sede | 取代 |
surprise | suprise | begins with sur- | 使惊讶 |
tattoo | tatoo | two ts, two os | 纹身 |
tendency | tendancy | ends with -ency | 趋势 |
therefore | therefor | ends with -fore | 因此 |
threshold | threshhold | one h in the middle | 门槛 |
tomorrow | tommorow, tommorrow | one m, two rs | 明天 |
tongue | tounge | begins with ton-, ends with -gue | 舌头 |
truly | truely | no e | 真实地 |
unforeseen | unforseen | remember the e after the r | 无法预料的 |
unfortunately | unfortunatly | ends with -ely | 不幸地 |
until | untill | one l at the end | 直到 |
weird | wierd | e before i | 古怪的 |
wherever | whereever | one e in the middle | 无论什么地方 |
which | wich | begins with wh- | 哪个 |
1. D) stepfather
2. C) congratulations
3. B) obedience
4. D) occurrence
5. A) evidently
6. B) laboratory
7. A) excerpt
8. C) debacle
9. D) juggernaut
10. C) Massachusetts