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牛津英语语料库(Oxford English Corpus)的语料库中,约有25亿个是从最新真实英语资料中选择的英语单词)的研究表明,下表中的100个单词拼写最错误。



accommodate, accommodationaccomodate, accomodationtwo cs, two ms提供住宿
achieveacheivei before e获得
acrossaccrossone c穿过
aggressive, aggressionagressive, agressiontwo gs好斗的
apparentlyapparantly-ent not -ant明显地
appearanceappearenceends with -ance外表
argumentarguementno e after the u争论
assassinationassasinationtwo double s’s暗杀
basicallybasiclyends with -ally基本上
beginningbeginingdouble n before the -ing开始
believebeleive, belivei before e相信
bizarrebizzareone z, double -r奇怪的
businessbuisnessbegins with busi-商业
calendarcalender-ar not -er日历
CaribbeanCarribeanone r, two bs加勒比的
cemeterycemetaryends with -ery墓地
chauffeurchaufferends with -eur司机
colleaguecollegue-ea- in the middle同事
comingcommingone m快来了
committeecommiteedouble m, double t, double e委员会
completelycompletlyends with -ely完全地
consciousconcious-sc- in the middle意识到的
curiositycuriousity-os- in the middle好奇心
definitelydefinately-ite- not –ate-肯定地
dilemmadilemna-mm- not -mn-两难困境
disappeardissapearone s, two ps消失
disappointdissapointone s, two ps使失望
ecstasyecstacyends with –sy狂喜
embarrassembarasstwo rs, two s’s使尴尬
environmentenviromentn before the m环境
existenceexistanceends with -ence存在
FahrenheitFarenheitbegins with Fahr-华氏摄氏度
familiarfamilarends with -iar熟悉的
finallyfinalytwo ls最后
fluorescentflorescentbegins with fluor-荧光灯
foreignforiegne before i外国的
foreseeableforseeablebegins with fore-可预见的
fortyfourtybegins with for-四十
forwardfowardbegins with for-向前
friendfreindi before e朋友
furtherfutherbegins with fur-进一步
gistjistbegins with g-要点
glamorousglamourous-mor- in the middle富有魅力的
governmentgovermentn before the m政府
guardgaurdbegins with gua-保卫
happenedhappendends with -ened发生
harass, harassmentharrass, harrassmentone r, two s’s骚扰
honoraryhonourary-nor- in the middle荣誉的
humoroushumourous-mor- in the middle幽默的
idiosyncrasyidiosyncracyends with -asy特质
immediatelyimmediatlyends with -ely马上
incidentallyincidentlyends with -ally偶然地
independentindependantends with -ent独立的
interruptinterupttwo rs打断
irresistibleirresistableends with -ible无法抗拒的
knowledgeknowlegeremember the d知识
liaise, liaisonliase, liasonremember the second i: liais-联络
lollipoplollypopi in the middle棒棒糖
millennium, millenniamillenium, milleniadouble l, double n千年
NeanderthalNeandertalends with -thal穴居人的
necessaryneccessaryone c, two s’s必需的
noticeablenoticableremember the middle e显著的
occasionocassion, occassiontwo cs, one s场合
occurred, occurringoccured, occuringtwo cs, two rs出现
occurrenceoccurance, occurencetwo cs, two rs, -ence not -ance出现
pavilionpavillionone l亭子
persistentpersistantends with -ent坚持不懈的
pharaohpharoahends with -aoh法老
piecepeicei before e片,张
politicianpoliticanends with -cian政治家
PortuguesePortugeseends with –guese葡萄牙人
possessionposessiontwo s’s in the middle and two at the end拥有
preferred, preferringprefered, preferingtwo rs更喜欢
propagandapropogandabegins with propa-宣传
publiclypublicallyends with –cly公开地
reallyrealytwo ls真正地
receiverecievee before i收到
referred, referringrefered, referingtwo rs参考
religiousreligousends with -gious宗教的
rememberrember, remeber-mem- in the middle记住
resistanceresistenceends with -ance抵抗
sensesenceends with -se感觉
separateseperate-par- in the middle分开
siegeseigei before e包围
successfulsuccesfultwo cs, two s’s成功的
supersedesupercedeends with -sede取代
surprisesuprisebegins with sur-使惊讶
tattootatootwo ts, two os纹身
tendencytendancyends with -ency趋势
thereforethereforends with -fore因此
thresholdthreshholdone h in the middle门槛
tomorrowtommorow, tommorrowone m, two rs明天
tonguetoungebegins with ton-, ends with -gue舌头
trulytruelyno e真实地
unforeseenunforseenremember the e after the r无法预料的
unfortunatelyunfortunatlyends with -ely不幸地
untiluntillone l at the end直到
weirdwierde before i古怪的
whereverwhereeverone e in the middle无论什么地方
whichwichbegins with wh-哪个






1. D) stepfather

2. C) congratulations

3. B) obedience

4. D) occurrence

5. A) evidently

6. B) laboratory

7. A) excerpt

8. C) debacle

9. D) juggernaut

10. C) Massachusetts





关于作者: admin

