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2.1指令寄存器IR(Instruction Register):本质上是存储部件,寄存器是临时存储介质。计算机将当前正在运行或要执行的命令存储在寄存器中。

2.2程序计数器PC(Program Counter):保留下一步执行命令的位置,因此通过注册器存储的地址,可以轻松地从内部取出下一步要执行的命令,并将其放入命令注册器中。


controller uses an instruction pointer to keep track of The sequence of instruction that is supposed to be The pointer as a guide,The control unit

data are brought into the alu by the control unit and the alu performs whatever arithmetic or logical operations are required to help carry out the instant






3.3 状态寄存器:用来记录算术、逻辑运算或测试操作的结果状态。程序设计中,这些状态通常用作条件转换指令的判断条件,所以又称为条件码寄存器。

3.4 通用寄存器:为了减少对存储器的访问,主要用来保存参加运算的操作数和运算的结果。

3.5 执行部件:包括一个加法器和各种类型的输入输出门电路。

3.6 控制电路:按照一定的时间顺序发出不同的控制信号,使数据经过相应的门电路进入寄存器或加法器,完成规定的操作。

-4- 寄存器



A register is a storage location inside the in the control unit are used to keep track of the overall status of the program that is running.Control unit registers store information such as the current instruction,the location of the next instruction to be executed,and the operands of the in the ALU,registers store data items that are added,substracted,multiplied,divided,and com registers store the results of arithmetic and logical operations.

-5- 总线:五大部件的连接

为了读出程序、处理数据等,必须要在CPU与内存之间进行数据的传送。数据是利用称为数据总线(data bus)的传输途径进行交换的。所谓总线(bus),就是计算机主板上的某种传输线路。总线的宽度(即传输线的条数),会因CPU而各异。比如,对于32位总线而言,每次可以交换32位的数据。但需要注意的是,总线位数并不是CPU的位数,而是指传输数据时的位数。例如,英特尔公司的奔腾系列为32位的CPU,其数据总线的宽度为64位。总线是与从CPU芯片里面引出来的,一根一根针(pin)脚相对应的。如果能对照CPU芯片或计算机主板的实物,找到称为总线的传输线路,对总线的概念,就会有感觉了。


比如,若地址总线只有16条(即16位总线),其所能存取访问的地址是,从0000 0000 0000 0000地址到1111 1111 1111 1111地址为止,只有65636个单元。现在市场上的奔腾系列CPU,其地址总线有32根。它可以直接访问的内在单元为232=4GB(约40亿个字节)。


Physically,a bus is a set of wires.The components of the computer are connected to the bu send information from one component to another,the source component outputs data onto the bus.The destination component then inputs this data from the bus.As the complexity of a computer system increases,it becomes more efficient(in terms of minimizing connections) at using buses rather than direct connections between every pair of devices.Buses use less space on a circuit board and require less power than a large number of direct connec also require few pins on the chip or chips that comprise the CPU.

When the cpu reads data or instruction from or writes data to memory,it must specify the address of the memory location it wishes to acce outputs this address to the address bus;memory inputs this address from the address bus and use it to access the proper memory loca I/O devices,usch as a keyboard,monitor,or disk device,has a unique address as well,when accessing an I/O device,the cpu places address of the device on the address bus.Each bus can read the address off the bus and determine whether it is the device being access by the c the other buses,the address bus always receives data form the cpu,the cpu never reads the address bus.

Data is transfered via the data bus.When the cpu fetches data from memory,it first outputs the memory address on its address bus.Then memory outputs the data onto the data bus,the cpu can then read the data from the data bus.When writing data to memory,the cpu first outputs the address onto the address bus,then outputs the data onto the data bus.The memory then reads and stores the data at proper loca processes for reading data from and writing data to the I/O devices are similar.

The control bus is different from the other two bu address bus consists of a lines,which combine to transmit one -bit address value.Similarly,the lines of the data bus work together to transmit a single multi-bit value.In contrast,the control bus is a collection of individual control signals indicate whether data is to be read into or written out of the cpu,whether the cpu is accessing memory or an I/O devices or memory is ready to transfer da control bus is really a collection of (mostly) undirectional of these signals are output from the memory and I/O subsystems,although a few are output by these subsystems to the cpu.

A system may have a hierarchy of bu example,it may use its address,data and control buses to access memory,and an I/O con I/O controller,in turn,may access all I/O devices using a second bus,often called an I/O bus or a local bus.


关于作者: luda

