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〔treats〕treatsures? treatsbtosth翻译


如果你从来在“语言环境”中“见过”某句英语“怎么说?”,而你的英语“学习”(if any at all)又不想总是,也只能是用“吃现成”的方法学习:老师,麻烦告诉我这句英语怎么说的的答案是什么?或者,直接浑沦吞枣地查汉英词典“得答案”,而是想,也愿意“到语言环境”中学(语言)英语,那么,你就要通过刻苦训练获得“找到语言环境”的办法和能力。



这样的英语“学习”(if any at all),除了用中文“懂得”一句英语外,其它的重要内容失去的太多太多,也太可惜。





我们虽然从来没有在英语语言环境里见过,或听到别人说过“野猫”的英语,但是,我们可以想办法到“英语语言环境”里“探索、发现、求证”:“野猫”我“会说”a wild cat,但是,人家在英语里真的说a wild cat吗?同样,“家猫”是说a tamed cat吗?


1) 把学过的英语用起来:Yahoo wild cat is fifferent from tamed cat

这一步,体现的是我们运用英语的能力,也给我们一次“用”英语,“说”英语的机会和锻炼。所以,我“拓展”了一下英语“野猫”的搜索词:wild cat is fifferent from tamed cat

2) 我们通过搜索,得到大量的有关英语“野猫”,“家猫”的英语“语言环境”。这正是我们“稀缺”和需要的重要内容。

1. Wild cats were tamed with strokes and treats

Key differences between wild cats and domesticated cats include changes in genes associated with reward and pleasure.

2.How to tame a wild cat or a stray cat?

Tame a wild cat or a stray cat Wild cat and stray cat are totally different. They should therefore not be confused. Is it possible to tame each other? Certainly not for the wildcat.

As for the stray cat, which has long since regained its total freedom, it can eventually be approached, even tamed, provided the right attitude is adopted. They are felines that are generally suspicious of humans. The slightest mistake in their regard can compromise any kind of approach.



1)在“语言环境”里,果然“求证”了a wild cat的说法没错!

Okay.I got you.In English,you can say,or they do say A wild cat for野猫

我们总想“练”英语口语,可是,很多人却连这句高中英语“口语”都不一定会说,而以为只有面对面跟老外说wild cat“才是英语口语”。

2) Okay.I got you.We have wild ca have tamed ca we have domesticated ca also have stray cats.

3) A wild cat lives in the wild.It is a wild animal,afraid of people.

4) A tamed cat is a cat we train to become a domesticated cat.

5) A domesticated cat lives with human bings for foid,or as our pets.

6)A stray cat has lost its owner,has no it is a tamed cat,a wild cat,or a domesticated cat.



#研究生# #怎么自学英语# #英语思维#

责任编辑: 鲁达

