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me : ' what is the attitude towards environment issues about ava rage people in France?'


Chloe : ' in France almost every one cares about the environment but to a different extent regarding the people . some would even become vever people



me : ' what would be the difference for environmental awareness between China and where you ' refrom?`



Chloe : ' I guess people in France watch more documentaries that will make them aware . also there are more people that are eco friendly in to Ly Ly years,That use almost no packaging . people sera those shops and it will make mentaly evolve . to finish the garbage is treated very diff rently 30 regarding the transportation,it seems that Chinese government has taken great measures(ecabs,Not easy to get the permit to ride a car)' in France we have tramways and ready to use electronic cars in the big cities . '





I didn ' t know it was bad for the environment if we have meat before I chatted with Chloe . I would not want meat for every meal,but I am defining

谢谢来自法国的Chloe和她的男朋友,和他们聊天,让他们对中法的环境问题有更多的看法。(大卫亚设,Northern Exposure(美国电视剧),法国名言)事实上,在Chloe上,我问了几个问题,但她工作太忙,所以首先根据她的回答写了这么多文章。希望能把她对环境保护的想法分享给更多的人。我们一起努力,从我们自己开始,和绿色的脚一起捡垃圾开始。从深圳开始,继续扩散吧。


I really appreciate Chloe and her boy friend from France . it makes me know more about the differences between China and France by talking to them。Lly,I have asked Chloe some other questions,but sheis too busy to answer them all . therefore I wrote some words based on what she told me。I wish I could share her environmental ideas to more people、wework on it together by starting from ourselves和from picking up trashes with grashes


关于作者: luda

