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放置Lay/set the table餐具

The multiplication tables乘法公式表

A table of contents目录表

At table正在吃饭。吃饭的时候


Take sth with sb

Take sb sth/take sth to sb

执行Take measures/action活动/活动

Take sb's advice接受了某人的建议

我对Take an interest感兴趣

看一下Take a look

It takes (sb) sth to do sth

Take.as/for/to be是.

分解Take apart

Take away拿走了:拿走后让它消失

退回Take back收回

删除Take down写下来。拆除

Take in吸入;接受;理解;欺骗。


Take on演示文稿;就业;接受(天);负担(责任)

删除Take out拿出来获得;拿出来。收到后带着。出去

收到Take over接管

Take to开始工作了。喜欢开发.习惯

Take up启动(从事);占有


a fairy/浪漫故事童话/爱情故事


A talent show/competition才艺比赛

Have talent for很有才华

Show a talent for展示了才能


Talk of/about/on (doing) sth

Talk to/with sb

Talk.into/out of (doing) sth说服某人做或不做某事

Talk over详细讨论

Give a talk about/on编写的报告

Small talk聊天;经常说的话

与Have a long talk with.进行长时间的对话

峰会Summit talks峰会


Turn on/off the tap开/关水龙头

Tap sb on the shoulder轻拍某人的肩膀


在Hit/miss the target中脱靶/脱靶

Target audience大象用户



Undertake a task执行任务


Taste good尝起来很好吃。

请尝尝Have a taste

喜欢Develop/acquire a taste for

Have taste in很有品位


坐Take a taxi出租车



Teach sb sth/teach sth to sb

Teach sb (how) to do sth

Teach sb to do sth

Teach sb that子句

Teach sb a lesson给某人上了一课。


Burst into tears突然大哭起来


Tear.into/to pieces.撕成碎片

队下(tear down)入选了。拆毁。拆毁

Tear up撕裂;拔



Tell sb sth/tell sth to sb

英特尔sbabout/of sth

Tell sb (that)子句

Tell sb wh-子句

根据我的判断,As far as I can tell


Take sb's temperature给某人量体温

Have/be running a temperature热


Tend to/toward(s) sth倾向.有.趋势

Tend to do sth很容易做某事。倾向于做某事。



In the long/short term长期/眼前


In terms of.从侧面看;从侧面看。只是.可以说

与Be on good terms with.良好的关系


Flee in terror匆匆逃走

害怕In terror of


感谢Thank heavens/goodness

Thank sb for (doing) sth(原因).)谢谢某人

幸运的是thanks to因为


Be thankful for


In that表示.此时;因为




就在Just then那个时候


In theory理论奖



提供随时待命(be)there(for sb)支援或支援


Thick fog浓雾

Be thick with是


For one thing.for another (thing).首先。而且.


Think twice before you do。经过深思熟虑后。

think to oneself 心想

it is thought that 人们认为

be thought that 被认为

I don’t think so. 我认为并非如此。

think about 思考;考虑

think highly of 对…高度评价

think of 考虑;关心;想出;想起;认为…适合

think of ... as ... 把…看作…;认为…是…

think over 仔细考虑

think up 想出

30. thirst

thirst for knowledge 对知识的渴望

31. though

even though 即使;虽然

32. thought

deep in thought 深思

lost in thought 陷入沉思

That’s a thought! 好主意!

at the thought of 一想起… (就)

have second thoughts 改变主意

without a second thought 立即;不假思索

thousands of 大量的;成千上万的

33. throw

throw away 扔掉;浪费 (金钱等);放过 (机会等)

throw off 扔掉;摆脱;匆匆脱掉 (衣服)

throw oneself into 投身于;积极从事

throw oneself on 扑倒在…上;完全依赖

throw out 抛出;扔掉;撵走;开除

throw up 抛起;举起

34. ticket

a single / return ticket 单程 / 往返票

a parking ticket 违章停车罚单

35. tie

have close ties with 与…有密切联系

tie up 系紧;拴牢

36. tight

Money is tight. 钱紧

Sleep tight! 睡个好觉!

37. time

next time 下次

last time 上次

ahead of time 提前;提早

all the time 一直;始终

at a time 一次;同时

at all times 随时;总是

(at) any time 任何时候;随时

at no time 在任何时候都不;决不

at one time 一度

at the same time 同时;但

at times 有时;间或

by the time 在…以前

every time 每次;每当

for the time (being) 暂时;眼下

from time to time 有时;不时

have a ... time 过得…

in no time 立即;马上

in time 及时;迟早

it’s (about / high) time sb did sth 是某人做事的时候了

on time 按时;准时

once upon a time 从前

take your time 别着急

time after time / time and (time) again 一再;反复

38. tired

be tired of 厌倦

39. together

together with 和

40. tongue

mother / native tongue 母语

41. too

all too 太

can’t / can never ... too ... 怎么…也不过分;越…越好

42. tooth

have a tooth out 拔牙

43. top

at the top of 在…顶上

on top 在上方;领先地

on top of 在…之上;加之

top floor 顶层

44. total

a total of 总

in total 总共;总计

45. touch

touch one’s heart 触动某人的心弦

touch down 降落;着陆

(be) in touch (with) (与…) 有联系

(be) out of touch (with) (与…) 不联系 / 不接触

get in touch (with) (与…) 取得联系

keep / stay in touch (with) (与…) 保持联系

lose touch (with) (与…) 失去联系

be touched by 受感动

46. tough

tough guy 硬汉

be tough on / with 对…强硬

47. tour

a tour guide 导游

48. track

keep track of 与…保持联系;了解…的动态

lose track of 失去…的线索;与…失去联系;忘记

49. training

give sb training 培训某人

receive / undergo training 接受培训

50. translate

translate … into … 把…翻译成…

51. transport

air / road transport 空运 / 陆运

52. travel

air / space travel 航空 / 太空旅行

53. treat

treat sb to 用…招待某人;以…款待某人

54. tremble

tremble with fear 吓得发抖

55. trial

a trial period 试用期

on trial 在试用中;在受审

trial and error 反复试验;不断摸索

56. trick

play a trick on 捉弄

perform magic tricks 表演魔术

trick sb into doing 哄骗某人做某事

57. trip

go on / take a trip 去旅行

a business trip to 去…出差

58. trouble

pour out troubles 倾诉烦恼

run into trouble 陷入困境

have trouble doing 做…有困难

no trouble 不费事

get (sb) into trouble (使某人) 陷入困境;(使某人) 遇到麻烦

keep / stay out of trouble 远离麻烦

in trouble 处于困境中

take the trouble to do sth 费神做某事;不辞辛劳地做某事

take trouble doing / to do sth 尽心尽力地做某事

sorry to trouble you 对不起打扰您一下

59. true

true or false 真还是假

a true story 真实的故事

the same is true of …也同样

true feelings 真实的感受

come true 实现;成为现实

60. trust

put your trust in 信任

I trust (that) 我希望…

61. truth

tell the truth 讲实话

in truth 事实上;的确

to tell (you) the truth 老实说

62. try

Try luck. 碰碰你的运气吧。

Try as she might. 想尽办法。

try to do sth 试图做某事

try one’s best (to do sth)

try doing sth 试着做某事

try on 试穿

try out 试验

try out for 参加…选拔 / 试演

63. tune

in tune 合调;协调

out of tune 走调;不协调

tune in 收听;收看

64. turn

turn the corner 拐弯

turned her attention to 把注意力转到

turn around / round 转身;转变;好转

turn away 把…转过去;把…打发走

turn back (使) 往回走;改变做法

turn down 关小;调低 (音量等);拒绝

turn in 上交;上缴

turn into (使) 变成;(使) 成为

turn off 关 (水、煤气、电灯等)

turn on 开 (水、煤气、电灯等);使 (某人) 产生兴趣;对…发怒;突然攻击…

turn out 制造;生产;培养出;原来 (是);证明 (是);结果 (是);出席;参加

turn over 翻身;(使) 翻转;翻过 (书页);移交;反复考虑

turn to 转向;求助于

turn up 开大;调高 (音量等);(人) 到达;出现;(尤指失去后) 被发现

take a turn for the better / worse 好转 / 恶化

by turns 轮流;交替

in turn 依次;反过来;转而

take turns 轮流;依次

take turns (in) driving 轮流开车

take turns to do sth 轮流做某事

65. turning

a turning point 转折点

66. typical

it is typical of sb to do sth

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