

Ate: 一段关于饮食的回忆第一次品尝美食当我年幼的时候,饮食对我来说只是一种满足基本需求的方式,直到有一天,我第一次品尝到了真正的美食。那是我到巴黎旅游的时候,我尝到了正宗的法式料理。那道被花瓣状的土豆片包裹的…



Taught: My Journey of TeachingAs a seasoned educator with over 15 years of experience, I have learned that teaching is n…



Wore: A Past Tense of WearWearing clothes is a basic need of people. It not only serves as a protection for the body, bu…

begin的过去式 The First Day of Hiking

begin的过去式 The First Day of Hiking

BeganOn a sunny morning in August, Anne began her journey to the mountains. She had been planning this trip for weeks an…

can的过去式 Ability and Possibility

can的过去式 Ability and Possibility

Could, Can, Couldn't: An Exploration of Modal VerbsIn English grammar, modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verbs that ex…



“Went”:过去式的go最近的我感觉有点萎靡不振,似乎失去了往日的激情和动力。因此,我决定写下这篇文章,来回顾一下自己过去的成就,勉励自己再次go起来。## 我曾经“去”过哪里?我小时候是个胆小的孩子,不喜欢离开家,更不喜欢…

take的过去式 Past Actions

take的过去式 Past Actions

TookIntroductionTake, as a verb, has a variety of meanings and uses. As the past tense of take, took refers to an action…

take的过去式 Past Actions

take的过去式 Past Actions

TookIntroductionTake, as a verb, has a variety of meanings and uses. As the past tense of take, took refers to an action…
