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Prague is The capital city and largest city in The Czech Republic . it is one of The largest cities of central Europe and has served as The capital of t He hihital



This magical city of bridges,cathedrals,gold-tipped towers and church domes,Has been mirrored in the surface of the swan-fom


Prague was founded in the later 9th century,and soon became the seat of bohemian kings,Some of whom ruled as emperors of the city became the capital of Czechoslovakia . after 1989 many foreigners,especially young people,moved to prague.in 1992,Its hists



It is regarded by many as one of Europe's most charming, colorful and beautiful cities, Prague has become the most popular travel destination in Central Europe along with Vienna and Krakow. Millions of tourists visit the city every year.


Public transportation is very convenient in most of the areas visitors are likely to frequent. One key thing to note if you are staying outside of the the city centre is that public transport buses do not enter the historic districts (Old Town, New Town, Lower Town, etc.), so as to prevent air and noise pollution. One must transfer to a cleaner and quieter electric-powered tram or a metro before reaching historic areas.



Prague is renowned as a very "walkable" city. For those who enjoy seeing the old and new city by foot, one can easily walk from Wenceslas Square to the Old Town Square, or from the Old Town to Charles Bridge and the Castle District. Prague has more than 120 kilometer of bike paths to its disposal. This makes Prague a suitable city to discover by bike. Nowadays Prague can be seen as a real cycle city. This is confirmed by the great offer of cycle services and centres. There are several bicycle garages, bike rental and bike tour companies make easier to cycling in this city

布拉格作为一个非常 "适合步行 "的城市而闻名。对于那些喜欢步行看新旧城市的人来说,可以很容易地从温塞斯拉广场步行到老城广场,或者从老城步行到查理大桥和城堡区。布拉格有超过120公里的自行车道供其使用。这使得布拉格成为一个适合骑车游览的城市。现在的布拉格可以被看作是一个真正的自行车城市。这一点从大量的自行车服务和中心得到证实。这里有几个自行车车库、自行车租赁和自行车旅游公司,使在这个城市骑自行车变得更容易。

If you want to discover Prague on your own, this is possible by renting a bike. However, if you want to explore the city and learn about culture and history it’s recommended to do a guided bike tour. By doing a bike tour you’ll get familiar with the city’s highlights and its history in a few hours.



If you are tired from walking or just don’t have enough time, Sightseeing Tour is your best option. It can get into nice old tiny streets and parks where you can’t get with buses or cars. It is also very personal and flexible. You can discuss the route before departure. Most of them are on Old Town Square or you can also make order in advance.



Prague is Goethe's "most beautiful city in Europe", which survived World War II but was not damaged by the war, preserving buildings and monuments of all historical periods and styles, and the colors of these buildings are extremely brilliant. This has earned Prague the title of "Golden City". So, if you come to this city, you will definitely be fascinated by her special temperament

布拉格是歌德笔下 "欧洲最美的城市",虽然经历了二战,但没有受到战争的破坏,保留了各个历史时期和风格的建筑和遗迹,而且这些建筑的色彩极其绚丽。这为布拉格赢得了 "黄金之城 "的称号。所以,如果你来到这个城市,你一定会被她的特殊气质所吸引的。

关于作者: luda

