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unit 5 . do you want to a game show?


sitcom ['stkm] n .情景喜剧(=situation comedy)

Girls like to watch sitcoms。


新闻[njuz] n .新闻;新闻

Where did you hear the news?


肥皂[sp] n .肥皂;连续剧

these soap operas are so interesting。


教育[EDEDKE NL]ADJ培训;有教育意义

this is a very educational documentary。


计划[pln] n .计划方法v .计划计划

I plan to travel to chinghai lake this summer vacation。

Hope [HP]。希望期待;希望。希望。希望

my mother hopes that I can enter a good university in the future。今年暑假打算去青海湖旅行。

Discussion [d' skn] n .讨论故事

there was a heated discussion on this issue。对这个问题进行了热烈的讨论。


I can't stand the cold air。


Happen ['hpn] VI。发生;发生。偶然地;偶然地。出现时偶然相遇

I happened to meet my former good friend yesterday。昨天我偶然遇见了我以前的好朋友。

梅伊[me] aux。是的,可以。也许,也许

my I come in?我可以进来吗?

expect [k' spekt] v .预计;期待;期待。盼望

the children are looking forward to the new year。孩子们盼望着新年的到来。

=the children are expecting to the new year。孩子们期待新年的到来。

Joke [dk] n .开玩笑;笑话五。开玩笑。开玩笑

uncleis a very humorous person . he often tells us jokes。叔叔是个很幽默的人。他经常跟我们开玩笑。

Comedy ['kmdi] n .喜剧;滑稽幽默的事件

It's a happy comedy。这是一部快乐的喜剧。

识别Find out透露

at last the police found out the truth。


Meaningless ['minls] adj .毫无意义。不重要

we try not to do meaningless things as much as possible。我们努力不做没有意义的事。

Action ['kn] n .行为活动

actions against the law are not allowed。


Cartoon [k' tun] n .漫画;漫画

从children Aged 5 to 7 like Cartoons and comics the mo到7岁的孩子们最喜欢漫画和漫画。

Culture ['KLT (r)] n .栽培文化;教养

Chinese culture has a long history。


Famous ['fems] adj .著名;著名的


Appear ['p (r)] vi。出现。出版;出版。看到了

he appears a little anxious and uneasy .



become [bɪ'kʌm] v.变成;成为

To become a successful man, we must work hard.要成为一个成功的人,我们必须努力工作。

rich [rɪtʃ] adj.富有的;富饶的;丰富的

The fertile Paracel Islands is in the south of C are rich mineral resources there.肥沃的西沙群岛在中国的南部。那里有丰富的矿产资源。

successful [sək'sesfl] adj.成功的;圆满的

He is a successful businessman.


might [maɪt] aux.可能;也许;may的过去式

Tom might have gone to the library yesterday.汤姆昨天可能去了图书馆。

main [meɪn] adj.主要的;最重要的

The first paragraph is the main content of the text.第一段是文章的主要内容。

reason ['riːzn] n.原因;理由

The reason why he didn't go to school was that his mother was ill.他没去上学的原因是他妈妈病了。

△film [fɪlm] n.电影

It's a very moving film.


△unlucky [ʌn'lʌki] adj.倒霉的;不幸的;不吉利的

This is really an unlucky thing.


△lose [luːz] vt.丢失;失败vi.失败

Alice is losing weight.


△ready ['redi] adj.准备好的;乐意的

Mom is ready to go to the supermarket to buy fruit this afternoon.今天下午妈妈准备去超市买水果。

△character ['kærəktə(r)] n.个性;品质;人物;

Alice is the main character in this article.

Alice is the main character in this article.


△simple ['sɪmpl] adj.简单的;朴素的;单纯的;笨的

She is wearing a simple coat.


△army ['ɑːmi] n.军队;陆军;

He has been in the army for three years.


△action movie 动作片

Long long's action movie is so good.


△be ready to 愿意做某事

→He is ready to share his happiness to others.他愿意把自己的快乐分享给别人。

△dress up 装扮;乔装打扮

→Every Christmas, my grandfather dressed himself up as a Santa Claus and sent candy to the children.每年圣诞节,我爷爷都装扮成圣诞老人给孩子们送糖果。

△take sb.’s place 代替;替换

→Mr. Wang is ill. Mr. Zhang will take the place of him to teach the children.王老师病了。张老师将代替他教孩子们。

do a good job 工作干得好;做得好

The teacher praised me for my good job


Sarah 萨拉(女名)

Walt Disney 沃尔特.迪斯尼

Minnie 明妮(女名)

Mickey Mouse 米老鼠

The children like Mickey Mouse very much.


△Steamboat Willie 迪士尼公司制作的全球第一部有声动画片《威利号汽船》

△Hollywood 好莱坞,美国电影业

Hollywood movies are wonderful.


the Hollywood Walk of Fame 好莱坞星光大道(美国)

Unit 5. Do you want to a game show?


1. find out 查出/发现

The police found out the truth.


2. be ready to do 准备做…

Are you ready to go to America?


3. dress up 打扮/化妆成

The theif always dressed himself as police and cheated others.那个小偷总是装扮成警察来欺骗别人。

4. take one's place 代替某人

Can you take my place to attend the meeting ?你能代替我参加会议吗?

5. do a good job 干得好/表演的出色

The little girl does a good job.


6. think of 想到/思考

My father is thinking of a problem.


7. game show 游戏节目

Some game shows are too boring.


8. learn from 向…...学习

We should learn from academician Zhong Nanshan .我们应该向钟南山院士学习。

9. talk show 访谈节目

The reporter interviewed a lot of talk shows.记者采访了许多脱口秀节目。

10. soap opera 肥皂剧

A lot of people like to watch soap operas.很多人喜欢看肥皂剧。

11. go on 继续

After watching TV for a while, I went on to finish my homework.看了一会儿电视后,我接着做作业。

12. watch a movie 看电影

I go to the cinema with my family in the evening.晚上我和家人去看电影。

13. one of… 其中之一

The Forbidden City is one of the famous places of interest in China.故宫是中国著名的名胜之一。

14. try one’s best to

=do one’s best to 竭尽全力

Everyone should do his best to protect the earth.每个人都应该尽力保护地球。

15. a pair of 一双

Tom was wearing a pair of glasses and a pair of blue jeans汤姆戴着一副眼镜、穿着一条蓝色牛仔裤

△16. as famous as 一样闻名/出名

The Forbidden City is as famous as the Great Wall.故宫和长城一样有名。

17. look like 看起来像

He looks like his father.


18. around the world 世界各地

I'm going to travel around the world this summer vacation.这个暑假我要去环游世界。

19. have a discussion about 讨论…...

There was a heated discussion on this issue.对这个问题进行了热烈的讨论。

Our classmates are discussing whether to go to the library tomorrow.我们班同学正在讨论明天是否去图书馆。

20. one day 有一天/某一天

I hope to land on the moon one day.


21. such as 例如

There are all kinds of fruits in the fruit shop, such as apples, bananas and pears.


22. a symbol of 一个象征/标志

The pyramid is the symbol of Egypt.


23. something enjoyable 快乐的事情

Children always have so many happy things.孩子们总是有那么多快乐的东西。

24. interesting information 有趣的信息

The little boy brought us very interesting information.这个小男孩给我们带来了非常有趣的信息。

关于作者: luda

