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【span】sleuth propagation,span tag 及span类型 spanish是什么意思

sleuth 里面有多种span,要注意之间并没有继承等关系,如:

  • public final class MutableSpan implements Cloneable,和brave及Tracing没有直接关联
  • Brace 的span,这个才可以和tracing 关联
  • 这两种span 都有tag 函数

propagation 是可以整个trace 生命周期都可以看到,但要注意zipkin 并不处理、显示内容,注意文档原文(Baggage是带前缀,旧版支持的propagation ):

  • Baggage versus Span Tags
    Baggage travels with the trace (every child span contains the baggage of its parent). Zipkin has no knowledge of baggage and does
    not receive that information.
  • Tags are attached to a specific span. In other words, they are presented only for that particular span.

实际还有一种特殊的span,在MutableSpan 上增加tag,会传递到下一个span(比如,被调用rest 服务),但不会传递到下下一个span(比如被调用rest服务再调用服务)

要在zipkin显示propagation的值,需要转为tag,如可以考虑增加一个FinishedSpanHandler 来处理,如下代码:

@Bean FinishedSpanHandler handlerOne() { return new FinishedSpanHandler() { @Override public boolean handle(TraceContext traceContext, MutableSpan span) { Map<String, String> maps = Ex(traceContext); bravespan = (); ma((key,value)->{ logger.info("Propagation key:" + key); (key, value); }); //("key","v"); ("foo"); return true; // keep this span } }; }

责任编辑: 鲁达

