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Part A Reading Aloud

In this part,you are required to watch a video and read after the speaker in the video。

The fighters return,And are nursed . hands that when they were tiny explored the world And opened a mind,Now show a gentle understanding of otor

Part B Role Play

In this part,you are required to act as a role and complete the following communicative tasks 3360

after watching the video and listening to the speaker,ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions from the computer acting as





Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips.







Please get ready to answer five questions in English.






Part C Retelling a Story

In this part, you are required to listen to a story twice, then retell the story in your own words.


关键词:watch TV (看电视) mess(杂乱) housework(家务) surprise(惊奇)



Part A 略

Part B

W: Hi, Mike.

M: Oh, Jessica. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. How are you doing?

W: Well, I was thinking about taking a year off after we finish school this summer, and I want some advice.

M: I see. You mean put off going to university for a year?

W: That’s right. I’ve been offered a place at University College London, but what I’d really like to do is take a year out first — do something different, maybe go abroad.

M: So were you thinking of getting some sort of job, or travelling around? I mean, is your main aim to earn some money or to do something else, or do you want to do a bit of both?

W: I’d really like to travel — but I don’t have any money.

(1) 学生问:那你计划做什么?So what do you plan to do? / So what do you want to do? / So what will you do? / So what are you going to do?

录音答:I’ve heard of an organization called Peterson International. It’s a charity and it’s aimed very much at young people, and what they do is to get teams of young people to work together on various projects all over the world — environmental projects, community projects, that sort of thing.

(2) 学生问:为这个组织工作的人来自全世界吗?Are people working for the organization from all over the world? / Are people serving for the organization from all over the world? / Do people working for the organization come from all over the world? / Do people serving the organization come from all over the world?

录音答:Yes, they’re international teams. I’d be working with quite a variety of people. My cousin worked for the organization the year before last. He thinks he benefited a lot from the experience.

(3) 学生问:你父母支持你做这个吗?Do your parents support you in doing this? / Do your parents approve of doing this? / Do your parents back you up? / Are you supported by your parents in doing this?

录音答:Yes. They would like me to broaden my horizons, but they also want me to be economically independent of my family, so they won’t give me a penny. I’m so stressed! I don’t know where to get the money.

(1) 录音问:How long does Jessica want to put off going to university?

学生答:A year. / Jessica wants to defer a year to going to university . / Jessica wants to go to university after a year. / It is for a year that Jessica wants to put off going to university.

(2) 录音问:Which school offered a place to Jessica?

学生答:University College London. / University College London offered a place to Jessica. / It was University College London that offered a place to Jessica. /Jessica is offered a place by University College London.

(3) 录音问:What kind of people work for the charity?

学生答:Young people. / Youngsters. / It is young people that work for the charity. / Young people work for the charity.

(4) 录音问:When did Jessica’s cousin work for the organization?

学生答:The year before last. / Jessica’s cousin worked for the organization the year before last. / It was the year before last that Jessica’s cousin worked for the organization. / Her cousin worked for the organization the year before last.

(5) 录音问:Why won’t Jessica’s parents give her any money?

学生答:They want her to be economically independent of the family. / Because Jessica’s parents want her to be economically independent of the family. / Her parents want her to be economically independent of the family. / They hope Jessica could be economically independent of the family.

Part C

It is five o’clock in the evening when Rene Wagner comes home from work. She walks into the living room and looks at her three children. The children are 14, 13 and 9 years old. They are watching TV. The living room is a mess. There are empty glasses and dirty socks on the floor. There are cookies on the sofa. Games and toys are everywhere. Rene is angry. “This place is a mess!” she tells her children. “I can’t work all day and then do housework all evening. I’m not going to do housework!” And so, Rene doesn’t do housework. She doesn’t clean. She doesn’t wash dishes. She doesn’t wash clothes. Every evening she sits on the sofa and watches TV. After two weeks, every plate, fork and glass in the house is dirty. All the children’s clothes are dirty. Every garbage can is full. The house is a mess. Then, one day Rene comes home from work and gets a big surprise. The kitchen is clean! The next day, the living room is clean, and the children are washing their clothes. Rene tells her children, “OK, I’ll do the housework again, but you have to help me.” Now Rene and her three children do the housework together. Then they all sit on the sofa and watch TV.


Part A 略

Part B 略(见听说材料)

Part C


1. It is five in the evening when Rene comes back home.

2. Rene finds the living room is a mess.

3. Rene’s three children are all watching TV.

4. Rene is very angry and says she will not do housework.

5. From then on, Rene just sits on the sofa and watches TV every evening.

6. After two weeks, everything in the house is dirty.

7. Then, one day Rene comes back to a great surprise.

8. The children have begun to clean the house and do their own laundry.

9. Rene says that she will do housework again, but the children have to help.

10. Now Rene and her children do housework together and then watch TV together.

关于作者: luda

