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关于外国女主演的电视剧推荐我想说双语|史上十大最美最成功的女性 西方演艺界版

The Top 10 Most Beautiful Women Of ALL Time


The list offered to you contains the most charming and charming girls of the modern world. It includes representatives of modern pop culture, according to fans, who have the most attractive appearance.

我们关注社交网络和杂志上关于Gal Gadot,Angelina Jolie的个人生活和职业的新闻。这些女性在高手林立的演艺界取得了压倒性的成功。这份名单包括在演艺界拥有出色职业生涯的迷人女演员,歌手和模特儿。

We follow the news on social networks and magazines about the personal lives and careers of Gal Gadot, Angelina Jolie. These women, who have achieved overwhelming success, have attractive rivals in the world of show business. This list includes charming actresses, singers, and models who have excellent careers in the show business.

安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie


For her acting career, the Hollywood star has been repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful person in the world. Millions of women on the planet try to imitate her in everything, even going under the surgeon’s knife to become the owner of lips like Jolie’s, the shape of the eyes, and the shape of the nose.


Angelina’s beauty is natural, she did not change anything in appearance, she was just born such that it can be confirmed by the children’s photos of the star. An actress is indeed a charming person, but this is not her main advantage. She is a shining example of a personality that combines external and internal beauty.

加尔·加多特 Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot是神奇女侠,也是世界上最美丽的女明星之一。除了戴安娜·普林斯在神奇女侠,蝙蝠侠大战超人和正义联盟中的革命角色外,她还曾在以色列国防军服役,学习法律和国际关系,并在世界最高收入女演员名单中排名第三。

Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman and one of the most beautiful female celebrities in the world. In addition to Diana Prince’s revolutionary roles in Wonder Woman, Batman v Superman and Justice League, she also served in the Israeli Defense Forces, studied law and international relations, and was ranked third in the World’s Highest-Paid actress List.


She recently signed a deal with Netflix for the film “Red Notice.”

吉吉·哈迪德 Gigi Hadid

吉吉·哈迪德(Gigi Hadid)是一位世界知名的模特,仅在过去几年中,他就出现在《Vogue》杂志的30多个封面上。她于2016年被英国时装协会评为年度国际模特,并经常出现在电影,电视和音乐视频中。

Gigi Hadid is a world-famous model who has appeared on more than 30 covers of Vogue magazine in the past few years alone. She was named International Model of the Year in 2016 by the British Fashion Council and has appeared in films, television, and music videos.

艾米莉亚·克拉克 Emilia Clarke

艾米莉亚·克拉克(Emilia Clarke)因在热门电视剧《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)中饰演龙之母丹妮莉丝·坦格利安(Daenerys Targaryen)而享誉国际。从那以后,她出现在大银幕上的电影中,包括《遇见你之前》、《星球大战》。

Emilia Clarke is internationally recognized for her role as Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, in the hit TV series Game of Thrones. Since then, she has appeared in films on the big screen, including Me Before You, Star Wars.


She also collaborates with many activist and charitable organizations, including those focused on making neurorehabilitation more affordable, following her own experience with brain aneurysms. She was named one of the 100 Most Influential People of 2019 by Time magazine.

梅根·福克斯 Megan Fox

梅根·福克斯(Megan Fox)一直很漂亮。但这对这位女演员来说还不够,所以她一再用整形外科医生的手术刀,让自己的外表达到完美。福克斯几乎所有的面部特征都发生了变化。看看这位女演员在熟悉整形外科手术世界之前是什么样的。

Megan Fox has always been pretty. But this was not enough for the actress, so she repeatedly went under the knife of plastic surgeons to bring her appearance to perfection. Almost all of Fox’s facial features have undergone changes. See what the actress was like before she got acquainted with the world of plastic surgery.

梅根的蜕变始于主要事物的增加 - 她的胸部和嘴唇。多亏了她丰满的胸部和丰满的嘴唇,这位女演员不仅受到时尚杂志的追捧,也成为了世界各地男性的追捧对象。但福克斯决定不止这样,过了不一会儿,她改变了鼻子和颧骨的形状,她还定期给自己注射肉毒杆菌毒素。

Megan’s metamorphosis began with an increase in the main thing – her chest and lips. Thanks to her lush bust and plump lips, the actress has become desirable not only for glossy magazines but also for men around the world. But Fox decided not to stop there and a little later changed the shape of her nose, and cheekbones, and she also regularly injects herself with Botox.

阿什利·格雷厄姆 Ashley Graham

Ashley Graham是模特行业的先驱,为印刷和多媒体领域的大码模特铺平了道路。她是第一位在《体育画报》泳装杂志上亮相的大码模特,并出现在许多出版物和电视节目中,包括《美国下一个顶级模特》和《美国美容明星》。

Ashley Graham is a pioneer in the modeling industry, paving the way for plus-size models in print and multimedia. She was the first plus-size model to be featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and has been featured in many publications and television shows, including America’s Next Top Model and American Beauty Star

安娜·德·阿玛斯 Ana de Armas

古巴人Ana de Armas是这个名单上一个非常美丽的女人。这位女演员正在好莱坞拍摄,成功地尝试了各种角色和形象。

Cuban Ana de Armas is a very beautiful woman on this list. The actress is filming in Hollywood, successfully trying on various roles and images.


Despite the fact that she was born and raised on the island of freedom, she has Latin blood, which makes her a truly hot thing among the fair sex.

克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯 Christina Hendrix

去年,她被《绅士》评为世界上最性感的女性,如今,她被《人物》评为最美的人的领军人物之一。36岁的克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯(Christina Hendrix)知道如何征服这些山峰。她拥有一切:曲线玲珑的身材,红头发和一张非常漂亮的脸。在任何一部电影中,她都会被人们记住,尽管这些角色经常是微不足道的小角色。

Last year she was named the sexiest woman in the world according to “Esquire”, and today she is one of the leaders in the rating of the most beautiful according to “People”. 36-year-old Christina Hendrix knows how to conquer such peaks. She has everything for this: curvaceous forms, red hair, and a very beautiful face. In any film, she is remembered, although often the roles go to her so puny that you would not wish for any actress.

凯莉·库科 Kaley Cuoco

Kaley Cuoco是一位美国女演员,她获得了巨大的人气,并在福布斯杂志收入最高的电视女演员中排名第二,这要归功于女服务员Penny的角色,她在喜剧《生活大爆炸》中赢得了物理学家伦纳德的心。

Kaley Cuoco is an American actress who achieved immense popularity and took second place in the ranking of the highest-paid TV actresses according to Forbes magazine thanks to the role of waitress Penny, who won the heart of the physicist, Leonard, in the comedy series The Big Bang Theory.

夏洛特·麦金尼 Charlotte McKinney

夏洛特·麦金尼(Charlotte McKinney)是一位女演员,模特和有影响力的人,她利用自己的Instagram社交媒体平台成名。从那时起,她一直为《绅士》杂志工作,出演超级碗广告,并参加与星共舞的比赛。她还出演了几部电影,包括《拯救者马里布》。

Charlotte McKinney is an actress, model, and influencer who has used her Instagram social media platform to rise to fame. Since then, she has worked for Esquire magazine, starred in Super Bowl commercials, and competed in Dancing with the Stars. She also starred in several films, including Rescuers Malibu.

责任编辑: 鲁达

