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【牛奶屋英语怎么说】FT优秀作业分享:参观牧场,一起去看看Dairy Farm和Milk Farm





Eric变身牧场讲解员,带领我们一起了解奶牛的日常生活,关键词,barn, ear tag(ID card),herbivore.

挤奶时间,一起走进milking parlor了解挤奶过程,关键词:milking parlor, 72 cows in one rotary platform, 8 minutes, 20 kg milk, milked 3 times a day.

Why cows make milk,关键词:mammal, give birth to a calf, udder, teat.

How the cow's stomach work. 关键词:cud, four stomachs, blood, milk. 问Eric为什么红色的血变成白色的牛奶。






1. Departure

M: Eric, today we are going to visit the dairy farm to see where is milk from.
E : Ok!
M: The farm is far away from the city, let's get on the car, take on your safety belt.
E : Let's go. How long it will take?
M: The navigator shows the distance is 160km, it takes around 2 hours. If you are tired, you can have a nap.
E: Can I have the navigator, mom?
M: Of course.

2. 第一站:At the dairy farm

M: Now we arrived. We need to join Daniel and Jasmine, can you help me to check where are they?
E : Look mom, there they are.
M: Say Hello to them, and let's queue up to visit, this is our guide, she will introduce everything about the farm to us, listen carefully.
E: Yes. I am ready.
M: First, we will visit the barn where cow live. What do you see?
E: So many cows.
M: Can you try to count?
E: Oh, there are too many cows.
❤Parts of cow


❤ Ear tags
M: Do you notice that there is a label card on each cow's ear? It is called ear tag.
The ear tag is just like our ID card, we can read the numbers on the tag to identify the birth year of the cow, the sequential number, which means the numbers of cows in this herd.
E: Wow.

❤Food for cows
M: Let's move on. All the cows live in the barn, let's check what do they eat?
E: They are eating grass.
M: Yes, Cow is herbivore, it has flat wide teeth. In fact, Cows eat things like alfalfa hay, straw, pellets made out of soybeans, and cottonseeds. They can eat about 100 pounds of food each day, which is as much as a miniature horse weighs!


❤ How does a cow's stomach work?

M: When a cow eats, she tears the grass off with her tongue and teeth. She swallows her food quickly. She does not chew it well. That's right! A cow has four stomachs. Later, when a cow has finished eating, she lies quietly and chews her food again. from her stomach. It looks as if she is chewing gum. Then she swallows it again. The food is stored in the first or second of her four stomachs. She brings up bits of unchewed food-or cud. She chews her cud properly, a little at a time.

After a cow swallows all her cud, stomachs number three and four digest the food even better. Then part of the food is made into milk. The rest is nourishment for the cow.

❤ Why Cows Make Milk
Cows are mammals, just like humans. All mammals make milk to feed their babies. In order for her body to make milk, a mother cow must have just given birth to a calf. This birth tells her body that it's time to make milk, which humans can collect and process for drinking themselves. Typically, cows become pregnant with their first calf at a year and a half of age.


Cows produce milk for about 10 months. After a 10-month period, each cow will have two months of rest. This period of time (known as “the dry period”) is important for cows to rest and prepare to give birth to another calf. While a cow is taking a two-month rest, the farmer adjusts her diet, with the help of an animal nutritionist. This adjustment ensures she has the right balance of nutrients to promote a healthy birth.

❤ Milk parlor

M: Milk is made and stored in the cow's udder. The udder is a bag with four teats. By milking time the udder is full. The farmer washed the cow's teats. Then he squeezed them.

A cow is milked twice a day-early morning and late afternoon. At this time, the herd is guided into the milking parlor, where the farmer has the chance to take a look at each cow and clean her udder. The farmer then attaches a milking machine, which is made from soft rubber or silicone suction cups.

These suction cups are fitted around each teat to create a vacuum, which causes the milk to be released by gentle pulsation (without causing discomfort for the cow!).

It takes about five to eight minutes for milking to be complete.

Milk machines are automatically removed when a cow is done milking. She can then head back into the barn to eat, drink, relax and socialize with her fellow herd-mates.


❤ Rotary milking machine
In a rotary parlour the cow stands on a circular raised platform, allowing the farmer to attach the milking machine from below. The platform rotates very slowly, allowing cows to enter and exit the platform at regular intervals.

In a rotary milking system, the cows walk onto a slowly rotating platform. The milker puts on the cups and the cows are milked while the platform revolves. When a cycle is almost complete, the cups are automatically removed and the cow backs off the platform.



3. 第二站:At the milk factory


❤ How milk is processed


(1) Raw milk from the cows is stored in a refrigerated tank. Every day that milk is pumped into a big refrigerated tanker and taken to the dairy.
A dairy is where the raw milk is processed. In a dairy there are big tanks to store the milk. There are pipes for the milk to flow through. There are machines to homogenize and pasteurize the milk, and machines to put it into bottles and cartons.
A dairy is a very clean place. The floors and walls are spotless. The pipes, tanks, and machines are washed inside and out every night. You never have to hold your nose in a dairy.
(2) Test: When the milk is brought to the dairy, a sample is tested immediately. In the laboratory the milk is checked for freshness. It is checked for butterfat. Butterfat is the cream that rises to the top of the milk if it is left to stand.


(3) Homogenization: If the milk passes inspection, the processing begins. Most of the milk is homogenized in a machine. Homogenized means' made the same all the way through.' The butterfat is broken up into tiny bits. It is mixed into the rest of the milk. The butterfat no longer rises to the top of the milk as cream.

Homogenized whole milk is rich and creamy. Some people think it is too creamy. They can drink milk processed in other ways. Skimmed milk has all the cream taken out. The cream is packaged separately. Other milks have only some of the cream taken out.

(4) Pasteurization: After it has been homogenized, the milk is pasteurized to kill any bad germs. The milk is heated quickly until it almost boils. Then it is quickly cooled again. Pasteurization was invented by Louis Pasteur.


(5) Subpackage: After milk has been processed, it is poured into bottles and cartons.


Dairy products: milk and any of the foods made from milk, including butter, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and condensed and dried milk.




关于作者: admin

