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For your information(FYI),请参考。)


FYR(for your reference 供你參考)


LMAO(laugh my ass off 笑死我了)

TBH(to be honest 老实说)

BTW(By the way 顺便说一下)

App(application 应用)

FW(Forward 转发)

LOL(laughing out loud 大声笑)

TTYL(talk to you later 晚点再聊)

Wanna(want to 想要)

kiNDA(kind of 有点)

cauze(because 因为)

CU(See You )

BS(best regards)

BBS(Be back soon 一会回来)

BRB(Be right back 马上回来)

AFAIC(As far as I'm concerned 就我而言)

AFAIK(As far as I know 据我所知)

AFK(Away from keyboard 暂时离开)

AQAP(As quick as possible 越快越好)

B2W(Back to work 回去上班)

BBQ(Barbeque 烧烤)

BOL(Best of luck 祝你好运)

CUA(See you around 再见)

GBU(God bless you 上次保佑你

GTSY(Great to see you 很高兴见到你)

ROFL(rolling on the floor laughing 捧腹大笑)

PDF(Portable Document Format 便携文档格式)

IDK(I don't know 我不知道)

JK(just kidding 开玩笑的)

SMH(shaking my head 摇头)

TMI(too much information 太多细节了)

NP(no problem 没问题)

IMHO(in my humble opinion 个人浅见)

OTOH(On the other hand 另一方面)

asl pls. (Age, sex and location please 年龄,性别和国籍)

WIIFM(what’s in it for me 这对我有什么好处?)

WTF(What the heck 怎么回事 )

LMGTFY(LET me Google that for you 让我帮你搜索一下)

HTH(Hope this helps 希望这有帮助)


ETA(estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间)

COB(close of business 下班時)

EOB(end of business 下班時)

EOD(end of day 今天以內)

DOE(depending on experience 视工作经验而定)

FAQ(frequently asked questions 常问的问题)

FTE(full-time employee 全职员工)

FWIW(for what it’s worth 无论如何)

FYU(for your use 供你使用)

IAM(in a meeting 会议中)

IMO(in my opinion 在我看來)

LET(leaving early today 今天提早走)

LMK(let me know 让我知道、通知我)

OOO(out of office 不在办公室)

OT(over time 加班)

OTP(on the phone 通话中)

PA(performance appraisal 绩效考核)

POC(point of contact 首要联系人)

PTE(part-time employee 兼职员工)

PTO(paid time off 带薪休假)

NDA(Non-disclosure agreement 保密合约)

NRN(no reply necessary 不需回复)

RFD(request for discussion 请求讨论)

TBA(to be announced 待公布)

TBD(to be determined 待決定)

TCC(teleconference call 电话会议)

TED(Tell me, explain to me, describe to me)

TOS(terms of service 服务条款)

TYT(take your time 别着急,慢慢来)

WFH(work from home 在家办公)

WOM(word of mouth 口口相传)

YTD(year to date 年底、今年之内)

CDO(chief data officer 首席数据官)

CEO(chief executive officer 首席执行官)

CFO(chief financial officer 首席财务官)

CIO(chief information officer 首席信息官)

CMO(chief marketing officer 首席营销官)

COO(chief operating officer 首席运营官)

CPA(certified public accountant 注册会计师)

CSO(chief security officer 首席安全官)

CSR(corporate social responsibility 企业社会责任)

CTO(chief technology officer 首席技术官)

CFP(certified financial planner 注册金融理财师)

GC(general counsel 首席法律顾问)

HR(human resources 人力资源)

PM(project manager 专案经理)

PR(public relations 公共关系)

R&D(research and development 研发)



关于作者: admin

