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There’s a grey jacket in our lost and found case. Please call Jack at 837-4925.
I’m David from Class 4,Grade 6 in Yangguang Primary School. I’m looking for the owner of a camera.
I picked up a watch yesterday. If it is yours, please call me. Tel: 325-8064
I have lost my library card. Please e-mail Jim if you get it. E-mail address:fiuingjim@
注:lost and found case (失物招领处)
( )⑴837-4925 is Jack’s telephone number.
( )⑵If you lose your jacket, you can call Mary at 325-8064.
( )⑶Jack wants to know whose camera it is.
( )⑷David is a primary school student.
( )⑸If you pick up Jim’s library card, you can tell him on the Internet.【答案】⑴T;⑵F;⑶F;⑷T;⑸T【考点】小学英语知识点》话题【解析】
⑴可由第一个Found的内容找到,Please call Jack at 837-4925.请打杰克的电话837-4925,可知答案是T。句意:8374925是杰克的电话号码。
⑵可由第一个Found的内容找到,There’s a grey jacket in our lost and found case. Please call Jack at 837-4925.在我们的失物招领处有一个灰色的夹克衫,请打杰克的电话837-4925,可知答案是F。句意:如果你丢了你的夹克衫,你可以打玛丽的电话325-8064。
⑶句意:杰克想要知道它是谁的相机。可由第二个Found的内容找到,I’m David from Class 4,Grade 6 in Yangguang Primary School. I’m looking for the owner of a camera.我是来自阳光小学六年级四班的大卫。我正在寻找相机的失主,可知答案是F。
⑷可由第二个Found的内容找到,I’m David from Class 4,Grade 6 in Yangguang Primary School. 我是来自阳光小学六年级四班的大卫。可知本题是T。句意:大卫是一名小学生。
⑸句意:如果你捡到了吉姆的借书卡,你可以在网上联系他。可由第四个Found的内容找到,I have lost my library card. Please e-mail Jim if you get it. E-mail address:fiuingjim@ 我丢了我的借书卡。如果你找到了请给我发电子邮件,电子邮件地址是:fiuingjim@。可知本题是T。
( )(1)A. Can I have some milk?
B. Can I have some fish?
( )(2)A. They’re playing football.
B. They’re playing chess.
( )(3)A. I like flying kite.
B. I like riding a bike.
( )(4)A. Panpan is playing with a toy train.
B. Panpan is taking pictures.
( )(5)A. Turn left.
B. Turn right.
【答案】(1)A(2)B (3)A (4)B(5)B【考点】小学英语知识点》话题【解析】略
请以“My favorite animal”描述你最喜欢的一种动物,内容不少于60个词。
_______________________________________________________________________________ [【答案】My favourite animal is a dog . I love dogs because they are loyal and they are man's best friend. I have a dog.We first got him a year ago, then he hurt his paw. I often take Ice outside in the morning and walk down the stairs to get to our front lawn. Ice sits at the top of the stairs, holding his two paws up in the air and he waitsd until I let him put them down.【考点】小学英语知识点【解析】略
Lily: Hi, Nancy. Look,I have a toy cat.
Nancy: How cute!
Lily: Do you like cats, Nancy?
Nancy: Yes, I do. And I like tigers, too.
Lily: Do you have a toy cat?
Nancy: No, but I have some toy tigers.
Lily: How many toy tigers do you have?
Nancy: I have three.
( ) (1) Lily has(有) a toy cat.
( ) (2) Nancy don't like cats.
( ) (3) Nancy has two toy tigers.
( ) (4) The toy cat is lovely.
( ) (5) Nancy likes toy tigers.【答案】T F F T T【考点】小学英语知识点【解析】略
Class party
____________________________________________________________________________【答案】If we have a class party ,we are going to enjoy ourselves in it. The class monitor are going to organize the party. I think we are going to eat delicious food, like cake. We are going to have some fruits, too. It is really good for our heath. At the same time, we are going to sing, dance and so on. We are going to tell jokes each other, I think it are going to be very interesting. During the party, Jack and Mary are going to take photos for us. It is about two hours, although it is short, I believe it are going to be very interesting. We are going to be interested in it.【考点】小学英语知识点》话题【解析】略

关于作者: admin

