如果说话人自己被骗,一气之下说出“坑爹”,意思就是“坑我”。说句占便宜的话,以解心头之恨。英语可以译为 cheating, deceiving me, just like kidding your father,例如:1. 这样做,不是明摆着坑爹吗?Doing so is obviously cheating, isn’t it?
2. 你卖给我的这件衣服质量这么差,不是明显坑爹吗? You sold me such an inferior coat. Obviously, you are deceiving me.
3. 你连我都敢蒙,简直就是坑爹。You even dared to deceive me. It is just like kidding your father.
“坑”的原义是“地面凹下去的地方”,可能是自然形成的,也可能是人为造成的。英语可以译为 hole, pit, hollow, puddle,例如:
4. 炸弹在地面上炸了一个大坑。The bomb left a big hole/ blew a huge hole in the ground.
5. 这些废料被倾倒进这个深坑。The waste materials were dumped into the deep pit.
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