情景喜剧 sitcom
电视连续剧 TV series
电视剧第1集 episode 1
电视剧第1季 season 1
真人秀 reality show
脱口秀 talk show
问答节目 quiz show
综艺节目 variety show
竞赛类节目 game show
才艺表演节目 talent show
相亲节目/婚恋节目 blind date show
新闻节目 news show
情感喜剧 romantic comedy
纪录片 documentary
自然纪录片 nature documentary
传记片 biopic
科幻片 sci-fi film
动画片 animation/cartoon
大片 blockbuster
电话互动节目 phone-in show(英式)或者call-in show(美式)
现场直播节目 live show
录播节目 pre-recorded show
现象级的节目 a phenomenon TV show
黄金时间播出的节目 prime time programmes
广告 commercials
不插播广告的 commercial-free
剧本 script
剧情 plot
吸引了大量的观众 It attracted many viewers.
获得了很高的评价 It received great reviews.
适合各个年龄段 It suits all ages.
有知识性 It is educational.
有娱乐性 It is entertaining.
电影改编自真实故事 The movie is based on a true story.
电影改编自小说 The movie is adapted from a novel.
表演得很好 It's well-acted.
情节曲折 It is full of twists and turns.
节目有一个意想不到的结尾 The show has a surprising ending.
节目让观众爆笑不止 The show keeps the audience in stitches.
节目信息量很大 The show is very informative.
节目有助于提高儿童的语言能力 The show could help improve children's language skills.
看电视是一种很好的减压方式 Watching TV is a good way to unwind.
内容轻松/搞笑/暴力 light-hearted/hilarious/violent
节目老是被广告打断 The show is frequently interrupted by commercials.
我看电视上瘾 I am addicted to TV.
长时间看电视是一种不健康的生活方式 Watching TV for a long time is an unhealthy lifestyle.
儿童模仿在电视上看到的内容 Children copy what they see on TV.
广告让人觉得扫兴 Commercials spoil the fun.