The 24 solar terms is a gross name of the system that comprises of 12 major solar terms and 12 minor solar terms interlaced with each other.
Starting from “vernal equinox”,the 12 major solar terms are “vernal equi-nox”,“corn rain”,“corn forms”,“summer solstice”,“great heat”,“end of heat”,“autumnal equinox”,“frost”,“light snow”,“winter solstice”,“severe cold” and “spring showers”. Each major solar term falls on one of the 12 lunarmonths designated by the 12 earthly branches.
从春分起十二个中气分别是春分、谷雨、小满、夏至、 大暑、处暑、秋分、霜降、小雪、冬至、大寒和雨水,分属于12个以地支排列的月份。
The minor solar term after “vernal equinox” is “bright and dear”,and then in turn “summer commences”,“corn on ear”,“ moderate heat”,“autumn commences”,“white dew”,“cold dew”, “winter commences”,“heavy snow”,“ moderate cold ”,“spring commences” and “ insects waken”.
春分后的节气是清明,其后的节气依次是立夏、芒种、小暑、立秋、白露、寒露、立冬、 大雪、小寒、立春和惊蛰。
The 24 solar terms divide the ecliptic into 24 equal segments, with 15 degrees of the Sun’s longitude between the terms.
At“vernal equinox”,the Sun’s;s longitude is 0 degree;at “bright and clear”, the Sun’s;s longitude is 15 degrees;and so forth.
At “vernal equinox” and “autumnal equinox”,the periods of daylight and the night are equal in length.
The period of daylight is the longest at “summer solstice” and the shortest at “winter solstice”(northern hemisphere).
These were the earliest solar terms determined in ancient time.
Then it came the four solar terms “spring commences”,“summer commences”,“autumn commences” and “winter commences”.
The Rain Water means the start of the spring rains. The Waking of Insects indi-Gates that the spring thunder awakens hibernating insects.
The Pure Brightness means the onset of spring when a bright and clean spring scene replaces the cold,withered and yellow scene in winter.
The Grain Rain indicates that from that day,there will be more rainfall,which is beneficial to the growth of crops.
The Grain Budding shows that crops that will ripen in summer start to show plump seeds.
The Grain in Ear tells people that the wheat has ripened.
The Slight Heat and Great Heat indicate the full onset of summer, with the Great Heat being the hottest day of the year
The Limit of Heat shows that scorching summer days will soon be gone.
The White Dew tells people that dew appears in the morning to show that the weather is turning cold,and,as this intensifies,we move on to the Cold Dew.
The Frost’s Descent means the appearance of the first frost of the season.
The Slight Snow and Great Snow mean the arrival of the snowy season.
The Slight Cold and Great Cold indicate the degree of coldness in winter,with the Great Cold being the coldest day of the season.
The 24 seasonal division points have great influence on China’s farming. For the convenience of memory,people compiled The Song for the 24 Seasonal Division Points:
Following the Beginning of Spring and Rain Water, the Waking of Insects awak-ens the Vernal Equinox, and then come the Pure Brightness and Grain Rain,After the Beginning of Summer, Grain Budding,Grain in Ear, and Summer Sol-stice,the Slight Heat is connected with Great Heat.
The Beginning of Autumn and Limit of Heat are followed by the White Dew,Autumnal Equinox,Cold Dew and then the Frost’s Descent,And the Beginning of Winter leads to the Slight Snow, Great Snow, Winter Sol-stice,Slight Cold and Great Cold.
In the first half of the year, the seasonal division points fall on the sixth or 21st day of the month,And those in the latter half year occur on the eighth or 23 rd day of the month.