after the establishment of the Republic of China,the central finance almost went out,and the financial crisis was very serious . in the is Suu' Yuan datou ' silver dollar is be And is also the inevitable result of the development of silver dollar . after years of foundry And its high credibilityOun Datou ' Silver Silver Pass to Promote Unity,also provided the condition
The positive pattern of "Yuan Datou" silver coin is on the left side of Yuan Shikai in the middle. The 3 year edition of the Republic of China, the Republic of China, 38 ninety years, Yuan Datou's one circle is "the Republic of China three years", the Republic of China 8, 9, 10 year edition is "the Republic of China * year"; the back pattern is all two crossover rice spikes, the center is "one round", "middle circle" (Wu Jiao), "two horns" "One corner", there are "every two pieces", "every two pieces" and "every ten pieces" and "every ten round". The front engraved Yuan Shikai side head image and the issue year number, the back cast Jiahe ornamentation and currency, Yuan Datou's official edition is 96%; the outer ring of the silver coin is mainly straight tooth edge, in addition, a small amount of work is cast. The edge of the word and the edge of the flower teeth.
"袁大头"银币的正面图案,中间为袁世凯戎装左侧面像,民国3年版民国三八九十年袁大头壹圆 的上方为"中华民国三年",民国8、9、10年版的为"中华民国*年造";背面图案均是两株交叉的稻穗,中央为"壹圆"、"中圆"(伍角)、"贰角"、"壹角"字样,后几种上方分别有"每二枚当一圆"、"每伍枚当一圆"和"每十枚当一圆"的字样;正面镌袁世凯侧面头像及发行年号,背面铸嘉禾纹饰与币值,袁大头的官版的成色为96%; 银币的外环主要是直齿边,另外,还铸有少量工字边和花齿边。
[name] three years of the Republic of China, Yuan Datou
Category miscellaneous
[Specification] weight: 20.1g diameter: 38.8mm
[quantity] a piece
Yuan Datou's ordinary currency on the top (front) is the five image of Yuan Shikai on the left side, on the "X year of the Republic of China" or "made in X of the Republic of China" in Chinese. The following (back) is the pattern of Jiahe. It also refers to a growing grasses. In allusion to the "book of life": "Tang Shude Wei Wo, vary with the Mu Ying, the emperor xian. On the coin, the country attaches great importance to the farming and the people's livelihood; the other thought is the homonym of his family and the meaning of "home and all things"; the people on the seigniorage have the vision of the country's peace and peace and good luck, the folk collection, the "home and the prosperity" of the auspicious treasure, so it has a very high value of collection and research.
袁大头普通币上面(正面)为袁世凯左侧五分像,上铸"中华民国X年"或"中华民国X年造"中文繁体,下面(背面)为嘉禾之图案,古称生长奇异的禾,古人以之为吉祥的征兆。亦泛指生长茁壮的禾稻。典出《书·微子之命》:" 唐叔 得禾,异亩同颖,献诸天子。铸在钱币之上寓意国家重视农桑、以民生为本;其另一思想取其家和之谐音,寓意"家和万事兴"之意;铸币之上当政者有国泰民安、吉祥如意之愿景,民间收藏,寓意"家和万事兴"之吉祥之宝,故有很高的收藏研究价值。