The 24 Solar Terms 24节气
when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 330 degrees,the solar term of " the rains " arrives . it usually falls on February 18 of
“Water rain” indicates that it gets warmer and the rainfall increa weather is changeable.
1.Visiting their parents-in-law女婿给岳父母送节
One of the main customs during Rain Water is sons-in-law visiting their parents in-laws and giving them two cane chairs winded with four meters of red belt, which symbolizes good health and longevity.雨水 的主要习俗女婿给岳父母送节。礼物通常是两把藤椅上面缠着一丈二尺长的红带子,祝岳父母长命百岁。
Another typical gift is a pot of cooked dish that contains pig's knuckles stewed with soya and kelp, by which the son-in-law expresses his respect and gratitude.
2.Finding a godfather 认干亲 见谁“撞”谁
Children should find a godfather help her grow safely and healthily.
健康养生Health Tips
1. 春捂 spring cover
Appropriate spring cover can play a very good effect on health and disease prevention.
2. 健脾祛湿 invigorating spleen for eliminating dampness
3. 适宜多吃祛湿的食物和粥
Honey, dates, Chinese yam, tremella ,nutritious porridgeare all very good nourishment.