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“十二生肖邮票,为推动中国与世界文化交流的大发展而 发行的,最初被外交部指定为至尊国礼,赠送给世界各国政要和名人,后来除有部分流出被大收藏家收藏外,大部分在邮政内部封存。所以大多数人对它都是只闻其 声未见其真貌的。专家预估:纸质猴票的市场价值未来还将不断升高!必将会进一步刷新生肖邮票的纪录,是中国当之无愧的生肖标王!而“一母同胞“的至尊 国礼十二生肖邮票因其发行量极少,其未来升值潜力巨大!

英文翻译:Stamp issuance is regulated by the state or region and is a symbol of sovereignty of a country or region. The square inch of postage stamp space, often reflects the history, science and technology, economy, culture, local customs, natural features and other characteristics of a country or region, which makes stamps in addition to postal value and collection value.

In the field of collection, whether calligraphy or painting, or porcelain, the most fundamental value is also reflected in the "rarity" aspect. The scarcer the stamp stock, the more valuable its stamp value becomes. Pictures of many stamps have become very valuable. Stamps belong to the concentrated type of art collection, collection of stamps for the collection has a certain value. The pictures on many stamps have some meaning, and each stamp counts as a work of art. Relative to the national stamp collectors so scarce in the world, some precious stamps are more difficult to find, it can be said that "a ticket is hard to get".

Stamp themes, pictures, specifications, editions, printing, anti-counterfeiting constitute the artistic elements of a stamp, a stamp its selection and design of perfect, artistic value has also been improved. So the appreciation value of stamps has also been withdrawn.

The significance of the Chinese zodiac: zodiac chicken prosperous, the significance of the Chinese zodiac dog prosperous wealth, the significance of the Chinese zodiac pig blessed, rat's highest, zodiac niuniu gas to the Chinese zodiac tiger tiger tiger tiger, zodiac rabbit waiting for him, sitting on wealth, zodiac kou kou spirit, zodiac snake BiZouLongShe, zodiac horses success, jubilant Chinese zodiac sheep.

"The twelve zodiac stamps, issued to promote the great development of cultural exchanges between China and the world, were initially designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the supreme state gift and presented to political leaders and celebrities around the world. That's why most people don't see it for what it is. Experts predict that the market value of paper monkey tickets will continue to rise in the future. Will further refresh the record of the Zodiac stamp, is China's deserved zodiac icon! And the "One Mother compatriots" lunar New Year stamps, the supreme Gift of the Chinese Zodiac stamp due to its very small circulation, its future value potential is huge!

关于作者: admin

