D-Wade isn't gonna fall for your playground tricks
[–]crashovercool 370 赞*
He also tried to put it between Wade's legs and he just took it and dunked on him
[–]LakersFamousTG 445 赞
Mother fuckers act like they forgot about Wade
[–]CavaliersSnowOhio 1924 赞
This video should be shown anytime a cool streetball gif makes it to r/all and everyone's like "why don't they play in the NBA?"
[–]Lakersbphamtastic 979 赞
The best answer to that question is always “cause they can’t”
[–]LakersVrozini__YT 603 赞
Like people who ask why the professor can't play in the NBA. Because he constantly travels and carries worse than regular NBA players, doesn't have size, athleticism or skill to even be D2 and has no consistent shot
[–]LakersExalious 333 赞
My roomate is a d1 player who is worse than the professor, while yes, you can say the professor couldn’t make the nba, he is definitely a d1 player in skill,
don’t forget, he played overseas, which not even a lot of d1 players end up doing.
Not only that, but isiah Thomas said he has one of the best handles of all time, coming from a player that is one of the best of all time.
His shot isn’t good for nba by any means but it is certainly better than some nba point guards.
And yes he doesn’t have size or athleticism, besides the fact that he is very fast.
He travels because he plays street ball and is an entertainer, you should really watch from his actual games from when he is a pro, you might see that he isn’t actually a bad player
[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozanTreyYoung 1071 赞
Haha, the way he just stands there while defending and the guy is pulling out evey move looks hilarious even though it makes sense
[–]kawhitothelakers 325 赞
Always that one guy in a pickup game who plays like this
[–]DeLaSouI 321 赞
as if that shits gonna work on any nba player lol
[–]Trail Blazers_Quetzalcoatlus_ 219 赞
Not sure that shit would work on most people who played organized basketball. He's not even going anywhere. Lol. Who's going to fall for that spinning roll move...?
[–][LAL] Kobe BryantNY-Kobe-6God 640 赞
Lol how is he tryna son D-Wade
[–]LakersFuttbucker612 221 赞
the crowd realized what happened a second late and proceed to lose their mind
[–]Lakersok_heh 279 赞
The plan: try to embarrass one of the best SGs to ever play the game with my mediocre bag of tricks from high school
[–]CelticsWar_Daddy 196 赞
Imagine if it worked tho
Gotta risk it all to win it all