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第一卷 选择题 (共85分)




1. Why is the man so hungry?

A. He has been on a diet recently.

B. He hasn't eaten anything today.

C. He has only had a burger today.

2. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Strangers. B. Business partners. C. Clerk and client.

3. What are the speakers doing?

A. Listening to the radio. B. Watching TV. C. Watching a new movie.

4. Why won't the man go to college after graduation?

A. His grades aren't good enough.

B. He never wants to go to college.

C. His father asked him to work first.

5. How much money will the man give the woman?

A. Five dollars. B. Seven dollars. C. Eight dollars.




6. Who is the boss?

A. Mr. Cassell. B. Ms. Baker. C. Mr. Langley.

7. Why did the man apologize at the end?

A. He misunderstood what he saw.

B. He wouldn't be able to attend the birthday party.

C. He put his kids' markers on the woman's desk.


8. Why did the woman stay up late last night?

A. To write her paper. B. To take exercise. C. To prepare for an exam.

9. What does the man probably mean at the end?

A. The woman should work harder.

B. The woman should leave him alone.

C. The woman's study method is effective.


10. Who is with the man right now?

A. No one else. B. His wife. C. Another couple.

11. What will the woman bring the man first?

A. Some wine. B. Some hot water. C. Some menus.

12. What might the man discuss with Ralph?

A. What dishes to have. B. What wine to order. C. Where they should sit.


13. Who took the woman to horse races when she was young?

A. Her grandfather. B. Her father. C. Her dad's friends.

14. What does the woman say about riding a horse?

A. She's never done it before.

B. It's a great way to have fun.

C. It's different from racing a horse.

15. How many races will there be today?

A. More than ten. B. Less than five. C. It is unknown.

16. What will the speakers probably do next?

A. Watch a horse race. B. Place money on a horse. C. Go down onto the track.


17. When did Mr. Jones join the company?

A. Five years ago. B. Thirty years ago. C. Forty years ago.

18. What was Mr. Jones first promoted to?

A. Office manager. B. Head driver. C. Vice president of operations.

19. How did Mr. Jones get his degree?

A. By paying the fee himself.

B. By working part-time.

C. By taking night classes.

20. Why does the woman give the speech?

A. To welcome a new employee.

B. To say goodbye to an old co-worker.

C. To congratulate Mr. Jones on promotion.

二:单项填空(满分 15分)

21. I should apologize for my absence from his birthday party. As I was occupied with my work, his invitation _______ my mind.

A. abolished B. seized C. substituted D. slipped

22. The online word "selfie" is gaining ______ and more and more people tend to use it nowadays.

A. access B. admission C. currency D. control

23. Many students choose to do voluntary work in the gap year, which not only broadens their views, but also adds a whole new _______ to their life.

A. inspiration B. reaction C. ambition D. dimension

24. _____ himself to being hired out to feed pigs, the young man realized that he had been a fool and then went home.

A. Having reduced B. Reduced

C. Having been reduced D. Being reduced

25. Persistent people begin their success ______ others end in failure.

A. where B. while C. since D. though

26.You can make a travel plan and organize your trip, or, ______ you can turn to your travel agent who can make arrangements for you.

A. approximately B. alternatively C. permanently D. hopefully

27.If anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, _____ there was a ship nearby, would be on an island more than 1,000 miles away.

A .until B. when C. unless D. once

28.---Jack is always patient with others.

---But when he returns home after a day's hard work, he _____ be annoyed and aggressive.

A. shall B. must C. would D. can

29. We should always bear in mind that if we are _________ of our health for promotion, disease will gradually approach us with the help of tiredness.

A. flexible B. ignorant C. controversial D. precise

30.---I hear that you've been shown the new scheme.

---Oh, yes, but how to carry it out ______ at the meeting.

A. didn't clarify B. hasn't been clarified C. wasn't clarified D. hasn't clarified

31. On account of the high interest rates, the developing country is always struggling to _____ its debt repayment, which weakens its development.

A. catch on to B. catch on C. catch up on D. catch up

32. The new job is not a promotion _____, but it can ensure you a bright future.

A. as such B. such as C. as yet D. as well

33. Recently, a group of scientists worked together to successfully "edit" a human embryo and remove a genetic mutation (变异) that _______ heart disease otherwise.

A. had led to B. would lead to C. would have led to D. led to

34. Only when you try will you find how hard the bottleneck may be _____ through.

A. to squeeze B. squeezed C. squeezing D. being squeezed

35. ---I lost five pounds just after a month on this new diet. It's definitely worth a try.

--- Right, ______. I badly need to get in shape for my school reunion.

A. it beats me. B. I don't buy it C. just can't help it D. you've sold it to me

三: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


In late December, I went for a hike with my two daughters. And by hike I 36 we walked, climbed and slid for five hours 37 a thick, wet mountainous patch of Costa Rican jungle to get to what 38 to be a splendid waterfall.

My daughters are active and strong. And I thought I was too. But it became pretty 39 as we went on that while we were all falling and 40 with mud, laughing at the absurdity of it all, they got up more quickly and 41 our guide more easily. I was always the slowest and the 42 .

They'd wait for me if I got too far 43 , watching as I picked my way toward them. It 44 me of the first glimpses I had of my mom as someone weaker than I, like when she started to get out of breath walking across parking lots. It's a slow 45 that happens gradually over decades, until one day you're your mother's mother making sure she eats dinner.

When the girls and I finally got to that waterfall, it was indeed 46 : a 40-feet wall of water crashing down with such energy that we had to 47 above the noise. We took off a few wet layers of clothing and jumped into the deep pool at the base. It was 48 , not because of coolness of the water, but because of the force of the 49 .

For a while we tried, the three of us kicking 50 , to see who could move a foot closer only to be driven back into the pack again. Then the youngest of us 51 how to navigate the sharp rock walls around the edges where the water was 52 and almost made it to the base of the falls.

We 53 up our stuff, arguing over who would return with the heaviest pack. I did not get a pass due to 54 . Hadn't they seen me struggling back there?

Of course, that's what every generation hopes for the next—that they'll be able to take care of each other 55 you, that when you slow down, they'll have each other.

36. A. thought B. meant C. believed D. guessed

37. A. across B. beneath C. through D. under

38. A. tended B. expected C. promised D. intended

39. A. controversial B. obvious C. impressive D. understandable

40. A. filled B. accompanied C. packed D. covered

41. A. kept up with B. put up with C. faced up with D. stood up with

42. A. sweatiest B. coldest C. strongest D. finest

43. A. apart B. ahead C. back D. out

44. A. informed B. reminded C. suspected D. accused

45. A. pace B. progress C. development D. shift

46. A. awesome B. disappointing C. peaceful D. fragile

47. A. quarrel B. scream C. speak D. shout

48. A. painful B. annoying C. shocking D. artificial

49. A. wind B. current C. nature D. river

50. A. wildly B. deliberately C. abruptly D. aimlessly

51. A. fell out B. turned out C. checked out D. figured out

52. A. rougher B. calmer C. tougher D. deeper

53. A. gathered B. put C. lifted D. fixed

54. A. competence B. age C. height D. size

55. A. besides B. except C. including D. without




56. According to the passage, we are supposed to __________.

A. try our best to reply to e-mails as soon as possible

B. avoid some annoying practices while e-mailing

C. delete improper expressions and patterns in e-mails

D. highlight our messages by using the techniques mentioned

57. What can we learn from the passage?

A. We can fill the subject line with Hey rather than leave it blank.

B. Times New Roman is so old-fashioned that we should change it.

C. Signing names, we can include name, title, social network links, etc.

D. When we offer congratulations to others, using caps is acceptable.

58. The underlined phrase "cry wolf" means "________".

A. give a false alarm B. mark a wrong punctuation

C. have evil intentions D. express your sorrow


What do you do when somebody hurts you? Do you want to hurt that person back, or do you hold it against them for the rest of your life? If you answered "yes" to these questions, know that you are like most people. To forgive is something that most people generally have difficulty with.

People don't forgive readily, because it is easier to hate than to forgive. Some people think to forgive is a sign of weakness, but actually to forgive takes courage and effort.

Forgiveness is a gift from a generous heart. It is not a reward for good behavior. It is not based on whether the person deserves it or whether the person has asked for it.

Besides, forgiveness is an act and a process, which often takes time. The deeper your pain, the longer it usually takes to completely forgive. It is an act because it is not just the words you say, but also your actions which show if you've truly forgiven someone.

Forgiveness is necessary because it releases you from the burden of bitterness and hate. It takes a lot of energy to hate and to keep that hate in place. Hate puts unnecessary stress on your body. It is a well-known fact, proven by numerous studies, that bitterness and hate can actually make you sick. The moment that affected people forgive and let go of their hate, they will start to get well. Forgiveness brings freedom, whereas revenge (报复) is neither sweet nor satisfying.

I have personal experience of this. I used to be very cynical about life and didn't forgive easily. At the time, I also struggled in every area of my life. Things just didn't seem to work out for me. It is as if everything that could go wrong, always went wrong. That was until somebody told me to take a look at my attitude. And when I forgave those who wronged me and changed my attitude, everything else changed. It didn't happen overnight. It took a while, but I could see and feel the difference.

Are things not working out in your life, despite you doing all the "right" things? Is it possible that you are holding "unforgiveness" in your heart? It is worth thinking about.

By Leonard J. Roost

59. Why is it hard for people to forgive?

A. Forgiveness means not giving in.

B. Forgiveness depends on good behavior.

C. Forgiveness needs good will from both sides.

D. Forgiveness requires courage and generosity.

60. What can we conclude from the text?

A. Hate may actually cause illness.

B. Revenge helps to reduce the hate in your heart.

C. When you feel sick, it makes it difficult to hate.

D. Hate goes away when you say you will forgive.

61. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?

A. B. C. D.

I: Introduction P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion


Some mice can easily remember where they hide food, but not those genetically engineered to develop Alzheimer's disease. Like humans they become forgetful. By the time these mice are seven months old they are unable to remember, for example, which part of a maze they have explored before. Two months later, their brains are filled with protein "plaques" that also characterise the latter stage of the disease in humans.

Now researchers have managed to restore memories to mice with Alzheimer's. This helps provide more evidence about how memories are lost during the early stages of the disease and may point to how, some time in the future, those memories might be brought back.

Susumu Tonegawa and his colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology used a technique known as optogenetics, which activates neurons (神经元) by shining light on them. As they report in Nature, the researchers prepared seven-month-old Alzheimer's mice by injecting a harmless virus into the rodents' dentate gyrus (齿状回区), a part of the hippocampus that helps to store fearful memories. The virus contains a gene for channelrhodopsin-2, a light-sensitive protein which forms pores (毛孔) in the cell membranes of neurons infected with the virus. These pores are closed in the dark, but open in response to blue light, flooding neurons with positively charged ions. The resulting pulse of current makes the neurons fire.

Using a standard lab test of memory, a mouse was placed in a box and given a small electrical shock to its feet. Normal mice remember this and freeze in fear if put back in the box the following day, but mice with Alzheimer's jump about as usual. Yet when the researchers stimulated (刺激) the dentate gyrus of these mice with blue light, they also froze, suggesting that they were now able to recall the original shock.

Holding on to a fearful memory in the long term, however, requires the brain to strengthen the nerve connections that link memory of the box to experience of the shock. This long-term strengthening process goes away in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. Consistent with this idea, the Alzheimer's mice did not freeze when placed in the box but only when their neurons were illuminated (照射).

To help the Alzheimer's mice keep their memory of the electric shock, the team flashed their dentate gyrus with blue light at 100 hertz, a frequency known to induce long-term strengthening. After this the Alzheimer's mice froze in the box for at least six continuous days, suggesting they were able to remember the shock themselves.

Dr Tonegawa's team found that stimulating neurons in the dentate gyrus other than those directly involved with holding the fear memory prevented Alzheimer's mice from remembering their shocks in the long term. That suggests that unless the technique can be refined, deep-brain stimulation may not be effective.

62. Which of the following is the main finding of the research?

A. It provides more evidence and possible ways to recover lost memories.

B. It tells us the influence of lost memories on mice.

C. It proves that mice's brains are full of protein "plaques".

D. It provides us with the way to do the experiment.

63. Which of the following statements about hippocampus is true?

A. It is a light-sensitive protein.

B. It contains a gene for channelrhodopsin-2.

C. It helps to memorize bad experience.

D. It is a harmless virus injected into the mice.

64. _________ will NOT have the reaction of fear when placed in the box again?

A. Mice given an electrical shock B. Mice with Alzheimer' disease

C. The mice stimulated by blue light D. The mice with neurons illuminated

65. Why is it hard for mice with Alzheimer to keep a fearful memory in the long run?

A. Because their brain can't strengthen certain nerve connections.

B. Because the mice were given a small electrical shock to its feet.

C. Because their dentate gyrus need flashing with blue light at 100 hertz.

D. Because the nerve connections linking the memory disappear in the brain.


For the second time in two years, an American has won one of the most respected global awards in literature. At a ceremony in London on Tuesday night, George Saunders accepted the 2017 Man Booker Prize(布克奖) for Lincoln in the Bardo, his first novel.

The book is an impressive and experimental ghost story set in 1862. It explores the death of Willie Lincoln, President Abraham Lincoln's 11-year-old son, who died of fever during the second year of the Civil War. Saunders, a Tibetan Buddhist, imagines Willie's experiences in the "bardo," a Buddhist state between the worlds of the living and the dead where Willie communicates with other dead souls, and where he watches his father visit his entombed body.

earlier this year, Saunders described the process of creating the novel: "There is something wonderful in watching a figure appear from the stone, feeling the presence of something within you ... and also beyond you—something consistent, willful, kind and generous, that seems to have a plan, which seems to be: to lead you to your own higher ground."

Saunders was the bookmakers' favorite to win the award, but the victory by an American writer immediately after Paul Beatty claimed the prize for his novel The Sellout is controversial. Before 2014, the Man Booker was qualified only to writers from the Commonwealth and the Republic of Ireland. The decision to allow American writers to enter has disappointed authors including A.S. Byatt and Julian Barnes, who argue that the award's main purpose was giving exposure to writers who were little-known in the broader American literary market. "The Americans have got enough prizes of their own," Barnes the Radio Times last year. Ron Charles, the book critic for The Washington Post, has also . "For any serious reader of fiction in this country," Charles wrote in September, "the Americanization of the Booker Prize is a lost opportunity to learn about great books that haven't already been publicly announced."

Baroness Young, The Telegraph , stated that the judging panel was concerned only with the worth of the books on the shortlist(入围名单), which also included Mohsin Hamid's refugee parable Exit West, Paul Auster's complex epic 4321, Emily Fridlund's coming-of-age tale The History of Wolves, and Fiona Mozley's rural fable Elmet. "We're only concerned with the book and what that book is telling us," Young said. "Nationality is just not an issue."

For Saunders, the prize is an extraordinary recognition of his first attempt into full-length novels. The 58-year-old writer was previously best-known for his short stories, which have won him four National Magazine Awards for fiction and a MacArthur Fellowship. He came to writing relatively late in life after studying geophysical engineering and working as a technical writer until 1996. The idea for Lincoln in the Bardo came to him, he in The Guardian, during a visit to Washington, D.C., when his wife told him the story of a grief-stricken President Lincoln visiting Willie's tomb to hold his son's body. Saunders has often noted that the experience of writing for him feels like a way to transform pain and division into something positive. The author Zadie Smith,, noted that "what sets him apart is his willingness not only to go into the heart of darkness but to suggest possible routes out."

66. Ron Charles' words intended to tell us that ________.

A. Saunders' novel Lincoln in the Bardo was not serious

B. the Man Booker shouldn't include works written by American

C. the Man Booker lost the opportunity to learn about great works from America

D. the judging panel was concerned only with the worth of books

67. Which of the following writers is probably from the UK?

A. Mohsin Hamid. B. Paul Beatty. C. Julian Barnes. D. Emily Fridlund.

68. Baroness Young gave some examples of the shortlist to illustrate _______.

A. the prize was awarded based more on content than on nationality

B. people should pay more attention to the nationality of the writers

C. the Telegraph supports Baroness Young's opinion on the books on the shortlist

D. 4321, The History of Wolves and Elmet were of the same significance as Exit West

69. What gave Saunders the inspiration to write the novel Lincoln in the Bardo?

A. The experience of travelling in Washington D.C.

B. To lead himself to his own higher ground.

C. To go into the hearts of darkness and to suggest possible routes out.

D. His wife's description of Lincoln holding his son's body.

70. According to the last paragraph, which one of the following statements is true?

A. Lincoln in the Bardo is Saunders' first writing.

B. Saunders won four National Magazine Awards for novels.

C. Zadie Smith thinks highly of Saunders.

D. Saunders is only known for his short stories.

第二卷 (共35分)


Researchers have already known about the cognitive (认知的) improving abilities of coffee, more specifically of the caffeine in it. However, it was only recently that they have come to realize that the caffeine in coffee can also strengthen people's memories. Apparently, the caffeine in coffee increases a deeper level of preserving memories in people known as pattern separation, which enables them to differentiate between items that are similar but not exactly alike.

A study conducted back in 2014 suggests that consuming 200 milligrams of caffeine every day, which is the equivalent of a strong cup of coffee, can have an improving effect on a person's memory. It can also make people more attentive and focused.

The fact of the matter is that the benefits of coffee are not just limited to improving memory. According to other studies, coffee and the caffeine can delay the start of Alzheimer's (老年痴呆症) , and even seniors already suffering from mild Alzheimer's can benefit from it. The cognitive decline of the mind is usually a result of a chain reaction started by adenosine receptors in the brain. Caffeine in coffee can block inflammation (炎症) in those receptors and the rest of the brain to prevent that from happening.

Alzheimer's is also closely linked to the buildup of beta-amyloid and tau proteins (蛋白) in the brain. Another study has claimed that caffeine in coffee acts as a fighter against adenosine receptor. This means that the receptors in the brain that contribute to the buildup of the two mentioned proteins are blocked by it. Thus, caffeine in coffee has a positive effect on the beta-amyloid and tau proteins.

The are not just limited to just the caffeine it contains. If you want to drink quality coffee, you must have quality coffee beans and grind (碾磨) them finely grinder.

Burr grinders get their name from the burrs inside them, which makes revolutions in order to grind the coffee beans between them. When using a burr grinder, you may even determine how fine the ground coffee will be by adjusting the distance between the burrs. Burr coffee grinders used to be manual machines, but modern day burr grinders are electrical devices, which makes them even more ideal. With a burr grinder, you can ensure that you will have control over the size of the grind. Modern day burr grinders are even equipped with a like a safety lock feature that ensures that the machine automatically turns off if the upper burr is not locked.

If you were looking for a reason to start drinking coffee every day, perhaps the fact that it can improve your memory and help you keep off Alzheimer's might encourage you. On the other hand, if you are already a coffee enthusiast and want to enjoy the freshest cup of coffee every morning, prepared right at home, then you should consider investing a burr grinder rather than a blade one.


81. 请认真阅读下面有关我国出国留学低龄化现象的图表及相关文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

"My granddaughter is studying French at the distinguished Shanghai Foreign Language School. She spends all of her time on her studies and the school puts pressure on its students. Our family hopes to send her to a school where she does not need to worry so much about her academic scores." (Cen Qingcai)"I have only one child and I dearly want her to stay with me. But I know that studying abroad will benefit her future and I can't be selfish." (Zeng Ying)"Middle school students we serve only need to pay 150,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan per year a year, including tuition and board, which can easily be covered by many Chinese families." (Alex Zou )





2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;





一:听力1-5 AABCB 6-10 CAACB 11-15CBBCA 16-20ABACB

二:单选21-25 DCDAA 26-30 BCDBC 31-35 CACAD

三:完型填空36—40 BCCBD 41—45 AACBD 46—50 ADCBA 51—55 DBABD

四:阅读理解:56—58 BDA 59—61 DAB 62—65 ACBD 66—70 BCADC


71. academic/intellectual 72. resist/avoid 73. developing 74. barrier/block

75. prepare/make 76. factors/elements 77. choice 78. must/necessity

79. daily/regular 80. replaced/substituted


81:One possible version:

From the charts, we can see a dramatically increasing trend of middle school students studying in the USA from 2003 to 2016, accounting for one third Chinese students in the USA.

There are many factors accounting for this phenomenon. Firstly, many parents choose to send their children abroad just to relieve their heavy academic pressure. Besides, many parents can afford the fees for tuition and board. They think studying abroad can not only broaden their horizons, but also acquire more advanced knowledge and skills.

As for me, a senior middle school student, I prefer to study in China. For one thing, the educational level in China has improved, so there is no need to study abroad to obtain high-quality education. For another, the booming Internet makes online lessons and lectures easily accessible, increasing our exposure to various information and knowledge. Therefore, I hold it firm that I can learn what I want in China.

(For me, I'd like to go to America for further study. Yale University is my ideal one where most advanced knowledge sparks and world-famous experts and professors get together there. Besides, American free lifestyle also attracts me a lot for I really hate being restricted by so many rules. So I'll work hard to be admitted to my ideal university.)


关于作者: luda

