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Portugal 1-0 France: Eder’s introduction proves decisive


朱莉12,2016 2016年7月12日

Portugal won their first-ever major tournament courtesy of eder ' s stunning long-range strike in extra-time,after a defenssy


Fernando Santos brought back Pepe after injury, and William Carvalho after suspension, so Bruno Alves and Danilo dropped to the bench. Cristiano Ronaldo didn’t make it to half-time until being replaced by Ricardo Quaresma.

决赛前, 佩佩伤愈复出, 卡瓦略禁赛到期, 桑托斯于是把阿尔维斯和达尼洛重新放到了替补席上。C罗没有坚持到半场结束, 上半场中途就被夸雷斯马换下场。

Didier Deschamps named an unchanged XI, meaning no return for N’Golo Kante.

德尚的首发阵容依旧没变, 这显示坎特还得继续呆在替补席上。

Overall this was a disappointing match, shaped heavily by the early departure of its best player, Ronaldo. The graphic below illustrates the line-ups after his departure. France had the better of the opening 90 minutes, but Portugal pushed forward impressively in extra-time.

总之, 这是一场让人失望的比赛, 由于最好的球员, C罗的意外提前退场, 早早地决定了比赛的大体走势。下面的图片显示了其离场后的双方阵容。法国队在常规的90分钟比赛中一直压制着葡萄牙队, 不过后者在加时赛中的向前推进让人印象深刻。


In formation terms, it was as expected from the outset. Both teams were arguably in 4-4-2 systems, with some nuance: Portugal’s midfield looked more like a diamond at times, in keeping with their previous performances, with Adrien Silva shuttling forward and leaving Carvalho minding the defence. When France had long periods of possession, Portugal’s diamond squashed into a flat four-man shape.

就阵型而言, 从一开始就如预期的那样。双方都基本上采用了4-4-2阵型, 不过有些微差别:葡萄牙中场有时候看上去更像是菱形配置, 与之前的选择一致, 阿德里安席尔瓦突前, 而卡瓦略则主要负责防守。当法国队长时间掌握控球权时, 葡萄牙队的菱形中场配置就转换为4-4-2平行站位。

France’s system is arguably more 4-2-3-1 than 4-4-2, but Antoine Griezmann played high up the pitch, more of a second striker than a number ten. With Carvalho sticking tight to him, Griezmann generally had his brightest moments when running in advance of him, rather than dropping deep.

法国队的阵型更像4-2-3-1而非4-4-2, 不过格列兹曼站位很靠前, 更像二前锋而不是传统意义上的10号。卡瓦略紧贴着格列兹曼, 通常后者在卡瓦略身后时表现很高光, 如果站位靠后, 面对葡萄牙人的贴身防守, 则星光暗淡。

France press法国队的紧逼

The match started at a good tempo, with France pressing high up the pitch and forcing the Portuguese defence into some mistakes in possession. Pepe, who would eventually become the game’s outstanding performer, looked particularly uncomfortable in the early stages, as Portugal struggled to work the ball forward into midfield. Portugal had the first good chance of the game, however, with Cedric Soares playing a long ball over France’s high defensive line to Nani, who blasted over.

比赛一开始, 法国队就踢得很快, 在高位频频逼抢, 迫使葡萄牙队的防线出现控球失误。佩佩, 尽管最后被评为本场最佳, 不过在比赛开始阶段被法国队的紧逼搞得灰头土脸, 因为葡萄牙队总是很难把球送到中场。不过, 比赛中第一次真正有威胁的射门反倒是来自葡萄牙队, 21号苏亚雷斯长传打穿法国队防线, 球落到纳尼脚下, 但后者放了高射炮。

France’s determination to close down quickly created their first chance chance, and caused the game’s key moment. For the chance, Olivier Giroud closed down Pepe, who slipped, with the ball falling to Dimitri Payet. His chipped ball into the box was headed towards goal by Griezmann, forcing Rui Patricio into a fine save. The game’s key moment, meanwhile, was Ronaldo’s injury. Payet pressed him very aggressively, winning the ball but colliding with Ronaldo. After two attempts to continue, he was replaced by Quaresma.

一旦法国人决定实施快速紧逼, 他们的机会就来了。比如, 吉鲁对佩佩实施紧逼, 后者滑倒并把球权丢给了帕耶。后者挑球过顶到禁区, 后插上的格列兹曼迎球头球攻门, 迫使帕特里西奥做出精彩扑救。不过比赛的关键事件是C罗受伤被迫离场。之前帕耶对C罗实施了凶狠的逼抢, 赢得了球权, 不过冲撞也导致C罗受伤, 为最终离场埋下了伏笔。在连续两次接受治疗后, C罗不堪伤痛折磨不得不被夸雷斯马换下场。


This changed the game completely. For a start, France’s early momentum wasn lost – with the start-stop next 15 minutes largely based around whether Ronaldo could continue. Portugal, meanwhile, changed system after Quaresma’s introduction and switched to a 4-3-3 system, with Nani playing upfront alone, Quaresma on the right, Renato Sanches tucking inside and Joao Mario pushing forward.

这次换人完全改变了比赛的态势。从一开始, 法国队早期的势头并没有衰减---之后的15分钟的比赛形势很大程度上取决于C罗是否还能继续踢下去。同时, 葡萄牙队在夸雷斯马上场后改变了阵型, 改踢4-3-3, 纳尼突前担任单前锋, 夸雷斯马在右路, 桑切斯则内切, 马里奥则提前。

It would be ludicrous to suggest Ronaldo’s injury actually helped Portugal, but it’s certainly true that it affected France’s rhythm and allowed Portugal to slow the tempo, which suited them better.

滑稽的是这暗示C罗的受伤离场实际上帮助了葡萄牙队, 不过确定的是这样的变化对法国队的节奏产生了影响, 使得葡萄牙队降低了比赛的速度, 而这更对他们更有利。


The first half’s best performer was a player slightly fortunate to have played his way into the XI. Moussa Sissoko was only starting as a consequence of Deschamps sacrificing Kante in order to play Griezmann in his favoured central position, but he was very dangerous throughout the first half by playing in a narrow right-sided midfield role.

西索科是上半场表现最好的球员, 他能首发也有一点点运气成分在里面。西索科的上场是以放弃坎特为代价的, 这样安排的目的是让格列兹曼能回到自己喜欢的中路, 不过上半场西索科在右路狭长地带的表现堪称完美, 非常具有威胁性。

No-one really knew how to stop Sissoko – Silva and Sanches were concentrating on Paul Pogba, who was quiet in possession, and Blaise Matuidi, who was very good in a defensive sense but offered little going forward. Raphael Guerreiro stayed in his left-sided zone rather than moving inside to stop Sissoko, so he was often able to burst past opponents and into space. His end product was inconsistent, but he was the only player attempting to beat opponents.

没有人能实际知道如何去遏制西索科---席尔瓦和桑切斯的注意力都在博格巴身上, 后者拿球时几乎没有威胁性,而马图伊迪防守非常出色, 不过很少上前助攻。格雷罗总是呆在左路,没有内切去逼抢西索科,使得后者能依靠出色的爆发力过掉对手创造出很大的空间。他最后的贡献并不总是很一致,不过他确实是唯一一个试图打败对手的法国球员。

France dominate down left法国队控制了左路

However, France’s best moves came down the left – and this was the game’s defining feature. As the graphic of France’s ‘chances created’ and ’shots’ demonstrates, there was a heavy emphasis upon working the ball down the left flank.

不过, 法国队最好的表现出现在左路---这是本场比赛最关键的所在。正如介绍法国队创造机会和射门这两张图片所显示的那样, 这里着重强调了球在左路的运行。

There were two reasons for this. For the first hour, Portugal right-back Cedric Soares often stuck too tight to Payet, which opened up space in the inside-left channel for both Giroud and Griezmann to run into. Two of France’s best attempts were hit by those two strikers from almost identical positions, both saved by the impressive Rui Patricio. Patrice Evra was also sporadically exploiting the space on the overlap.

导致这种局面的原因有两个。前60分钟, 葡萄牙队的右后卫苏亚雷斯经常经常紧贴帕耶防守, 后者在左路内侧分别给吉鲁和格列兹曼拉出了空间。这两名射手所抓住的法国队最好的两次机会几乎都出现在相同的位置, 不过帕特里西奥都依靠精彩的扑救化解了险情。埃弗拉偶尔也在这里后插上助攻。

Second, Deschamps replaced Payet after an hour, introducing Kingsley Coman. The Bayern winger showed his usual directness in possession, dribbling at Soares and creating chances when turning inside, most notably for another Griezmann chance in the air, which he headed over.

其次, 德尚在60分钟后换下帕耶, 让科曼上去。拜仁边锋充分展示了他带球的犀利, 过掉苏亚雷斯, 内切后传中, 格列兹曼甩头攻门, 可惜高出横梁。


Substitutes proved crucial here. Santos brought on Joao Moutinho in place of Silva, meaning Portugal moved the ball more intelligently towards the flanks, and started to compete on even terms with France for the first time in midfield.

替补队员对比赛的结果起到了关键性的作用。桑托斯让穆蒂尼奥上场换下席尔瓦, 这表示球将更多地往两个边路分, 也表明葡萄牙人将开始与法国人力拼中场。

Most crucially, however, both managers sent on a striker with ten minutes of normal time remaining. Andre-Pierre Gignac replaced Giroud, while Eder came on for Sanches, with Joao Mario moving inside and Nani switching to a wide role. These players would be crucial. Gignac was nearly the hero, receiving a low cross from Evra, turning past Pepe, and scuffing a shot against the near post.

更关键的是, 两名主教练都在比赛还剩下10分钟的情况下派上前锋。吉尼亚克换下吉鲁, 而埃德尔则换下桑切斯, 马里奥往里靠, 而纳尼则拉到边路。事后证明这些球员都起到了决定性作用。吉尼亚克几乎成为法兰西英雄, 接埃弗拉的低平横传球后, 转身甩开佩佩, 射门击中近门柱。

Portugal, however, were the better side after these strikers’ introduction. Eder gave Portugal an entirely different option upfront, and was brilliant at holding up play, outmuscling the French centre-back pairing and continually winning free-kicks. He enabled Portugal to get up the pitch and spend long spells in the opposition half.

不过, 葡萄牙队的换人更见成效。埃德尔让葡萄牙队在前锋线上有了完全不同的选择, 前场拿球质量很高, 力量对抗上压制住了法国队的中后卫, 并持续赢得任意球。他让葡萄牙队能充分利用球场并通过长传球让球长时间在法国队半场运转。

The initial solution to Ronaldo’s departure, using Nani upfront, plainly didn’t work, but Eder’s introduction made Portugal cohesive again. With ten minutes of exta-time remaining, Eder received a short pass from Moutinho, turned past Laurent Koscielny, and smashed in the winner from 25 yards. In the contest of extra-time, he was a fitting matchwinner.

C罗离场的最初应对措施是让纳尼突前, 坦率地说, 效果不好, 但埃德尔的上场让葡萄牙队再次凝聚成一个整体。在加时赛还剩10分钟就结束的情况下, 埃德尔接穆蒂尼奥的短传转身甩开科斯切尔尼, 以一记25米开外的远射奠定胜局。


The most important goal in Portuguese football history has been scored by a strong, back-to-goal number nine. That’s bizarre considering Portugal’s lack of a proper centre-forward has been their primary weakness for years, and even more peculiar considering Santos had determinedly built a system without a proper striker, such was his lack of faith in Eder.

葡萄牙足球史上最重要的进球来自一名强壮的背靠球门的九号球员。考虑到这些年葡萄牙队的主要薄弱环节就是缺少一名合格的中锋, 更有甚者桑托斯已经确定打造了一套没有合适攻击手的阵容, 这显示他对埃德尔缺乏信心。

Indeed, this is a stange Portuguese side overall. Santos built a team that is defensively disciplined despite being unusually fluid in midfield, and a team that lacked proper width despite its best attackers being natural wingers. It has somehow come together nicely, and is a testament to the importance of not losing – in 90 minutes, Portugal’s record in this competition is W1 D6 L0. Portugal only conceded one goal during the knockout stage, and this is the fourth consecutive European Championships where the best defence has won the trophy. Greece in 2004, and Spain in 2008 and 2012, didn’t concede a single knockout goal. It’s difficult to pinpoint Portugal’s true attacking style, although both Ronaldo and Nani – as well as Eder, eventually – provided decisive moments in the box.

确实, 这是一支让人感到奇怪的葡萄牙队。桑托斯组建了一支以防守为主的球队, 尽管其中场的运转非常流畅, 而且球队在比赛中往往缺少宽度, 尽管它的攻击手往往主要是边锋。这些因素可以说莫名地组合的很好, 而且也印证了不丢球的重要性---在90分钟的常规赛中, 葡萄牙队的战绩为1胜6平0负。葡萄牙队在淘汰赛阶段只丢了一个球, 这也是连续四届欧洲杯由防守最好的球队夺冠。2004年的希腊, 2008年和2012年的西班牙, 在淘汰赛阶段甚至都没有丢过一个球。很难精确地确定葡萄牙队真正的进攻风格, 尽管C罗和纳尼---以及埃德尔, 最终---决定了比赛的结果。

Deschamps will be criticised for his uncertainty throughout this competition, rarely finding his best system and often having to correct things midway through matches. He failed to find a system which used his two star players, Antoine Griezmann and Paul Pogba, in their optimum roles – Greizmann needed the 4-4-2 / 4-2-3-1 to play off Giroud, Pogba needed a 4-3-3 to drive forward from midfield. But these tournaments come down to very fine margins, and Deschamps’ decision to select the system which benefited Griezmann made sense considering his form in this competition – and ultimately, Deschamps can’t be blamed for the tournament’s top scorer being unable to convert good chances in the final.

德尚被批评在本届杯赛中反复无常, 几乎没有确定球队的最佳阵容, 经常在比赛中途改变主意。他没有找到最大限度发挥两名球星, 博格巴和格列兹曼的最佳阵型, 其中---格列兹曼适合4-4-2/4-2-3-1阵型, 与吉鲁搭档, 而博格巴则在4-3-3阵型中如鱼得水, 因为可以从中场带球前插。不过比赛中德尚对阵容的调整幅度都非常小, 而且德尚以格列兹曼为主确定阵型的决定也并非毫无道理, 毕竟格列兹曼在本次欧洲杯上的表现是有目共睹的---最后, 德尚也不会因为格列兹曼没有在决赛中把黄金般的进球机会转化为进球而受到指责。

关于作者: luda

