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这些经过精心构思的小方盒能通过自由搭配组合,构建出诸如储物柜、坐具、桌几等不同形态与种类的家具 —— PIXEL集无限可能性于一身!

FRAME_S Boards为PIXEL系统满足当代数字化办公或类似的情境提供了额外的垂直工作表面。您可以根据需求选择一件框架的T-Type,或是两件框架的H-Type。

带有滚轮的FRAME_ Boards可以作为办公空间的移动隔断,随心安置于您所需要的任意角落,同时也为PIXELS带来更多的存储空间。


由PIXEL方盒、箱体、盖顶、托盘和垫子组合而成的PIXEL Tower —— 时刻投入工作!

Ideas Workshop


PIXEL Your Office.

让共享办公、小型新创企业和团队空间充满弹性 —— 依照您的需求来塑造空间。

PIXEL Your Shop.


PIXEL 2018年度第一办公产品

著名商业杂志《Das Büro》的编辑团队经过不记名投票的方式,一致将BENE的PIXEL认定为”2018年度第一办公产品”。从PIXEL系统演变的1000多种办公解决方案中,他们甄选出其中100种推荐给任意尺寸的办公空间。在竞争日益激烈的办公家具行业内,BENE的PIXEL脱颖而出,成为”2018年度第一办公产品”。据悉,杂志的编辑组覆盖了各行各业的不同领域。

设计师: Christian Horner




Design: Christian Horner

Playground for innovation.

PIXEL may look like a box but it can also be a table, a bench, a platform, a shelf and so much more. PIXEL building blocks ensure that you can flexibly shape space to support a number of different team tasks. PIXEL brings a new dimension in team working and meeting culture to the workplace, creating playground-like spaces that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity.

The most exciting innovations develop in places where people have the freedom to think playfully. Defined areas in the office that inspire a lively group dynamic and offer a creative playground are becoming increasingly important. The challenge is to create a place that naturally compliments day-to-day working life – culturally and spatially. Furniture that is as flexible and unfussy as the team itself can help to create such a space. This is where PIXEL comes in. These ingenious little boxes can be combined to create different pieces of furniture, be it storage containers, seating or a table – PIXEL is up for anything!

FRAME_S Boards add vertical work surfaces – digital or analogue – to PIXEL. There are two types to choose from: the T-Type with one frame and the H-Type with two frames. As a room divider on wheels, it can be easily moved to wherever you need it. And it provides practical storage space for PIXELS.

Discover PIXEL


Set with PIXEL Boxes, Pods, Tops, Trays and Pads – ready to work!

Ideas Workshop

Quickly and easily reshape the spatial settings, to stay in the creative flow with a start-up-like mentality.

PIXEL Your Office.

Flexibility for co-working spaces, start ups and team spaces – create your space according to your needs.

PIXEL Your Shop.

PIXEL, the multi-functional modular furnishing system for pop-up-stores, concept stores or cafés.

PIXEL Your Event.

PIXEL can make a bar or a DJ desk, a high table or seating.

PIXEL #1 office product 2018

The editors of the prestigious trade magazine “Das Büro” chose PIXEL by Bene as the “#1 office product 2018”. From more than 1000 office solutions, they selected the 100 which they could particularly recommend for office work in both a narrow and broader sense. In this competitive environment, they chose PIXEL by Bene as the winning project and thus “#1 office product 2018”. The editors’ ranking was independent and covered all industries and categories.

关于作者: luda

