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武汉泛海费尔蒙酒店总经理/地区总经理-塞斯老师MR. Depesh SETH

塞斯先生(MR. Depesh SETH)相信,业主公司和酒店团队将竭尽全力为我们的客人提供独特的个性化FERMON服务。

近日,雅高酒店集团任命赛斯先生(MR. Depesh SETH)为武汉泛海费尔蒙酒店总经理,并继续担任雅高集团区域总经理。赛斯先生上任后,将继续运用他丰富卓越的酒店管理才能引领旗下酒店成为酒店业的翘楚,将拥有百年历史文化的费尔蒙品牌底蕴与江城武汉的传统文化巧妙融合,迸发出新的火花。



武汉泛海费尔蒙酒店总经理/区域总经理-赛斯先生 MR. Depesh SETH

赛斯先生精通英语、马来语、德语和一些基础的普通话。不论是日常运营,还是制定发展战略,他丰富且及多元化的经验将会带领武汉泛海费尔蒙酒店并巩固武汉的领先酒店地位, 贯彻“匠心别致,隽雅之堂”的品牌定位,使之成为商务休闲旅客的首选酒店。赛斯先生对这家酒店抱有很高的期望,他相信:“业主公司和酒店团队都将致力于为我们的客人提供独一无二的个性化费尔蒙服务,让美好片刻永留客人回忆。”

【English version】

MR. Depesh SETH has been appointed General Manager for Fairmont Wuhan, Area General Manager

Recently, AccorHotels has appointed Mr. Depesh SETH as the General Manager for Fairmont Wuhan, also he continues the role of AccorHotels Area General Manager. He will lead the hotel management team to open a new chapter in the hospitality Industry in Wuhan with an integration of Refine Fairmont way and the local aesthetic.

Mr. Seth is a hotelier executive who has a wealth of working experience in the hospitality industry of over 27 years. Prior to joining Fairmont Wuhan, Mr. Seth was the General Manager of Sofitel Shenyang and also the Area General Manager for that region.

Mr. Seth's footsteps fell all over Europe and Asia. Graduating from Domino Carlton Tivoli in Switzerland, his majoring in Hospitality Management and joined the hospitality industry since 1993. He has previously worked in senior executive positions in various international hotel groups including Movenpick, Hilton and 20 dedicated years with Starwood Hotels & Resorts (Now Marriott International, lnc.) and Mr. Seth has an extensive background in rooms, F&B and hospitality operations.

Mr. Seth is proficient in English, Malay, German and some basic Mandarin. Whether the daily operations or the formulation of development, his rich diversified experience and excellent leadership will boost up this vibrant hotel and strengthen the position of Fairmont Wuhan as the leading hotel in Wuhan - being the Landmark of Rare Refinement, making it the first choice among business and leisure travelers. Mr. Seth has high expectations for this spectacular property, he believes that the owning company and the hotel team are committed to deliver a unique personalized experience in Fairmont way and turning moments into memories for every guest of Fairmont Wuhan.

关于作者: luda

