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UNIT 1 How can we become.(39个单词)

Textbook [tekstbk]/n .教科书;教科书I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything。(我躲在教科书后面什么也没说。

)·conversation/ n. 交谈;谈话My pronunciation improved as well by listening to the conversations in English movies.(通过听英语电影中的对话,我的发音也提高了。)·aloud[əˈlaʊd] / adv. 大声地;出声地What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?(朗读来练习发音怎么样?)·pronunciation/ n. 发音;读音I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation.(我害怕问题,因为我的发音不好。)·sentence[''sent(ə)ns] / n. 句子Try to guess a word''s meaning by reading the sentences before and after it.(试着通过阅读单词前后的句子来猜测单词的意思。)·patient/ adj. 有耐心的 n. 病人Well, be patient. It takes time.(好吧,耐心点这需要时间。)·expression/ n. 表情;表示;表达方式Their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning.(他们的肢体语言和脸上的表情帮助我获得了意义。)·discover/ v. 发现;发觉I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.(我发现听一些有趣的东西是学习语言的秘诀。)·secret[ˈsi:krət] / n. 秘密;秘诀 adj. 秘密的;保密的What is the secret to language learning?(学习语言的秘诀是什么?)·look up[luk ʌp] / (在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看I looked them up in a dictionary.(我在字典里查过。)·grammar/ n. 语法I want to learn new words and more grammar.(我想学习新单词和更多的语法。)·repeat/ v. 重复;重做Why don''t you repeat the difficult words?(你为什么不把困难的话重复一遍?)·note[nəʊt] / n. 笔记;记录 v. 注意;指出For example, they may take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps.(例如,他们可以通过写下关键字或绘制思维地图来做笔记。)·pal/ n. 朋友;伙Maybe you should find a pen pal.(也许你该找个笔友。)·physics[ˈfɪzɪks] / n. 物理;物理学I?need?some?books?on?physics.(我需要一些物理方面的书。)·chemistry[ˈkemɪstri] / n. 化学I usually practice my chemistry by taking notes.(我通常通过记笔记来练习我的化学。)·memorize/ v. 记忆;记住I usually practice my English by memorizing sentence patterns.(我通常通过背诵句型来练习我的英语。)·pattern/ n. 模式;方式I usually practice my English by memorizing sentence patterns.(我通常通过背诵句型来练习我的英语。)·pronounce/ v. 发音I can''t pronounce some of the words.(我读不出其中一些单词。)·increase/ v. 增加;增长I don''t know how to increase my reading speed.(我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。)·speed/ n. 速度I don''t know how to increase my reading speed.(我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。)·partner[ˈpɑːtnə(r)] / n. 搭档;同伴I don''t have a partner to practice English with.(我没有搭档可以练习英语。)·born[bɔ:n] / v. 出生 adj. 天生的Everyone is born with the ability to learn.(每个人生来就有学习的能力。)·be born with/ 天生具有Everyone is born with the ability to learn.(每个人生来就有学习的能力。)·ability/ n. 能力;才能Everyone is born with the ability to learn.(每个人生来就有学习的能力。)·create/ v. 创造;创建You can create an interest in what you learn.(你可以对你所学的东西产生兴趣。)·brain/ n. 大脑If you are interested in something, your brain is more active.(如果你对某事感兴趣,你的大脑会更活跃。)·active[''æktɪv] / adj. 活跃的;积极的If you are interested in something, your brain is more active.(如果你对某事感兴趣,你的大脑会更活跃。)·attention[əˈtenʃn] / n. 注意;关注It is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.(长时间关注它也更容易。)·pay attention to[pei əˈtenʃən tu:] / 注意;关注It is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.(长时间关注它也更容易。)·connect/ v.(使)连接;与……有联系Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.(好的学习者经常把他们需要学习的东西和有趣的东西联系起来。)·connect … with/ 把…和…连接或联系起来Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.(好的学习者经常把他们需要学习的东西和有趣的东西联系起来。)·overnight/ adv. 一夜之间;在夜间Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone overnight.(亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔不是一夜之间发明电话的。)·review/ v. & n. 回顾;复习They also look for ways to review what they have learned.(他们也在寻找方法来回顾他们所学到的东西。)·knowledge/ n. 知识;学问Knowledge comes from questioning.(知识来自于质疑。)·lifelong/ adj. 终身的;毕生的Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new.(学习是一生的旅程,因为每一天都会带来新的东西。)·wisely/ adv. 明智地;聪明地Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so learn wisely and learn well.(你学到的每一件事都成为你的一部分,改变你,所以明智地学习,好好学习。)·Annie/ 安妮(女名)Annie, I''m a little nervous.(安妮我有点紧张。)·Alexander Graham Bell/ 亚历山大 · 格雷厄姆 · 贝尔Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone overnight.(亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔不是一夜之间发明电话的。)

UNIT 2 I think that...(48个单词)

·mooncake[''mu:nkeɪk] / n. 月饼I think that mooncakes are delicious!(我觉得月饼很好吃!)·lantern[ˈlæntən] / n. 灯笼I think that the Lantern Festival is beautiful.(我觉得元宵节很美。)·stranger/ n. 陌生人Wu Ming and Harry are strangers.(吴明和哈利是陌生人。)·relative[ˈrelətɪv] / n. 亲属;亲戚Wu Ming visited his relatives.(吴明拜访了他的亲戚。)·put on[put ɔn] / 增加(体重);发胖I''ve put on five pounds!(我胖了五磅!)·pound[paʊnd] / n. 磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位)I''ve put on five pounds!(我胖了五磅!)·folk/ adj. 民间的;民俗的There are many traditional folk stories about this festival.(关于这个节日有许多传统的民间故事。)·goddess/ n. 女神A goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him.(一位女神给了他魔法药来感谢他。)·whoever/ pron. 无论谁;不管什么人Whoever took this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to take it with Chang''e.(谁拿了这个,谁就能活到永远,后羿打算把它交给嫦娥。)·steal/ v.(stole, stolen)偷;窃取However, a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home.(然而,当后羿不在家的时候,一个叫庞孟的坏蛋想偷药。)·lay/leɪ/ / v.(laid, laid)放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.(他迅速地把她最喜欢的水果和甜点摆在花园里。)·lay out/ 摆开;布置He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.(他迅速地把她最喜欢的水果和甜点摆在花园里。)·dessert/ n.(饭后)甜点;甜食He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.(他迅速地把她最喜欢的水果和甜点摆在花园里。)·garden[''gɑːd(ə)n] / n. 花园;园子He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.(他迅速地把她最喜欢的水果和甜点摆在花园里。)·tradition/ n. 传统It indicates the antiquity of the tradition.(这表明该传统源远流长。)·admire/ v. 欣赏;仰慕I really admire his capacity for work.(我真钦佩他的工作能力。)·tie[taɪ] / n. 领带 v. 捆;束Common gifts are flowers and cards for mothers and shirts or ties for fathers.(常见的礼物是送给母亲的鲜花和卡片,给父亲的衬衫或领带。)·haunted/ adj. 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的In the story, it is said that the area is haunted by evil spirits.(在这个故事中,据说这个地区有恶魔出没。)·ghost[gəʊst] / n. 鬼;鬼魂They sometimes also put things like spiders and ghosts around the door.(他们有时也会把蜘蛛和鬼魂之类的东西放在门口。)·trick[trɪk] / n. 花招;把戏Kids say “Trick or treat!” at every house.(孩子们说“不给糖就捣蛋!”“在每个房子。)·treat/triːt/ / n. 款待;招待 v. 招待;请(客)Kids say “Trick or treat!” at every house.(孩子们说“不给糖就捣蛋!”“在每个房子。)·spider[ˈspaɪdə(r)] / n. 蜘蛛They sometimes also put things like spiders and ghosts around the door.(他们有时也会把蜘蛛和鬼魂之类的东西放在门口。)·Christmas[''krɪsməs] / n. 圣诞节Many would agree that when we think of Christmas, we probably think of gifts.(许多人会同意,当我们想到圣诞节时,我们可能会想到礼物。)·lie[laɪ] / v.(lay, lain)存在;平躺;处于But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas.(但在所有这些事情背后隐藏着圣诞节的真正意义。)·novel/ n.(长篇)小说A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens.(“圣诞颂歌”是查尔斯·狄更斯写的一部著名的短篇小说。)·eve[i:v] / n. 前夕;前夜One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner.(一个平安夜,史克鲁奇看到了他死去的生意伙伴雅各布·马利的鬼魂。)·dead[ded] / adj. 死的;失去生命的One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner.(一个平安夜,史克鲁奇看到了他死去的生意伙伴雅各布·马利的鬼魂。)·business/ n. 生意;商业One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner.(一个平安夜,史克鲁奇看到了他死去的生意伙伴雅各布·马利的鬼魂。)·punish/ v. 处罚;惩罚Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was punished after he died.(马利以前和史克鲁奇一样,所以他死后受到惩罚。)·warn/ v. 警告;告诫He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn''t want to end up like him.(他警告史克鲁奇,如果他不想像他那样结束的话,就要改变他的方式。)·end up/ 最终成为;最后处于He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn''t want to end up like him.(他警告史克鲁奇,如果他不想像他那样结束的话,就要改变他的方式。)·present[''preznt] / n. 现在;礼物 adj. 现在的Please accept it as a present.(请把它作为一件礼物收下。)·warmth/ n. 温暖;暖和He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes.(现在,他对每个人都充满了善意和热情,到处传播着爱和欢乐。)·spread/ v.(spread, spread)传播;展开 n. 蔓延;传播He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes.(现在,他对每个人都充满了善意和热情,到处传播着爱和欢乐。)·Macao/ 澳门Wu Ming went to Macao for his vacation.(吴明去澳门度假了。)·Chiang Mai/ 清迈(泰国城市)I''m going to Chiang Mai in two weeks.(我两周后要去清迈。)·Water Festival/ 泼水节I wonder if it''s similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.(我想知道它是否类似于云南傣族人的水节。)·Mid-Autumn Festival[mɪd ˈɔːtəm ˈfestɪvl] / 中秋节Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.(几个世纪以来,中国人一直在庆祝中秋节和吃月饼.)·Mother''s Day[ˈmʌðə(r)z][deɪ] / 母亲节Mother''s Day is on the second Sunday of May.(母亲节是五月的第二个星期天。)·Father''s Day/ 父亲节Father''s Day is on the third Sunday of June.(父亲节是六月的第三个星期天。)·Halloween[ˌhæləʊˈi:n] / 万圣节前夕What have you learned about Halloween?(关于万圣节你学到了什么?)·A Christmas Carol/ 《圣诞欢歌》(小说名)A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens.(“圣诞颂歌”是查尔斯·狄更斯写的一部著名的短篇小说。)·Easter[ˈi:stə(r)] / 复活节Many Western countries celebrate Easter.(许多西方国家庆祝复活节。)·Clara/ 克拉拉(女名)Clara is going to Macao.(克拉拉要去澳门。)·Santa Claus[ˈsæntə klɔ:z] / 圣诞老人Many would agree that when we think of Christmas, we probably think of Santa Claus.(很多人会同意,当我们想到圣诞节时,我们可能会想到圣诞老人。)·Charles Dickens/ 查尔斯 · 狄更斯( 英国作家)A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens.(“圣诞颂歌”是查尔斯·狄更斯写的一部著名的短篇小说。)·Scrooge/ 斯克鲁奇 n.( 非正式)吝啬鬼One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner.(一个平安夜,史克鲁奇看到了他死去的生意伙伴雅各布·马利的鬼魂。)·Jacob Marley/ 雅各布 · 马利One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner.(一个平安夜,史克鲁奇看到了他死去的生意伙伴雅各布·马利的鬼魂。)

UNIT 3 Could you please tell..(41个单词)

·restroom/ n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?(你能告诉我洗手间在哪里吗?)·stamp[stæmp] / n. 邮票;印章Where can I buy some stamps?(我在哪里能买到邮票?)·bookstore[''bʊkstɔ:(r)] / n. 书店Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?(对不起,你能告诉我去书店怎么走吗?)·beside[bɪˈsaɪd] / prep. 在……旁边;在……附近The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank.(书店在你的右边,在银行旁边。)·postcard[ˈpəʊstkɑ:d] / n. 明信片Excuse me, do you know where I can get some postcards?(对不起,你知道我在哪里能买到明信片吗?)·pardon/ v. 原谅 interj. 请再说一遍Pardon? Restroom?(再说一次,好吗?洗手间?)·washroom[ˈwɒʃru:m] / n. 洗手间;厕所In China, we normally say “toilet” or “washroom” in English.(在中国,我们通常用英语说“厕所”或“洗手间”。)·bathroom[''bɑːθruːm; -rʊm] / n. 浴室;洗手间I mean ... you know, a washroom or bathroom.(我是说.。洗手间或者浴室。)·normally/ adv. 通常;正常情况下In China, we normally say “toilet” or “washroom” in English.(在中国,我们通常用英语说“厕所”或“洗手间”。)·rush/ v. & n. 仓促;急促You don''t need to rush!(你不需要着急!)·suggest/ v. 建议;提议I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.(我建议水城餐厅在水的世界。)·pass by/ 路过;经过On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bob''s.(在去水城餐厅的路上,爱丽丝和贺伟经过鲍勃叔叔家。)·staff/ n. 管理人员;职工Alice and He Wei walk up to a staff person at the door.(爱丽丝和贺伟走到门口的一个职员跟前。)·grape[greɪp] / n. 葡萄Where can I buy some grapes or other fruit?(在哪里能买到葡萄或其他水果?)·central[''sentr(ə)l] / adj. 中心的;中央的How do I get to the Central Library?(到中央图书馆怎么走?)·nearby[ˌnɪəˈbaɪ] / adj. 附近的;邻近的 adv. 在附近;附近Is the Italian restaurant nearby open on Mondays?(附近的意大利餐馆星期一营业吗?)·pardon me/ 抱歉,对不起;什么,请再说一遍Pardon me, do you know if there''s a restaurant around here?(对不起,你知道这附近有没有餐馆吗?)·mail/ v. 邮寄;发电子邮件 n. 邮件;信件Sally needs to mail a letter.(莎莉需要寄一封信。)·east[i:st] / adj. 东方的;东部的 adv. 向东;朝东 n. 东;东方You go east along this street.(沿着这条街往东走。)·fascinating/ adj. 迷人的;极有吸引力的They''re fascinating.(他们很迷人。)·inexpensive/ adj. 不昂贵的They?eat?rice,?and?rice?in?Asia?tends?to be?inexpensive.(在亚洲,他们吃米饭,而且米饭往往很便宜。)·uncrowded/ adj. 不拥挤的;人少的You?should?give?others their?personal?space?in an?uncrowded?elevator.?(你应该给别人他们的私人空间?在一个没有人烟的电梯里。?)·convenient/ adj. 便利的;方便的It''s convenient to get to.(去那里很方便。)·mall/ n. 商场;购物中心I suggest Jenny''s Clothes Store in Century Shopping Mall.(我建议珍妮的服装店在世纪购物中心。)·clerk[klɑ:k] / n. 职员The clerk tells her to go to the corner of Market and Middle Streets.(店员叫她到市场和中间街道的拐角处去。)·corner[ˈkɔ:nə(r)] / n. 拐角;角落The clerk tells her to go to the corner of Market and Middle Streets.(店员叫她到市场和中间街道的拐角处去。)·politely/ adv. 礼貌地;客气地It is important to know how to ask for help politely.(懂得如何礼貌地寻求帮助是很重要的。)·request/ n. & v. 要求;请求These are similar requests for directions.(这些都是类似的问询请求。)·direction/dɪˈrekʃən, daɪ-/ / n. 方向;方位These are similar requests for directions.(这些都是类似的问询请求。)·correct/kə''rekt/ / adj. 正确的;恰当的Both are correct, but the first one sounds less polite.(两者都是正确的,但第一个听起来不太礼貌。)·polite[pə''laɪt] / adj. 有礼貌的;客气的Both are correct, but the first one sounds less polite.(两者都是正确的,但第一个听起来不太礼貌。)·direct[dəˈrekt] / adj. 直接的;直率的That is because it is a very direct question.(这是因为这是一个非常直接的问题。)·speaker/ n. 讲(某种语言)的人;发言者Good speakers change the way they speak in different situations.(好的演讲者改变了他们在不同情况下说话的方式。)·whom/ pron. 谁;什么人The expressions they use might depend on whom they are speaking to.(他们使用的表达方式可能取决于他们与谁交谈。)·impolite/ adj. 不礼貌的;粗鲁的This might sound impolite.(这听起来可能不礼貌。)·address[əˈdres] / n. 住址;地址;通讯处Peter, could you please tell me your e-mail address?(彼得,你能告诉我你的电子邮件地址吗?)·underground[ˈʌndəgraʊnd] / adj. 地下的 n. 地铁There''s an underground parking lot over there.(那边有个地下停车场。)·parking lot/ 停车场;停车区There''s an underground parking lot over there.(那边有个地下停车场。)·course/ n. 课程;学科What''s the time of the course?(课程是几点?)·Italian[ɪ''tælɪən] / adj. 意大利(人)的 n. 意大利人;意大利语Is the Italian restaurant nearby open on Mondays?(附近的意大利餐馆星期一营业吗?)·Tim/ 蒂姆(男名)Tim is very hungry.(蒂姆很饿)

UNIT 4 I used to be afraid of(45个单词)

·humorous/ adj. 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的That British teacher is very humorous. He always tells us interesting jokes.(那位英国老师很幽默。他总是给我们讲有趣的笑话。)·silent/ adj. 不说话的;沉默的You were always silent in class.(你在课堂上总是保持沉默。)·helpful[''helpfʊl; -f(ə)l] / adj. 有用的;有帮助的It is very helpful to be able to speak a foreign language.(能说一门外语是很有帮助的。)·from time to time/ 时常;有时She still plays the guitar from time to time.(她仍然不时弹吉他。)·score[skɔ:(r)] / n. & v. 得分;进球He studied hard and got good scores on his exams.(他努力学习,考试成绩很好。)·background/ n. 背景What''s Candy''s background?(坎迪的背景是什么?)·interview[ˈɪntəvju:] / v. 采访;面试 n. 面试;访谈I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang.(我采访了19岁的亚洲流行歌星王坎迪。)·Asian/ adj. 亚洲(人)的 n. 亚洲人I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang.(我采访了19岁的亚洲流行歌星王坎迪。)·deal/ v.(dealt, dealt)对付;对待She used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.(她过去很害羞,为了应付自己的羞怯,她开始唱歌。)·deal with/ 应对;处理She used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.(她过去很害羞,为了应付自己的羞怯,她开始唱歌。)·shyness/ n. 害羞;腼腆She used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.(她过去很害羞,为了应付自己的羞怯,她开始唱歌。)·dare/deə/ / v. 敢于;胆敢As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class.(随着病情好转,她敢于在全班同学面前唱歌。)·crowd/ n. 人群;观众Now she''s not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.(现在她不再害羞了,喜欢在人群面前唱歌。)·ton/ n. 吨;(pl.) 大量;许多I get tons of attention everywhere I go.(我每到一处都会得到大量的关注。)·private/ adj. 私人的;私密的I don''t have much private time anymore.(我的私人时间不多了。)·guard/ n. 警卫;看守 v. 守卫;保卫There are always guards around me.(我周围总是有警卫。)·require/ v. 需要;要求You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.(你真的需要很多才能和努力工作才能成功。)·European/ adj. 欧洲(人)的 n. 欧洲人Jerry used to read books on European history.(杰里曾经读过关于欧洲历史的书。)·African/ adj. 非洲(人)的 n. 非洲人Jerry used to read books on African culture.(杰里曾经读过关于非洲文化的书。)·British[ˈbrɪtɪʃ] / adj. 英国(人)的Sandy used to teach British English.(桑迪以前教英国英语。)·speech[spi:tʃ] / n. 讲话;发言I used to be afraid of giving a speech in public.(我以前害怕在公共场合发表演讲。)·public[ˈpʌblɪk] / n. 民众 adj. 公开的;公众的I used to be afraid of giving a speech in public.(我以前害怕在公共场合发表演讲。)·in public/ 公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前I used to be afraid of giving a speech in public.(我以前害怕在公共场合发表演讲。)·ant[ænt] / n. 蚂蚁I used to like watching ants and other insects.(我以前喜欢看蚂蚁和其他昆虫。)·insect[ˈɪnsekt] / n. 昆虫I used to like watching ants and other insects.(我以前喜欢看蚂蚁和其他昆虫。)·seldom/ adv. 不常;很少I am seldom at leisure.(我很少有空闲。)·influence/ v. & n. 影响Li Wen''s unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork.(李雯的不幸开始影响他的学业。)·absent/ adj. 缺席;不在Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations.(有时他缺课,考试不及格。)·fail/feɪl/ / v. 不及格;失败;未能(做到)Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations.(有时他缺课,考试不及格。)·examination/ n. 考试;审查Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations.(有时他缺课,考试不及格。)·boarding school/ 寄宿学校Finally, Li Wen''s parents made the decision to send him to a boarding school.(最后,李雯的父母决定送他去寄宿学校。)·in person/ 亲身;亲自She advised them to talk with their son in person.(她建议他们亲自和儿子谈谈。)·exactly/ adv. 确切地;精确地It was exactly what I needed.(这正是我所需要的。)·pride/ n. 自豪;骄傲They take pride in everything good that I do.(他们为我所做的每件好事感到骄傲。)·take pride in/ 为……感到自豪They take pride in everything good that I do.(他们为我所做的每件好事感到骄傲。)·proud[praʊd] / adj. 自豪的;骄傲的They''re always proud of me.(他们总是为我骄傲。)·be proud of/ 为……骄傲;感到自豪They''re always proud of me.(他们总是为我骄傲。)·general/ adj. 总的;普遍的;常规的 n. 将军This paragraph is a general introduction about the changes in your life.(这一段是关于你生活中的变化的概括性介绍。)·introduction/ n. 介绍This paragraph is a general introduction about the changes in your life.(这一段是关于你生活中的变化的概括性介绍。)·Paula/ 葆拉 (女名)You''re Paula, aren''t you?(你是宝拉,不是吗?)·Alfred/ 艾尔弗雷德(男名)Alfred didn''t use to eat a lot of fruit.(阿尔弗雷德以前不常吃水果。)·Billy/ 比利(男名)Billy has changed so much!(比利变了很多!)·Candy[''kændɪ] / 坎迪( 女名)Your partner is Candy.(你的搭档是坎迪。)·Jerry/ 杰里(男名);杰丽(女名)Jerry used to read books on European history.(杰里曾经读过关于欧洲历史的书。)·Emily/ 埃米莉(女名)Emily didn''t use to eat a lot of vegetables.(艾米丽以前不常吃蔬菜。)

UNIT 5 What are the shirts...(54个单词)

·chopstick/ˈtʃɒpstɪk/ / n. 筷子Where did you buy those chopsticks?(你在哪里买的筷子?)·coin[kɔɪn] / n. 硬币How many coins do you have?(你有多少枚硬币?)·fork[fɔ:k] / n. 餐叉;叉子What are the forks made of?(叉子是用什么做的?)·blouse[blaʊz] / n.(女式)短上衣;衬衫What is the blouse made of?(这件衬衫是用什么做的?)·silver[ˈsɪlvə(r)] / n. 银;银器 adj. 银色的Is it made of silver?(是银制的吗?)·glass[glɑ:s] / n. 玻璃It''s made of used wood and glass.(它是用木头和玻璃制成的。)·cotton/ n. 棉;棉花Are your shirts made of cotton?(你的衬衫是用棉花做成的吗?)·steel/ n. 钢;钢铁I''ve never seen steel ones before.(我以前从没见过钢的。)·fair[feə(r)] / n. 展览会;交易会Hey Marcus, have you heard about the art and science fair?(马库斯,你听说过艺术和科学博览会吗?)·environmental/ adj. 自然环境的;有关环境的The fair is about environmental protection.(这个展览会是关于环境保护的。)·grass[grɑ:s] / n. 草;草地It''s made from grass, leaves and flowers.(它是由草、叶和花制成的。)·leaf[li:f] / n.(pl. leaves)叶;叶子It''s made from grass, leaves and flowers.(它是由草、叶和花制成的。)·produce/prəˈdju:s;-ˈdu:s/ / v. 生产;制造;出产Where is tea produced in China?(中国的茶叶产在哪里?)·widely/ adv. 广泛地;普遍地Hangzhou is widely known for their tea.(杭州以茶闻名。)·be known for/ 以……闻名;为人知晓Hangzhou is widely known for their tea.(杭州以茶闻名。)·process/ v. 加工;处理 n. 过程They are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.(他们是手工挑选,然后送去处理。)·pack[pæk] / v. 包装;装箱The tea is packed and sent to many different countries.(茶叶包装好,送到许多不同的国家。)·product/ n. 产品;制品No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.(不管你买什么,你都会认为这些产品是在那些国家制造的。)·France[frɑ:ns] / 法国Would you buy some beautiful clothes in France?(你能在法国买些漂亮的衣服吗?)·no matter/ 不论;无论No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.(不管你买什么,你都会认为这些产品是在那些国家制造的。)·local/ adj. 当地的;本地的He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.(他觉得有趣的是,当地商店里有这么多产品是中国制造的。)·brand/ n. 品牌;牌子Even though most of the toys were American brands, they were made in China.(尽管大部分玩具都是美国品牌,但它们都是中国制造的。)·avoid/ v. 避免;回避He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.(他意识到美国人很难避免购买中国制造的产品。)·handbag/ˈhændbæg/ / n. 小手提包There were many other things made in China — footballs, handbags, pet food, mobile phones.(中国还有许多其他的东西——足球、手提包、宠物食品、手机。)·mobile[ˈməʊbaɪl] / adj. 可移动的;非固定的There were many other things made in China — footballs, handbags, pet food, mobile phones.(中国还有许多其他的东西——足球、手提包、宠物食品、手机。)·everyday/ adj. 每天的;日常的Kang Jian thinks it''s great that China is so good at making these everyday things.(康健认为,中国如此擅长于制造这些日常事物,这是很好的。)·boss/bɒs/ / n. 老板;上司We are paid by the bosson the last Friday of each month.(我们每月最后一个星期五由博森支付。)·Germany[''dʒɜ:mənɪ] / 德国What language is spoken in Germany?(德国讲什么语言?)·surface/ n. 表面;表层Most of the earth''s surface is covered by water.(大部分的地球表面被水覆盖着。)·material/ n. 材料;原料This shop uses the best materials to make dresses.(这家商店用最好的材料做连衣裙。)·traffic[ˈtræfɪk] / n. 交通;路上行驶的车辆Careless driving causes many traffic accidents.(粗心驾驶导致许多交通事故。)·postman[ˈpəʊstmən] / n. 邮递员The postman brings letters and postcards to people''s homes.(邮差给人们的家带来信件和明信片。)·cap[kæp] / n.(尤指有帽舌的)帽子What''s your cap made of?(你的帽子是什么做的?)·glove[glʌv] / n.(分手指的)手套My gloves were made in Shanghai.(我的手套是在上海做的。)·international[ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl] / adj. 国际的I went to an international kite festival.(我去了一个国际风筝节。)·competitor/ n. 参赛者;竞争者The competitors at the festival are from China.(参加电影节的参赛者来自中国。)·its[ɪts] / adj. 它的Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.(中国的每一个不同的地方都有其独特的传统艺术形式。)·form/fɔ:m/ / n. 形式;类型Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.(中国的每一个不同的地方都有其独特的传统艺术形式。)·clay[kleɪ] / n. 黏土;陶土The most common things, from paper to clay to bamboo, are turned into objects of beauty.(最常见的东西,从纸到粘土到竹子,都变成了美的对象。)·celebration/ n. 庆典;庆祝活动Today, sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations.(今天,天空灯笼被用于节日和其他庆祝活动。)·balloon[bəˈlu:n] / n. 气球They slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see.(它们像小热气球一样慢慢上升到空中,让所有人都能看到。)·paper cutting/ 剪纸Paper cutting has been around for over 1,500 years.(剪纸已经有1500多年了。)·scissors[''sɪzəz] / n.(pl.)剪刀The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors.(这张纸通常是红色的,在用剪刀剪裁之前先折叠起来。)·lively/ adj. 生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的It was a lively meeting.(这次会开得生动活泼。)·fairy tale[ˈfeəri][teɪl] / 童话故事She was like a princess in a fairy tale.(她就像童话里的公主。)·historical/ adj.(有关)历史的I would like to offer a historical perspective.(我想从历史的角度来谈一下。)·heat[hi:t] / n. 热;高温 v. 加热;变热After drying, they are fired at a very high heat.(干燥后,它们会在很高的温度下燃烧。)·polish/ v. 磨光;修改;润色They are then polished and painted.(然后对它们进行抛光和油漆。)·complete/ v. 完成It takes several weeks to complete everything.(完成一切需要几个星期。)·Korea/ 朝鲜;韩国It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.(人们认为茶是在六七世纪被带到韩国和日本的。)·Switzerland/ 瑞士Would you buy a watch in Switzerland?(你能在瑞士买块手表吗?)·San Francisco/ 圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山,美国城市)Last year he went to visit his aunt and uncle in San Francisco.(去年他去旧金山看望他的姨妈和叔叔。)·Marcus/ 马库斯(男名)Hey Marcus, have you heard about the art and science fair?(马库斯,你听说过艺术和科学博览会吗?)·Pam/ 帕姆(女名)Pam likes drinking Chinese tea.(潘喜欢喝中国茶。)

UNIT 6 When was it invented?(64个单词)

·heel/ n. 鞋跟;足跟You can move the heels up and down.(你可以上下移动鞋跟。)·scoop/ n. 勺;铲子What is the hot ice-cream scoop used for?(热冰淇淋勺是用来做什么的?)·electricity[ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti] / n. 电;电能It runs on electricity and becomes hot.(它靠电运行,然后变热。)·style[staɪl] / n. 样式;款式Well, you can change the style of your shoes.(好吧,你可以改变你的鞋的风格。)·project[ˈprɒdʒekt] / n. 项目;工程Hey Roy, the subject for my school project is “Small inventions that changed the world”.(嘿,罗伊,我学校项目的主题是“改变世界的小发明”。)·pleasure/''pleʒə/ / n. 高兴;愉快With pleasure!(乐意为您效劳!)·zipper/ n.(= zip)拉链;拉锁The zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson in 1893.(拉链是由惠特科姆·朱德森于1893年发明的。)·daily/ adj. 每日的;日常的Think about how often it''s used in our daily lives.(想想它在我们日常生活中的使用频率。)·have a point/ 有道理Well, you do seem to have a point.(看来你说得有道理。)·website/''websait/ / n. 网站I thought about it because I saw a website last week.(我想到这是因为上周我看到了一个网站。)·pioneer/ n. 先锋;先驱The pioneers of different inventions were listed there.(不同发明的先驱者列在那里。)·list[lɪst] / v. 列表;列清单 n. 名单;清单The pioneers of different inventions were listed there.(不同发明的先驱者列在那里。)·mention/ v. 提到;说到It mentioned that the zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson in 1893.(它提到拉链是由惠特科姆·朱德森在1893年发明的。)·accidental/ adj. 意外的;偶然的It is an accidental invention.(这是个偶然的发明。)·by accident/ 偶然;意外地The most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident.(世界上最受欢迎的饮料(仅次于水),是偶然发明的。)·ruler[''ru:lə(r)] / n. 统治者;支配者It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.(据说,一位名叫沈农的中国统治者是第一个发现茶作为饮料的人。)·boil/ v. 煮沸;烧开One day Shen Nong was boiling drinking water over an open fire.(有一天,神农正用火烧开饮用水。)·remain/ v. 保持不变;剩余Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time.(茶树的一些叶子掉进水里,在那里停留了一段时间。)·smell[smel] / n. 气味 v.(smelt, smelt; smelled, smelled)发出……气味;闻到It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown water.(它产生了一种很好的气味,所以他尝到了褐色的水。)·saint/ n. 圣人;圣徒Who is called “the saint of tea”?(谁被称为“茶之圣人”?)·national[ˈnæʃnəl] / adj. 国家的;民族的It become the national drink in England.(它成为英国的全国性饮料。)·trade/ n. 贸易;交易 v. 做买卖;从事贸易The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century.(从中国到西方国家的茶叶贸易发生在19世纪。)·take place[teɪk pleɪs] / 发生;出现The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century.(从中国到西方国家的茶叶贸易发生在19世纪。)·popularity/ n. 受欢迎;普及This helped to spread the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world.(这有助于将茶叶和茶树的流行传播到世界各地。)·doubt/ n. 疑惑;疑问 v. 怀疑The Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.(毫无疑问,中国人最了解茶叶的本质。)·without doubt/ 毫无疑问;的确The Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.(毫无疑问,中国人最了解茶叶的本质。)·fridge[frɪdʒ] / n. 冰箱They sold the fridge at a low price.(他们低价卖了冰箱。)·low[ləʊ] / adj. 低的;矮的The fridge was sold at a low price.(冰箱以低价出售。)·somebody/ pron. 某人 n. 重要人物Somebody stole my camera from my hotel room.(有人从我的旅馆房间偷了我的照相机。)·translate/ v. 翻译Different writers translated the book into different languages.(不同的作家把这本书翻译成不同的语言。)·lock[lɒk] / v. 锁上;锁住 n. 锁The door was locked when we arrived, so we rang the bell.(我们到的时候门是锁着的,所以我们按了门铃。)·ring[rɪŋ] / v.(rang, rung)使发出钟声或铃声;打电话The door was locked when we arrived, so we rang the bell.(我们到的时候门是锁着的,所以我们按了门铃。)·earthquake/ˈɜ:θkweɪk/ / n. 地震The earthquake happened all of a sudden.(地震突然发生。)·sudden/ adj. 突然(的)The earthquake happened all of a sudden.(地震突然发生。)·all of a sudden/ 突然;猛地The earthquake happened all of a sudden.(地震突然发生。)·bell[bel] / n. 钟(声);铃(声)The door was locked when we arrived, so we rang the bell.(我们到的时候门是锁着的,所以我们按了门铃。)·biscuit[ˈbɪskɪt] / n. 饼干She is eating a biscuit in science class.(她在理科课上吃饼干。)·cookie[ˈkʊki] / n. 曲奇饼The cookies were eaten by the hungry kids in less than 20 minutes.(在不到20分钟的时间里,这些饼干就被饥饿的孩子们吃掉了。)·musical/ adj. 音乐的;有音乐天赋的In 1875, Mr. Bell learned how to send musical notes through an instrument similar to a telephone.(1875年,贝尔先生学会了如何通过一种类似电话的乐器发送音符。)·instrument/ n. 器械;仪器;工具In 1875, Mr. Bell learned how to send musical notes through an instrument similar to a telephone.(1875年,贝尔先生学会了如何通过一种类似电话的乐器发送音符。)·crispy/ adj. 脆的;酥脆的He cooked them for a long time until they were crispy.(他煮了很长一段时间,直到它们变脆为止。)·salty/ adj. 咸He put lots of salt on them so they were really salty.(他给它们加了很多盐,所以它们很咸。)·sour[ˈsaʊə(r)] / adj. 酸的;有酸味的This?pear?tastes a?bit?sour.?(这个梨尝起来有点酸。)·by mistake/ 错误地;无意中Potato chips were invented by mistake.(薯片是错误发明的。)·customer/ n. 顾客;客户The customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough.(顾客认为土豆不够薄。)·the Olympics/ 奥林匹克运动会Then in 1936 in Berlin, it became an event at the Olympics.(1936年,在柏林,它成了奥运会的一项盛事。)·Canadian[kəˈneɪdiən] / adj. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith.(篮球是由一位名叫詹姆斯·奈史密斯的加拿大医生发明的。)·divide/ v. 分开;分散Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game.(奈史密斯博士把班上的人分成两队,教他们玩他的新游戏。)·divide ... into/ 把...分开Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game.(奈史密斯博士把班上的人分成两队,教他们玩他的新游戏。)·basket[ˈbɑ:skɪt] / n. 篮;筐Players on the same team must work together to get the ball in the other team''s basket.(同一队的队员必须一起工作,才能把球投进对方的篮筐。)·not only ... but also .../ 不但...而且...One should not only observe but also help.(不但要看,而且要帮。)·look up to/ 钦佩;仰慕Many young people look up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them.(许多年轻人尊敬这些篮球英雄,并想成为他们的样子。)·hero[''hɪərəʊ] / n. 英雄;男主角Many young people look up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them.(许多年轻人尊敬这些篮球英雄,并想成为他们的样子。)·professional/ adj. 职业的;专业的What are the professional basketball groups in America and China?(美国和中国的职业篮球团体是什么?)·nearly[ˈnɪəli] / adv. 几乎This is because sometimes a few people may invent things which are nearly the same.(这是因为有时少数人会发明几乎相同的东西。)·Berlin/ 柏林(德国城市)Then in 1936 in Berlin, it became an event at the Olympics.(1936年,在柏林,它成了奥运会的一项盛事。)·NBA/ (National Basketball Association)国家篮球协会(美国职业篮球联赛)Although America''s NBA games are the most famous, the CBA games are becoming more popular in China.(虽然美国的NBA运动会是最著名的,但CBA运动会在中国越来越受欢迎。)·CBA/ (China Basketball Association)中国篮球协会(中国职业篮球联赛)Although America''s NBA games are the most famous, the CBA games are becoming more popular in China.(虽然美国的NBA运动会是最著名的,但CBA运动会在中国越来越受欢迎。)·Roy/ 罗伊(男名)Hey Roy, the subject for my school project is “Small inventions that changed the world”.(嘿,罗伊,我学校项目的主题是“改变世界的小发明”。)·Whitcomb Judson/ 惠特科姆 · 贾德森The zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson in 1893.(拉链是由惠特科姆·朱德森于1893年发明的。)·Ruby/ 鲁比(女名)Ruby broke the rules.(鲁比违反了规则。)·Thomas Watson/ 托马斯 · 沃森Mr. Bell worked on the invention of the telephone with Thomas Watson.(贝尔先生和托马斯·沃森一起发明了电话。)·George Crum/ 乔治 · 克拉姆Potato chips were invented by a cook called George Crum.(薯片是由一个名叫乔治·克拉姆的厨师发明的。)·James Naismith/ 詹姆斯 · 奈史密斯Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith.(篮球是由一位名叫詹姆斯·奈史密斯的加拿大医生发明的。)

UNIT 7 Teenagers should be...(30个单词)

·license/ n.(= licence)证;证件He just got his driver''s license.(他刚拿到驾照。)·safety[''seɪftɪ] / n. 安全;安全性I''m worried about your safety.(我很担心你的安全。)·smoke[sməʊk] / v. 吸烟;冒烟 n. 烟Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke.(青少年不应被允许吸烟。)·part-time/ adj. & adv. 兼职(的)Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs.(学生不应被允许从事兼职工作.)·pierce/ v. 扎;刺破;穿透Sixteen-year-olds shouldn''t be allowed to get their ears pierced.(16岁的孩子不应该被允许穿耳洞。)·earring/ n. 耳环;耳饰He should stop wearing that silly earring.(他应该停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环。)·flash/ n. 闪光灯;闪光 v. 闪耀;闪光Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we don''t use a flash?(如果我们不使用闪光灯,你认为我们可以拍照吗?)·tiny/ adj. 极小的;微小的When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.(当我还是个小宝宝的时候,我妈妈整晚都在哭,我妈妈对我唱歌,一直在我身边。)·cry[kraɪ] / v. & n. 哭;叫喊When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.(当我还是个小宝宝的时候,我妈妈整晚都在哭,我妈妈对我唱歌,一直在我身边。)·field[fi:ld] / n. 田野;场地When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger.(当我两个人穿过战场时,她确保了我是安全的,让我免受危险。)·hug[hʌg] / n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a hug and lifted me up.(当我摔倒并伤到自己时,她拥抱了我,扶起了我。)·lift/ v. 举起;抬高 n. 电梯;搭便车When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a hug and lifted me up.(当我摔倒并伤到自己时,她拥抱了我,扶起了我。)·badly[''bædlɪ] / adv. 严重地;差;非常When I was seven coughing badly, she said no ice-cream for me.(我七岁时咳嗽得厉害,她说不给我吃冰淇淋。)·talk back/ 回嘴;顶嘴But I talked back loudly, “I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me now!”(但我大声回嘴,“我应该被允许吃一些!现在给我!“)·awful/ adj. 很坏的;讨厌的When I was nine watching scary movies, she said it''d give me awful dreams.(我九岁的时候看恐怖的电影她说这会给我可怕的梦)·teen/ n.(13至19岁之间的)青少年When I was a teen going out with friends, she said, “Please be back by ten!”(我十几岁的时候和朋友出去玩,她说:“请十点前回来!“)·regret/ v. & n. 感到遗憾;懊悔I regret talking back, not listening to mom.(我很遗憾回话,不听妈妈的话。)·poem[ˈpəʊɪm] / n. 诗;韵文After reading the whole poem, how do you think the writer feels about his mom?(读完整首诗后,你觉得作者对他妈妈有何感想?)·community/kəˈmju:nətɪ/ / n. 社区;社团Parents should encourage teenagers to do social work for their community.(父母应该鼓励青少年为他们的社区做社会工作。)·keep ... away from/ 避免接近;远离Do you think we must keep teenagers away from the Internet?(你认为我们必须让青少年远离互联网吗?)·chance/tʃɑːns/ / n. 机会;可能性Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own decisions.(父母应该给青少年做出自己决定的机会。)·make one''s own decision/ 自己做决定Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own decisions.(父母应该给青少年做出自己决定的机会。)·educate/ v. 教育;教导They should be educated to take care of themselves.(应该教育他们照顾自己。)·manage/ v. 完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面)They can manage their own lives.(他们可以管理自己的生活。)·society/ n. 社会However, in most Asian societies, it is not common for teenagers to move out.(然而,在大多数亚洲社会,青少年搬出去并不常见。)·get in the way of/ 挡……的路;妨碍But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork.(但有时这些会妨碍他们的功课。)·support/ v. & n. 支持My wife and I have supported every one of his races.(我和我妻子一直支持他的每一个种族。)·enter[reɪs] / v. 进来;进去My parents have always taught me how important it is to work hard at school and enter university.(我的父母一直教我在学校努力学习和进入大学是多么的重要。)·choice/tʃɔɪs/ / n. 选择;挑选I should be allowed to make this choice myself.(我应该被允许自己做出这个选择。)·Picasso/ 毕加索(西班牙画家)I''m really excited about seeing the famous paintings by Picasso.(看到毕加索的名画我真的很兴奋。)

UNIT 8 It must belong to Carla(47个单词)

·whose[hu:z] / adj. & pron. 谁的Whose book is this?(这是谁的书?)·truck[trʌk] / n. 卡车;货车Whose toy truck is it?(这是谁的玩具卡车?)·picnic[ˈpɪknɪk] / n. 野餐He was the only little kid at the picnic.(他是野餐时唯一的小孩。)·rabbit[''ræbɪt] / n. 兔;野兔He loves rabbits.(他喜欢兔子。)·attend/ v. 出席;参加I attended a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall.(我昨天参加了一场音乐会,所以它可能还在音乐厅里。)·valuable/ adj. 贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的Do you have anything valuable in your schoolbag?(你书包里有值钱的东西吗?)·pink[pɪŋk] / adj. 粉红色的 n. 粉红色My pink hair band is in my schoolbag.(我的粉红色发带在我的背包里。)·anybody/ pron. 任何人I''ll call them now to check if anybody has it.(我现在打电话给他们看看有没有人有。)·happening/ n. 事件;发生的事情(常指不寻常的)There are strange happenings in my town.(我的镇子里发生了一些奇怪的事情。)·noise[nɔɪz] / n. 声音;噪音Every night we hear strange noises outside our window.(每天晚上我们都听到窗外奇怪的声音。)·policeman[pəˈli:smən] / n.(pl. policemen)男警察My parents called the policemen.(我父母打电话给警察。)·wolf[wʊlf] / n. 狼Maybe it was a bear or a wolf.(也许是熊还是狼。)·uneasy/ adj. 担心的;不安的Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy.(我们镇上的每个人都感到不安。)·laboratory/ n. 实验室She might be in the laboratory.(她可能在实验室。)·outdoors/ adv. 在户外;在野外It must be hot outdoors.(户外一定很热。)·coat[kəʊt] / n. 外套;外衣Many people are wearing coats.(许多人穿着外套。)·sleepy[''sliːpɪ] / adj. 困倦的;瞌睡的Whenever I try to read this book, I feel sleepy.(每当我试图阅读这本书时,我都会觉得困困。)·land[lænd] / v. 着陆;降A UFO is landing.(不明飞行物正在着陆。)·alien/ n. 外星人It must be an alien.(一定是外星人。)·run after[rʌn ˈɑ:ftə] / 追逐;追赶And the alien is running after the man!(外星人在追那个人!)·suit[su:t] / n. 西服;套装 v. 适合No, he''s wearing a suit.(不,他穿着西装。)·express/ v. 表示;表达I can''t find suitable words to express what I mean.(我找不到合适的词来表达我的意思。)·at the same time[æt ðə seim taim] / 同时;一起At the same time, they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket.(同时,他们还需要阻止比赛队把球放进自己的篮子里。)·circle[ˈsɜ:kl] / n. 圆圈 v. 圈出We stood in a circle holding hands.(我们站成一圈,手牵着手。)·Britain[ˈbrɪtn] / (= Great Britain) 大不列颠She''s British.(她是英国人。)·mystery/ n. 奥秘;神秘事物It''s a mystery to me.(这对我来说是个谜。)·receive[rɪˈsi:v] / v. 接待;接受;收到Every year it receives more than 750,000 visitors.(每年接待75万多名游客。)·historian/ n. 历史学家;史学工作者My father was a historian of repute.(我的父亲是一名颇有名气的历史学家。)·leader/ˈli:də(r)/ / n. 领导;领袖She''s a born leader.(她是个天生的领袖。)·midsummer/ n. 仲夏;中夏On midsummer''s morning, the sun shines directly into the center of the stones.(仲夏的早晨,阳光直射到石头的中央。)·medical/ adj. 医疗的;医学的Other people believe the stones have a medical purpose.(其他人认为这些石头有医学用途。)·purpose/ n. 目的;目标Other people believe the stones have a medical purpose.(其他人认为这些石头有医学用途。)·prevent/ v. 阻止;阻挠They think the stones can prevent illness and keep people healthy.(他们认为这些石头可以预防疾病,保持人们的健康。)·energy[''enədʒɪ] / n. 力量;精力As you walk there, you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body.(当你走到那里时,你可以感觉到从你的脚上移动到你的身体上的能量。)·position[pəˈzɪʃn] / n. 位置;地方The position of the stones must be for a special purpose.(石头的位置必须有特殊的用途。)·burial/ n. 埋葬;安葬It might be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors.(它可能是埋葬的地方,也可能是祭祖的地方。)·honor/ (= honour) v. 尊重;表示敬意 n. 荣幸;荣誉It might be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors.(它可能是埋葬的地方,也可能是祭祖的地方。)·ancestor/ n. 祖宗;祖先It might be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors.(它可能是埋葬的地方,也可能是祭祖的地方。)·victory/ n. 胜利;成功Others think it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy.(其他人认为它是为了庆祝对敌人的胜利而建造的。)·enemy/ n. 敌人;仇人Others think it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy.(其他人认为它是为了庆祝对敌人的胜利而建造的。)·period/ n. 一段时间;时期Stonehenge was built slowly over a long period of time.(巨石阵是在很长一段时间里慢慢建成的。)·Stonehenge/ 巨石阵Stonehenge was built slowly over a long period of time.(巨石阵是在很长一段时间里慢慢建成的。)·Carla/ 卡拉(女名)It must belong to Carla.(一定是卡拉的。)·J. K. Rowling/ J. K. 罗琳(英国作家)J. K. Rowling is her favorite writer.(罗琳是她最喜欢的作家。)·Victor/ 维克托(男名)Victor''s next-door neighbor Helen is worried, too.(维克多的隔壁邻居海伦也很担心。)·Jean/ 琼(女名)Jean must be in the laboratory.(琼一定在实验室里。)·Paul Stoker/ 保罗 · 斯托克Historian Paul Stoker thinks this can''t be true.(历史学家保罗·斯托克认为这不是真的)

关于作者: luda

