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president Donald trump is not waiting for the economy to go south


@ CNN,奥古斯特19,2019

president Donald trumpis not waiting for the economy to go south amid growing fears of a recession to wage what could be the defining

uncertainty about the economy is fomented partly from conflicting signs . jobs growth remains strong in the us and consumer spending is robust。

but the slowest growth in China in three decades,Imminent recession fears in big European economies and bearish signals sent last week by the bonomies

a recession would also transform the democratic white house race。

If the economy does stumble,Democrats would be certain to quickly pivot to a full-on attack on Republican economic management-including he






Japan PM reiterates that Tokyo wants South Korea to keep its promises, rebuild trust


@ The Reuters, August 23, 2019

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Friday Japan still expects South Korea to keep its promises on the contentious issue of wartime forced labor and to work to rebuild trust.

Abe’s comments followed South Korea’s announcement on Thursday that it was ending an intelligence-sharing agreement with Japan amid a dispute over compensation for South Koreans pressed into wartime labor during Japan’s occupation of Korea.

This behavior drew a swift protest from Tokyo and deepening a decades-old dispute over history that has hit trade and undercut security cooperation over North Korea.

Relations between the East Asian neighbors began to deteriorate late last year following a South Korean Supreme Court order for Japanese companies to compensate some of their wartime forced laborers. Japan condemned the ruling, saying the matter was resolved by a 1965 treaty normalizing ties.

The United States, which fears weakened security cooperation in the region, expressed dismay.








Amazon just opened its biggest office building — and it's not in the United States


@ CNN, August 22, 2019

Amazon just opened its biggest office building in the world in the Indian city of Hyderabad.

The online retail giant's new campus in the city's financial district opened on Wednesday. It covers 9.5 acres and has 1.8 million square feet of office space, making it "Amazon's single largest building in the world in terms of total area," according to the company.

The building can accommodate up to 15,000 employees, nearly a quarter of Amazon's full-time India workforce of more than 62,000. The company also has 155,000 contract workers in the country, making India its biggest base outside the United States.

The Hyderabad campus is the first office outside the United States that Amazon fully owns.

The new Hyderabad campus will eventually be expanded to cover 68 acres — roughly the equivalent of 65 football fields, Amazon said. The tech city was Amazon's first point of entry into India in 2004. It is also home to other big global names, including Microsoft's (MSFT) India headquarters and Ikea's first India store.






Boris Johnson pushes for George Osborne to be made IMF chief


@ The Guardian, August 23, 2019

Boris Johnson used a phone call with the US president, Donald Trump, this week to recommend the former Tory chancellor George Osborne for the job of managing director of the International Monetary Fund.

After being sacked as chancellor by Theresa May following the EU referendum in 2016, he has taken up a series of other lucrative roles since leaving Westminster. As a leading advocate of remain during the referendum campaign, Osborne remains a divisive figure, but he and Johnson appear to have buried the hatchet in recent months.

David Blanchflower, an economist and former member of the Bank of England’s monetary policy committee, said: “I would prefer a random person picked on Oxford Street than slasher Osborne, who was the worst chancellor ever, who produced the slowest recovery in 300 years.”

But the UK has little chance of influencing the decision. The IMF managing director is traditionally a European and the EU27 has already agreed to recommend Kristalina Georgieva, the Bulgarian chief executive of the World Bank.



兼任经济学家和前英国央行货币政策委员会成员的David Blanchflower说:“我宁愿在牛津街上随便找个人也比心狠手辣的奥斯本要好,他是史上最糟糕的财政大臣,创造了300年来最慢的复苏。”




Messing about with the river: water firms accused of draining the Cam dry


@ The Guardian, August 24, 2019

It’s a beautiful day on the river Cam in Cambridge, but few notice how pathetic the flow of water is over the lock.It is a clear sign that this ancient waterway is faring badly, says Stephen Tomkins, emeritus fellow and former head of the science faculty at Homerton College.

A report by the Environment Agency last month also revealed the river’s flow is now exceptionally low, just 33% of its long-term average.At risk are aquatic plants and invertebrates such as mayflies, caddisflies, damselflies and stoneflies.

The heart of Cambridge is the river, Cambridge Punt Company guide Theo Land says, and the revelation that it is drying up upsets him. “I wouldn’t feel the same attachment to Cambridge without the river. It would be a different place.”

Chalk streams are the northern hemisphere’s version of the Amazonian rainforest. “What hypocrisy that, as this country is chastising Brazil over fires in the Amazonian rainforest and criticising Indonesia about deforestation, we are destroying a globally rare resource in our own backyard,” Sharkey says.





Africa begins countdown to being polio free


@ CNN, August 21, 2019

Africa has gone three years without a case of wild polio being detected, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday, a significant milestone in the quest to eradicate the disease.

The continent's last case of polio caused by the wild virus was detected on 21 August 2016 in Nigeria. Africa is expected to be certified free of wild polio by early next year following an independent evaluation process, however vaccine-derived cases of the disease still pose a challenge.

Once Africa is declared free of the disease, five of the WHO's six regions will be free of wild polio. Only what the WHO calls the Eastern Mediterranean is still fighting the disease, with polio still endemic in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Polio remains a problem globally and a WHO committee designated the disease a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern" in November 2018 due to its risk of international spread.





Facebook shuts dozens of Myanmar social media accounts over “inauthentic behavior”


@ The Reuters, August 22, 2019

Facebook Inc said on Thursday it had shut 216 social media pages, groups and accounts in Myanmar, some tied to the army, to stymie efforts to “manipulate or corrupt public debate”.

The company closed 89 Facebook accounts, 107 pages, 15 groups and five Instagram accounts, some of which had hundreds of thousands of followers, it said in a blogpost.

The social media giant has previously removed hundreds of accounts, including that of Myanmar’s army chief, after criticism it had failed to act on hate speech amid violence against Rohingya Muslims in the country.

The people behind the latest deleted Myanmar accounts repurposed legitimate news and entertainment content and posted about national and local topics, including crime, ethnic relations, celebrities, and the military, it said.

“Although the people behind this activity attempted to conceal their identities, our investigation found that some of this activity was linked to individuals associated with the Myanmar military.”






Europe's next generation of football stars shine across the continent


@ CNN, August 19, 2019

Several of the world's most promising stars shone for their teams across Europe's top leagues this weekend.

Some of the best performances came from Joao Felix, Kai Havertz and precocious 16-year-old talent Eduardo Camavinga.

Angolan teenager Camavinga -- appearing in only his 10th senior game for Ligue 1 side Rennes -- played a starring role in the victory over powerhouse Paris Saint-Germain, assisting for Romain Del Castillo to head home to winner.

In Spain, Felix showed no signs of being weighed down by his hefty $142 million price tag as his dancing feet ran Getafe's defense ragged.After receiving man of the match recognition in the 7-3 pre-season demolition of city rival Real Madrid, Felix began his La Liga career with a performance that showcased his immense talent.

Bayer Leverkusen star Kai Havertz scored a delightful chip in Saturday's opening-day 3-2 victory over Paderborn, becoming the second youngest player in history to reach 25 Bundesliga goals.


一些最好的表演来自于若奥·费利克斯, 凯·哈弗茨和早熟的16岁天才爱德华多·卡马文加。






Trump postpones Denmark trip after Prime Minister refuses to discuss sale of Greenland


@ CNN, August 21, 2019

Less than two weeks before his scheduled trip to Denmark, President Donald Trump announced on Twitter that he has postponed his visit to Copenhagen after the Danish Prime Minister disputed his interest in buying Greenland as "absurd."

Trump has on multiple occasions brought up buying Greenland from the Danish government and the White House counsel's office has looked into the possibility, two sources told CNN last week.

But Frederiksen was not amused, telling the newspaper Sermitsiaq, "Greenland is not for sale. Greenland is not Danish. Greenland belongs to Greenland."

Trump and first lady Melania Trump had accepted an invitation to visit Her Majesty Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, and he had been expected to participate in a series of bilateral meetings and meet with business leaders, according to the White House.

It's unclear whether the postponement will affect his scheduled visit to Warsaw, Poland -- part of the same trip -- where he is to attend commemorative ceremonies and visit memorial sites for the 80th anniversary of the beginning of World War II.






“People were hiding”: Bangladesh bid to repatriate Rohingya stalls as refugees refuse


@ The Reuters, August 22, 2019

An attempt to begin repatriating thousands of Rohingya Muslims living in camps in Bangladesh stalled on Thursday after nearly 300 refugee families refused to go back to Myanmar, almost a year after a similar effort failed amid protests. The United Nations says the crackdown in Myanmar’s western region was carried out with “genocidal intent”.

Although Myanmar authorities say they are ready to receive any who return, one of the 295 families consulted until now have agreed to go back, said a Bangladesh relief official, Mohammad Abul Kalam.

32-year-old Sayedul Haque discovered his name on the list for repatriation but refused to go and said:“I felt afraid of the Myanmar government, as though I was back there.”

Many refugees say they want to return home, but under specific conditions, including guarantees of citizenship and security and improvements in the lives of Rohingya still in Myanmar.





版面编辑 | 黄子洋

责任编辑 | 余 昉

关于作者: luda

