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[00336015.03]ADJ .又丑又丑。可恶的


[00336023.37]ABBR .英国


[00336029.84]n .[c]雨伞


[00336033.73]adj .不是。我做不到。无能

[00336039.30]he named the chemical found in the mould " penicillin "

[00336043.76]and tried to make it pure to be a medicine,but was unable to do that。


[00336053.20]adj .无法忍受。不能接受


[00336059.54]adj .难以置信

[01336002 . 15]uncertain

[01336003.83]adj .不确定

[01336005 . 86]when I was a tee nager,I felt that I was just young and uncertain。


[01:15.90] n. [c]叔父、伯父、舅舅


[01336023.42]adj .不舒服

[01336026 . 19]he had had a long and uncomfortable trip,for he had been

[01336030.68]confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours。


[01336038.65]adj .无条件、绝对


[01:45.13] adj .昏迷、无意识

[01336049 . 43]you might make an unconscious statement about yourself

[01:53.14]that you do not want to make!



[02336002.22]under ground

[02336004.07]adj .地下adv .地面n .地铁



[02336017.08]a biblical idiom is often an expression that underlines

[02336020.24]the moral of a story and gives the audiences a picture

[02336023.77]to help them understand the story better。



[02:37.92]when you are in contact with people from different cultures,

[02336042 . 18]it is important to understand what you can and can ' t do。

[02336047.93]under take

[02:50.72] v .负担,从事担保工作

[02336056.28]under wear

[02336058.32]n .[u]内衣


[0:02.32]n .[u]失业;失业率失业人数














[03:44.85]The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage!




[04:00.27]vt.& vi.联结 vi. 团结;联合

[04:06.40]In 221 BC, Emperor Qinshihuang united China,

[04:10.88]but his dynasty didn’t last very long.









[04:43.94]You play to win, and the game has little meaning

[04:48.22]unless you do your utmost to win.


[04:55.07]adj.不同的,相异的 prep. 和…不同

[05:01.02]Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters,

[05:05.31]spiders never do the harm to us or our belongs.




[05:22.78]conj.& prep.直到…为止



[05:33.72]He made the unusual choice, for a Chinese person,

[05:37.64]of choosing his own name as the brand mark.




[05:53.60]adv.向上,在上 prep. 向…上面



[06:06.43]The sextant was the updated version of the astrolabe

[06:11.28]and quadrant which reduced the tendency to make mistakes.











[06:43.37]There are old buildings, churches, narrow streets and alleys,

[06:47.48]all alongside glass and steel and concrete skyscrapers reaching upwards.




[07:00.47]vt.力劝;催促 n. 强烈的欲望

[07:06.43]The bad liar does squirm a little, his body showing a strong urge to escape,

[07:12.00]while held firmly in place by the need to brazen out the lie.



[07:26.47]Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts

[07:30.37]and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.






[07:49.69]vt.利用;使用 vi.& vt. 吸



[08:03.09]You make much more use of university facilities

[08:06.96]when you’re living on campus so this means

[08:10.13]that you’re getting more value from your university fees.



[08:24.41]I have been so occupied getting used to everything

[08:28.72]that I haven’t had time for social activities.





[08:46.35]They claim that the Internet is useless and that using

[08:51.35]the Internet is a waste of time.



[09:03.82]One university did a study about the students

[09:07.75]who had stopped their studies before completing

[09:10.73]a diploma course and found that 43 per cent of

[09:13.92]them were heavy computer users.



[09:23.92]This means I could get up an hour later than usual

[09:28.20]as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.




关于作者: admin

