今天我们说iphone 7。
iPhone 7 发布会
product lanuch
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Special Apple Event
每次苹果发布Tim Cook都会自信满满地说:
It's the best iPhone we've ever created. This is the iPhone7. We really did ourselves this time.
那iPhone 7到底有哪些新功能呢?
1. Color
Why it's so special this time? 为什么这次很特别呢?
Because it has two different types of black. 因为这次多了两种黑色。
a deep, high-gloss jet black 亮黑色
a black with a matte finish 黑色(哑光)
rose gold
一共是5个颜色,传说中的海军蓝(navy blue)并没有出现。
如果你去苹果网站上看,你会发现他们不用color这个词,而是finish。所以他们的宣传语写的是:Two sizes. Five finishes.
2. Airpods
Airpods are wireless headphones. They are all powered by Bluetooth. Airpods 是无线耳机。是用蓝牙驱动的。
I am a fan on one head of wireless headphones. Spencer 是无线耳机的拥趸。
Because all the headphones I've ever had with wires I always broke them. 因为有线耳机总会被我弄坏。
It's messy / tangle. 总会一团乱。
Once you put the wire in a bag, the wire has life its own. 一旦你把有线耳机放进包里,它就像有了生命一般。
It's all in knots / knotted up. 线都打结了。
It's messy / tangle. 总会一团乱,会绕在一起。
I encounter this problem among daily bases. Jenny每天都会遇到这个问题。
Airpods are not included with your phone. Airpods 不是和手机一起售卖的。
That's how they get you. That's how they up-sell you. 这就是让你多付点钱的策略。
You can plunge your old wire headphones into the headphone jack. 不过旧也的可以用。你可以把旧的有线耳机插进一个转换头。
It's like an extra piece equipment.算是一个额外配件。
3. Dual-lens
Dual 是“双”的意思,经常用在科技领域,听起来很高大上,是一个geeky word。或者也可以说:
double camera
double lense
It allows you to zoom 10 times. 双摄像头可以让你十倍变焦。
It gives you really high resolution pictures.可以拍着质量很高的照片。
HD picutres = high definition pictures
telephoto lense 长焦镜头
wide angel 广角镜头
Something costs an arm and a leg. 要买了手和腿才能买!
We do make jokes on selling organs for expensive things. 我们也会开玩笑说要卖了器官才能卖得起很贵的东西。所以如果说卖肾,美国人也能明白。
This thing is so expensive. I think I might have to sell one of my kidney just to get it. 太贵了!我得卖肾才卖得起。
1. 换手机的频率
Chinese seem to buy or upgrade phones a little bit more often. 中国人好像换手机的频率更高一点。
A lot of people like to be fashionable. 很多人希望自己看起来很时髦。
It's more like status symbol. 更像是一种地位象征。
2. 合约机 VS 非合约机
1). Contract Phone
在美国 contract phone (合约机)更常见。你要和运营商签订合同,保证你会在一定的年限里使用他们的手机套餐。而你拿到的手机价格会比较便宜。
You get your phone with a contract. 你的手机是绑着合同的。
They are locked in these 1-2 year long contracts. 美国人常常被1-2年的合同绑住。
The longer with the contract the better deal they give you the phone. 合同越长,你就能拿到越好的手机。
Even if you are on a contract, they might offer some sort of upgrade. 即使你有合同在身,他们还是可能会让你升级手机。
Contract phone with any one of the carriers. It's a locked phone. 和运营商签订了合同的合约机,是锁住的。不能自己插SIM卡。
If you want to be able to take your phone somewhere else and use it by sim card. You can't do it with Version.如果你想带着你的手机去别的地方,用别的SIM卡。你就不能买Version的合约机。
美国的几大运营商(mobile carrier):
A cell phone plan usulally has minutes and a data plan. 手机套餐一般包括了打电话的时间和流量套餐。
Since they are pushing everyone towards these unlimited data plans, Americans pay quite a lot for the cell phone bills. 因为运营商都想方设法让大家购买无限流量套餐,所以美国人的手机费很贵。常常都要100多美金。
2).Unlocked Phone
如果你要非合约机 ,那么你得:
You need to pay full price for the phone. 你必须要全额付款。
You need to pay retail price for the phone. 你必须要按零售价付款。
MSRP = manufacture suggested retail price 建议零售价
Many stores will have a place for the list of product price. 很多商场会有一张商品价目表。
On the left it says MSRP and it will have the price underneath it. But here is the price we give you. 左边写着建议零售价。然后再说:这是我们的价格!
1. 水货
smuggled phone
back channel phone
smuggled goods
2. Go Phone
It's 50, 60 dollars a month. Everything is unlimited,unlimited minutes, unlimited data. 一个月就五、六十美金。流量、电话都是无限的。
短期去美国可以买Go Phone或者也可以用我们中国运营商的漫游服务,也不是很贵。
data roaming: 数据漫游
3. Jail-broken phone 越狱的手机
One of the biggest reasons I stick with apple products and the iPhone is podcasts. 苹果产品提供了非常好的podcast平台。
There is a handful of podcasts that I listen to religiously every day and they are such a huge part by life. Jenny是一些podcast节目的忠实听众,这已经成为了她生活的一部分。
She is locked into Apple ecosystem. 她已经被苹果的生态系统圈粉啦!
Are you excited about it?
Have you pre-ordered it?
Are you a fan of Apple or will you stick in with your Android?