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论文标题:Naked mole-rat transcriptome signatures of socially suppressed sexual maturation and links of reproduction to aging

作者:Martin Bens et al


裸鼹鼠群体由2只具有生殖能力的首领和大约300只没有生殖能力的工鼠组成。对于首领而言,繁殖会造成额外的能量消耗,鼠后在生育的基础上还要进行哺乳,本应因此削减寿命,但它们的寿命却比工鼠更长,且终生保有繁殖能力。德国莱布尼茨老年化研究所的研究者们调查了这一悖论背后的遗传学机制,他们的发现近期发表在了开放获取期刊《BMC生物学》(BMC Biology)上。

图片来源:Theron Trowbridge on Vi / CC BY-NC

研究的通讯作者Martin Bens博士说:“我们的研究结果显示,当裸鼹鼠成熟发育出繁殖能力时,它们的衰老速率也同时被改变了,即首领能够比工鼠活得更久。这很让人吃惊,因为从其他物种身上找到的证据都表明,繁殖虽然对整个物种的生存有益,但却会削减个体的寿命。可是在裸鼹鼠中,生殖似乎可以延长寿命。这与哺乳动物要么将资源用来延长寿命、要么用来繁育后代的普遍认知相悖。”






在同一天发表在《BMC生物学》上的另一个研究《肝脏蛋白质组的物种间比较揭示其与裸鼹鼠长寿及人类衰老的联系》(Species comparison of liver proteomes reveals links to naked mole-rat longevity and human aging)中,Bens博士与同事比较了裸鼹鼠和豚鼠的肝脏,以进一步研究裸鼹鼠长寿背后的分子机理。

这个研究的通讯作者Alessandro Ori说:“我们发现裸鼹鼠的肝脏在线粒体蛋白的表达上呈现出了一种特别的模式,导致它们的线粒体具备一些与众不同的代谢特征,其中包括较高的脂肪酸利用能力。我们还成功证明,无论是裸鼹鼠还是人类,在衰老过程中受影响的分子网络是类似的,这表明这些网络和这两个物种的长寿之间可能有直接的联系,必经按照体重估算他们的寿命本应短得多。”



Naked mole-rats (NMRs) are eusocially organized in colonies. Although breeders carry the additional metabolic load of reproduction, they are extremely long-lived and remain fertile throughout their lifespan. This phenomenon contrasts the disposable soma theory of aging stating that organisms can invest their resources either in somatic maintenance, enabling a longer lifespan, or in reproduction, at the cost of longevity. Here, we present a comparative transcriptome analysis of breeders vs. non-breeders of the eusocial, long-lived NMR vs. the polygynous and shorter-lived guinea pig (GP).


Comparative transcriptome analysis of tissue samples from ten organs showed, in contrast to GPs, low levels of differentiation between sexes in adult NMR non-breeders. After transition into breeders, NMR transcriptomes are markedly sex-specific, show pronounced feedback signaling via gonadal steroids, and have similarities to reproductive phenotypes in African cichlid fish, which also exhibit social status changes between dominant and subordinate phenotypes. Further, NMRs show functional enrichment of status-related expression differences associated with aging. Lipid metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation—molecular networks known to be linked to aging—were identified among most affected gene sets. Remarkably and in contrast to GPs, transcriptome patterns associated with longevity are reinforced in NMR breeders.


Our results provide comprehensive and unbiased molecular insights into interspecies differences between NMRs and GPs, both in sexual maturation and in the impact of reproduction on longevity. We present molecular evidence that sexual maturation in NMRs is socially suppressed. In agreement with evolutionary theories of aging in eusocial organisms, we have identified transcriptome patterns in NMR breeders that—in contrast to the disposable soma theory of aging—may slow down aging rates and potentially contribute to their exceptional long life- and healthspan.


关于作者: admin

