Food is the first necessity of the people.
中华饮食文化历史悠久,博大精深,拥有Eight Major Varieties of Chinese Cuisine(八大菜系)······此处省略10W+个字。
Foodie可以指“a person keenly interested in food, especially in eating or cooking (对饮食或烹饪有强烈兴趣的人)”,也可以指“a devotee of healthy gourmet cooking and eating (热爱美食和烹饪的人)”。
Foodie除了作名词以外,还可用作形容词,表示和吃货、美食相关的东西,比如:San Francisco is a foodie capital of the USA.(旧金山是美国吃货之都。)
另一个和“吃货”比较接近的词是food snob。Snob和“货”一样,本身也带有贬义,指代自我感觉良好的人。
Food snob在词典中的释义: a person who doesn’t make that much money, but turns their nose up at any convenience foods ...
“形容词+ eater”构成的词,也可以用来形容贪吃的人,如strong eater、big eater、picky eater (挑剔的吃货)、compulsive eater (欲罢不能的吃货)。
这类人是food snob 2.0,在这方面,英语词汇更为丰富一些,常见的表达有gourmet、gastronome、epicure、connoisseur等。这些词由法语演变而来,更加的高大上一些。
Gourmet是指“a person who cultivates a discriminating palate for the enjoyment of good food and drink”,“美食家”,有灵敏的味觉,喜欢美食美酒。该词常用作形容词,形容与美食相关的东西。
Gastronome由法语gastronomie演变而来,指“someone who enjoys preparing and eating good food, especially unusual or expensive food”,这样的人喜欢做美食,吃美食,尤其是不同寻常的、昂贵的美食。很容易让人想起广东人这个特殊的吃货群体啊,感觉他们可以来一场跨国的碰撞。
Connoisseur是“鉴赏家、专家”的意思,指“a person who is especially competent to pass critical judgments in an art, particularly one of the fine arts, or in matters of taste.”
Epicure意为“老饕、美食家”,指“someone who enjoys eating food that is of very good quality, especially unusual or rare food”。